my water consumption.....



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Drink when you are thirsty, stop when you aren't. Stop worrying about an arbitrary number that has absolutely no bearing on health or reality. Just stay hydrated, whether it takes 3 cups or 12 cups is unimportant. there are absolutely zero health effects for consuming more water than you need to stay hydrated, and it can in fact be fatal to drink too much (although, realistically, that's usually a combination of electrolyte depletion plus high water intake.)

    How do you know 5 cups isn't enough for you?

    how do you know 5 cups IS? do you have any suggestions for things to add to the water?
    Are you thirsty? Is your urine pale in color (not dark?) Then it's enough. It's not really that complicated.

    Obviously not, since my original question had NOTHING to do with how much to drink... but rather what to do to FLAVOR it
    Actually, your original question was for suggestions on how to improve water intake. My point is that you may not have to improve it. Forgive me for actually answering your question with the truth.
  • JustAGirl0916
    JustAGirl0916 Posts: 1,020
    I sometimes just add lemon or you can put fruit in and let it sit overtnight. See if that is better.
  • JohnnieWifey
    JohnnieWifey Posts: 1 Member
    Those new liquid drink enhancer work GREAT! Plus, get the short bottles of water. You can drink it faster then the big bottle! :smile:
  • PinkyMouse
    PinkyMouse Posts: 37 Member
    avoid as much as possible the cristal light because it increases your appetite/tatse for suggar. add lemon or orange juice or ginger !
  • AbbyPDX
    AbbyPDX Posts: 64 Member
    A tablespoon of this in your glass. I chug mine down! And I hate vinegar, this is just tasty and supposedly good for you.
  • A tablespoon of this in your glass. I chug mine down! And I hate vinegar, this is just tasty and supposedly good for you.

    wow.. thanks for this idea :)
  • Maybe if you just gradually force yourself to drink it although it might not taste so good ( it's obviously quite plain) you will eventually get used to it and won't care. You'll have a greater tolerance for it and will easily be able to drink 8, 10, or however much you need in a day without thinking twice. That's what happened to me. Now it's second nature.

    this is pretty much how I made it to 4-5 glasses a day... but I dont think I have the will power to make it to 8 like this lol
  • slice of orange or chunk of watermelon.

    I think I am going to try oranges and lemons together... That sounds tasty
  • TracyJo93
    TracyJo93 Posts: 197 Member
    Let lemons, limes & oranges soak in a pitcher over night, and then pour from the pitcher throughout the day. Maybe even add cucumbers. It's good!
  • amandaKd94
    amandaKd94 Posts: 12 Member
    Whats the obsession with pure water about ????

    i drink tea, coffee green tea, zero cal soft drinks and they all count as fluid and its easy to hit above 10 cups a day !!!

    Are people suggesting a cup of green tea is useless as "water" and it must be water ???

    Because pure water is going to make it easier to lose the weight... all the other things you listed have sugar and being that I am pre diabetic, none of that is going to be a good look for me... ESPECIALLY not the soft drinks. For me its not an obsession, but making good decisions.

  • Does anyone know the true definition of '8 cups a day' ??
    I drink about 2 litres of water a day this the right amount? or do I need to drink more?
  • amandaKd94
    amandaKd94 Posts: 12 Member
    When I feel that it's not possible to drink another drop of water I add a couple of drops of MIO.
  • alicecorsiatto
    alicecorsiatto Posts: 35 Member
    I find I drink a lot more when I use a straw.

    For whatever reason, it just goes down easier.

    ^ This! I have a 24 oz contigo water bottle that comes with a straw and i can easily drink 6-8 of those a day.
  • mazekah
    mazekah Posts: 52
    Research shows that using an artifical sweetener causes weight gain. (Harvard School of Public Health and Purdue University). I'm trying something lately that might help - sparkling water with a splash of lemon juice and a sprinkle of real stevia - the green stuff. In small, small doses it is quite sweet. More than that it is bitter. It's the only safe sweetener out there. Good luck!
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    I second the straw recommendation.

    I am okay drinking in a glass, I will get 4-5 glasses a day. If I drink out of my water bottle with a straw (built in straw) I get over 10 glasses. I fill up the bottle with ice, pour water over it, and drink away! I will refill usually before ice has melted. It has seriously upped my water intake. I also do better with something like the smart water bottles that have those pop type caps on them (I have no idea how to describe them). Straw still seems to be the best though.
  • k916and
    k916and Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not big on drinking plain water all of the time, especially in the morning. I constantly have a pitcher of water in my refrigerator with cucumbers, lemon and mint leaves. It is delicious and very refreshing. Also if you just want a little sweetness in a drink you can make flavored ice cubes. Get creative use Crystal Light, juice or water & add fresh fruit and mint. Then freeze and drop them in your water whenever you want.
  • k916and
    k916and Posts: 27 Member
    Does anyone know the true definition of '8 cups a day' ??
    I drink about 2 litres of water a day this the right amount? or do I need to drink more?
    I used to think that 6-8 glasses was enough but talked with a nutritionist who said to take your body weight and divide it in half & that is the # of ounces to drink daily. Google it. There are so many benefits of water from natural detoxifier to clearing skin that when I feel like not drinking anymore I keep going.
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    Based on the original post, I am wondering if you are drinking tap water, or if not, what kind of water?

    The flavor or water can vary considerably. For instance, I dislike the taste of Dasani, which is Coca-cola's engineered version of mineral water. I love the flavor of Evian, a natural light mineral water. There are all sorts of varieties. Bottled water can be an expensive habit. Still, you might want to find a trusted brand that you like, try a few. I suspect you will find some that taste better to you.

    I wouldn't consume a lot of straight tap-water. It is chlorinated, awful taste, and has been clearly linked to bladder cancer. However, treating it with a Brita filter pitcher, or the equivalent, usually improves the flavor and removes the chlorine.

    Oh my, it's finally happened. WATER has been linked to cancer. Well, I'm doomed then.

    I don't drink tap water where I currently live because it tastes vile- our water in west Texas is heavy in iron and various other nastiness, and I figure if it tastes bad and turns clothing in the washer brown, it's not really wise to drink it. But when I lived up north in New York (upstate), the tap water tasted fantastic- when I go to visit family, I drink bucket loads of tap water. I don't have cancer either... hm.

    Okay, all snarkiness aside, it's okay to get 'water' from food sources and other beverages. It makes no difference where the water comes from (a carrot versus a glass). The trouble most Americans have with sufficient water intake from their diet is, well, a crappy diet. If you eat lots of fruits and veggies, you'll be fine drinking less than 8- 8oz glasses of water per day if you live in a temperate climate. However, if you live in an extreme climate, your water needs will vary.

    Flavor water with fruit- and kind really. Citrus (of any kind) well washed and sliced is my favorite.
  • Thanks!! :)
  • Does anyone know the true definition of '8 cups a day' ??
    I drink about 2 litres of water a day this the right amount? or do I need to drink more?

    well if converted, 2 liters equals 8.4 cups a day, so you meet the requirement