Any Suggestions?

I eat clean throughout monday-thursday, but on friday I like to eat something that is a little naughty, like a mcflurry, donut, cupcake, as long as if fits in my macros and daily caloric limit. However, this friday night is my boyfriends birthday and we are going to an italian buffet. Although I will be making some healthy choices, will I gain weight if I allow myself to splurge, especially on dessert like i always do? I don't want to track my calories on this day and ruin the day by thinking about what I am eating and how much of it! So, is a monthly splurge really going to pack on the pounds along with a weekly treat? Btw, I am in maintenance mode!


  • fitnotskinnyxo
    fitnotskinnyxo Posts: 38 Member
  • Shereta5
    Shereta5 Posts: 13
    Well, I think it will depend on what the splurge actually is, what else you've eaten that day and how active you are or have been.

    Either way, this is your way of life. Eat what you want. You're in maintenance mode, so if you gain, you already have the knowledge and determination to take the weight back off. Good luck and enjoy.:heart:
  • I am of the mindset that no one can be good all time. Allow yourself the splurge and then get back to it.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    If it takes 3500 calories to add a pound of fat, could you eat that much above your TDEE in one meal out? Think about it.
  • Dawn4511
    Dawn4511 Posts: 22 Member
    You need to enjoy yourself and let go everyone once in a while. The important thing is getting back on track the day after. What seems to happen to most people is one day of treats/splurge leads to a week, then a month. One day will not cause weight gain, even if you eat 3500 extra it would be a pound.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Enjoy yourself.

    As I'm reaching maintenance I have plenty more splurges and it hasn't held me back :)

    If it's going to make you feel terrible and guilty then it's not worth it. I enjoy my splurges! Yes, I gain a couple of lbs of water weight so don't weigh in for a couple of days and you probably won't even notice!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you are maintaining and you eat more than your allotted calories then you will gain weight.

    i look at my weekly net, not daily (i am in maintenance too) and make sure that at the end of the week i am hitting my goal +/- 100 cals.

    so eat under 100 cals or so a couple of days before, do an extra workout, and you're good to go!

    one meal wont make you gain 10lbs (unless you manage to eat 35,000 cals, which is unlikely!!!)
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    Everyone has a little splurge sometimes and there will always be days where temptation will be too much. You could workout a little longer this week or maybe bank a few calories to use on Friday or just enjoy yourself and if you gain a lb deal with it next week.

    Does the restaurant have nutritional info online? Maybe you could look up the calories in things they usually serve and have a better idea of what to head for at the buffet. I gather proper Italians (not pizza places) serve a lot of fish-which is good for you. If its pizza go for thin crusts loaded with veggies.

    I will be having the same dilemma next week when a new Hungry Horse opens near me next week but I've already decided that I will eat what I want and enjoy myself just that one day as there is nothing healthy on the menu that I eat there anyway lol
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think you shoud log it anyway - but do nto worry too much about one special dinner/dinner. Remember that you are in a deficit the rest of the week, so the likely worst case scenario is you do not lose as much weight for a week. Enjoy your dinner within reason and track it so you know what the numbers look like.
  • fitnotskinnyxo
    fitnotskinnyxo Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you all for your replies. The restaurant I am going to has no nutritional information on the website so I will eat clean the entire day on friday and maybe bank some calories for the next few days so the damage won't be too bad. And even if it is, I don't do it all the time so I won't stress out too much about it. <3
  • bakemma
    bakemma Posts: 161 Member
    It doesn't take one day to gain weight just like it doesn't take one day to lose it. One day off the bandwagon won't hurt you. Enjoy yourself!
  • fitnotskinnyxo
    fitnotskinnyxo Posts: 38 Member
    Is this alright even if I usually eat a treat on fridays anyway?