my water consumption.....

well quite frankly, it just SUCKS.... I have never been a water fan, I must be honest. The most I can get in is 5 glasses a day. I really want to improve this. Any suggestions? Is there anything I can do to help with the flavor that wont eventually kill me (aspartame- crystal light, etc) or add on the extra sugar, that I dont need?


  • chellendannyhollie
    I use Crystal light single packets sometimes and they are 2 servings a packet for a total of 10 calories. 1 packet works perfect for a 16 oz water bottle. I only use these every once in a while. I usually just drink regular water with the juice of a lemon in it.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    a slice of lemon :)

    or soak a cucumber in a pitcher of water overnight!
    I find cold water the easiest to drink!
  • ladyshands
    a slice of lemon :)

    or soak a cucumber in a pitcher of water overnight!
    I find cold water the easiest to drink!

    I can only drink it cold lol... I thought I was the only one
  • themelmac
    themelmac Posts: 59 Member
    I find I drink a lot more when I use a straw.

    For whatever reason, it just goes down easier.
  • chellendannyhollie
    Thanks for posting this question about water because I didn't know the crystal light contained anything bad but now I know.
  • ladyshands
    Thanks for posting this question about water because I didn't know the crystal light contained anything bad but now I know.

    yes! I never used it and dont plan to start after the things that I have read about it. Aspartame over time can do more harm than good.
  • veronikaf
    veronikaf Posts: 18 Member
    hey! i know how you feel, sometimes the 8 glasses of water seems like a lot. i try and fit it in by adding lemon juice (i would add lemons but i'm too lazy to buy them just for that purpose and lemon juice works the same way imo), or there are many ways you can make your own all-natural flavoured water at home! this link is my favourite for when i'm looking for something different:
    hope this helps!
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    mint tea bags, especially refreshing if it's hot outside.
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    a slice of lemon :)

    or soak a cucumber in a pitcher of water overnight!
    I find cold water the easiest to drink!

    I can only drink it cold lol... I thought I was the only one

    Same here. Hate room temp water. I too, have a hard time drinking enough water. I do find that lemon slices help, as does drinking tea (hot or cold) with no added sugar...usually light fruity blends.
  • ladyshands
    mint tea bags, especially refreshing if it's hot outside.

    I hate tea lol... plus I am concerned about caffeine
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I carry a bottle of water with me constantly. I have several cute ones that my sisters-in-law gave me as presents one year. I bring four of them to work because the water on campus is foul and occasionally contaminated with E. coli. I tried bringing in a two gallon jug every Monday, but this works better for me. And it is cheaper :~

    Unlike others, I prefer my water more room temperature. As a matter of fact, we keep frozen bananas in the ice maker in our freezer.

    I use flavorings rarely. The most frequent is lemon juice, followed by electrolyte replacements by NUUN and CamelPak, followed by the store brand version of Crystal Light. Perhaps you could try alternating: one bottle of clear water, one bottle of flavored.
  • ladyshands
    a slice of lemon :)

    or soak a cucumber in a pitcher of water overnight!
    I find cold water the easiest to drink!

    I can only drink it cold lol... I thought I was the only one

    Same here. Hate room temp water. I too, have a hard time drinking enough water. I do find that lemon slices help, as does drinking tea (hot or cold) with no added sugar...usually light fruity blends.

    yea I started adding lemon here lately... its pretty good. I was looking for some extra ideas to shake it up a bit.
  • ladyshands
    I carry a bottle of water with me constantly. I have several cute ones that my sisters-in-law gave me as presents one year. I bring four of them to work because the water on campus is foul and occasionally contaminated with E. coli. I tried bringing in a two gallon jug every Monday, but this works better for me. And it is cheaper :~

    Unlike others, I prefer my water more room temperature. As a matter of fact, we keep frozen bananas in the ice maker in our freezer.

    I use flavorings rarely. The most frequent is lemon juice, followed by electrolyte replacements by NUUN and CamelPak, followed by the store brand version of Crystal Light. Perhaps you could try alternating: one bottle of clear water, one bottle of flavored.

    OMG@ contaminated water. Thats horrible! I bring a huge bottle too, but I still have to make myself drink it. No fun! I guess such is life. I have actually heard that drinking water at a warmer temp can help you lose weight faster. Do not know how true that is, but I just cannot get with the warm water lol
  • Fit_French
    Fit_French Posts: 134 Member
    I find I drink a lot more when I use a straw.

    For whatever reason, it just goes down easier.

    This, plus ice cold and in a tumbler. Idk why but I drink more if it's not out of a bottle or regular cup
  • ladyshands
    hey! i know how you feel, sometimes the 8 glasses of water seems like a lot. i try and fit it in by adding lemon juice (i would add lemons but i'm too lazy to buy them just for that purpose and lemon juice works the same way imo), or there are many ways you can make your own all-natural flavoured water at home! this link is my favourite for when i'm looking for something different:
    hope this helps!

    yes thank you for the link! I will definitely check it out
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    Whats the obsession with pure water about ????

    i drink tea, coffee green tea, zero cal soft drinks and they all count as fluid and its easy to hit above 10 cups a day !!!

    Are people suggesting a cup of green tea is useless as "water" and it must be water ???
  • ladyshands
    Whats the obsession with pure water about ????

    i drink tea, coffee green tea, zero cal soft drinks and they all count as fluid and its easy to hit above 10 cups a day !!!

    Are people suggesting a cup of green tea is useless as "water" and it must be water ???

    Because pure water is going to make it easier to lose the weight... all the other things you listed have sugar and being that I am pre diabetic, none of that is going to be a good look for me... ESPECIALLY not the soft drinks. For me its not an obsession, but making good decisions.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    You could try lemon and stevia..stevia is a natural sweetner and it taste really good and healthy for you. :)
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    Whats the obsession with pure water about ????

    i drink tea, coffee green tea, zero cal soft drinks and they all count as fluid and its easy to hit above 10 cups a day !!!

    Are people suggesting a cup of green tea is useless as "water" and it must be water ???

    Because pure water is going to make it easier to lose the weight... all the other things you listed have sugar and being that I am pre diabetic, none of that is going to be a good look for me... ESPECIALLY not the soft drinks. For me its not an obsession, but making good decisions.

    The key word is liquid !

    There s no sugar in my tea, nor coffee nor soft drinks and if i fancy something sweet it will be zero cal sweetner !!!! I cant believe you think pure water is essential and differs from a tea because when both hit your stomach they ll just be part of a unpure liquid mess in there ready to digest ...!!!!
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Have you tried flavored seltzers? Polar brand are all natural. I've actually switched to a sodastream at home to not have to lug all the bottles and cans back and forth.

    Also cucumber water is wonderful, as is adding mint leaves. I have a water diffuser pitcher that keeps the add-ins in place and all I get the then nicely flavored water!