I dont understand why im always so tired...



  • Squirrely_Girl
    Get your thyroid and adrenals checked
  • bethiemarie1
    bethiemarie1 Posts: 2 Member
    Some people need more sleep than others. I personally need 9-91/2 hours of sleep! Always have since I was a kid. Other factors could also be stress, depression, and if you are on any medications they could cause it. Even birth control pills can cause it.
  • Bree1212
    Bree1212 Posts: 6 Member
    I "JUST" went though this. Check out "Adrenal Fatigue". I just spent about $2000 at the Dr on teststo find out what is wrong with me. I am now taking supplements to help. Maybe you have that too????
  • mudmonkeyonwheels
    mudmonkeyonwheels Posts: 426 Member
    Could be chronic fatigue syndrome/adrenal fatigue? Doctors are pretty slack as recognizing this as a legitimate problem but if you go see you doc, rule out anemia, thyroid etc first then they may look into chronic fatigue. Don't worry about all of the people saying things like you sleep too much and that is making you tired, etc, sometimes your body gets run down and you need that extra sleep. People who have not been through it don't understand.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    Please get seen by your doctor to see what the issue may be. Lets just say that it is your iron that is low, it can be so low that pills or injections will not help. You may be so low that it may require a blood transfusion or an iron infusion. That is what happened to me. Every 2 1/2 to 3 years, for that past 8 years or so, I had to get blood transfusion or an iron infusion. I usually know about the time when I am due for it, by my decreased energy level, palpitations, always being cold and chewing of the ice. I also had/have low vitamin D, which have some similar side effects. I was very low (vitamin D) that they put me on something like 40,000 IU, once a week, I do not recall off hand the exact amount, but I can tell you this, with the two deficiency taking care of, I barely sleep now....lol. Please, go see what the issue may be, so that you can start feeling better.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    Could be chronic fatigue syndrome/adrenal fatigue? Doctors are pretty slack as recognizing this as a legitimate problem but if you go see you doc, rule out anemia, thyroid etc first then they may look into chronic fatigue. Don't worry about all of the people saying things like you sleep too much and that is making you tired, etc, sometimes your body gets run down and you need that extra sleep. People who have not been through it don't understand.
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    On the days you log, it looks like you're eating 800-900 calories. This could be a potential problem.

  • Gimmeafrappuccino
    Gimmeafrappuccino Posts: 10 Member
    I agree with the person who said to increase your exercise. Whenever I take a break from exercise I get really tired all of the time. Then I get on a fitness kick and my energy increases. I wish I would stop taking breaks from exercise!! Good luck
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    I think you need a checkup with your doctor. Could be anaemia or low iron stores, you could have an underactive thyroid, early pregnancy always made me wiped out.

    I agree, see a doctor and rule out illness. Other than that, you could be stuck in a rut with too much sleep and the wrong kind of food, which will make you exhausted. Be sure you aren't dehydrated. That will exhaust you.
  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    it has nothing to do with what i eat... i only log in half of my stuff sometimes... and most days i dont log in at all... i am eating around 1600 so it has nothing to do with what i eat... i think it might be my thyroid or iron... im going to start taking supplements and see if it has to do with that

    Before you start taking supplements it's a good idea to go to your Doctor and get your blood work done because;

    a) You'll be wasting money by taking things that you don't need
    b) It could be any number of things so how will you know what to take
    c) Things like iron can build up in your system and cause just as many problems as being defficient.

    Exactly!! You can't just swallow some random pills on a "poke and hope" basis and expect to feel better. You really need to get proper medical advice, so PLEASE go and see your doctor.
  • ashleegil
    ashleegil Posts: 26
    Could be seasonal depression, or just plain old run of the mill depression. Definitely have you levels checked but if they are normal I would see if your doctor can recommend a very low dose antidepressant. :)
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    i sleep a lot... i dont know why... for example last night i went to bed at 12 and woke up at 12... isnt that ridiculous... and if i were to stop moving around right now i could take a nap... am i lacking something? i eat right ive been working out i dont get it...

    I'm sorry, but I've got to ask. Do you work? Or work odd hours? How is it that you can sleep in until 12 on a Monday?

    I'm asking not to judge, but if you don't have a reason to get up in the morning maybe you are sleeping because you are bored? And if you work a crazy schedule at odd hours, maybe it's just your body catching up?