my water consumption.....



  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    The only times I drink water voluntarily is if I am at the gym or if it is ICE COLD. I need my water (besides when I working out, I will drink it any way then) to be filled with ice cubes. I also use just a HALF packet of crystal light, I don't like it too sweet. I will also try putting a couple of lemons in it. One of my gym instructors puts a leaf of fresh mint, sliced cucumber and lemon in her water, she said it is delicious and acts as a detox....I hate that word lol
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    I have one of the Keurig Brew Over Ice cups(20 oz.) with a straw. The straw really did the trick, I can just suck the water down. However I read that using a straw makes the same facial expressions as smoking a cigarette and can increase mouth lines so they suggest drinking off to the side.

    I also make deals with myself. Before I can take a hot shower/bath I have to down a whole cup of water. If I am going to have a 2nd cup of coffee I have to drink a glass of water first.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I like "True Lemon", "True Lime" or "True Orange"
    All natural dehydrated juice one packet equals one slice...

    Also years ago I went to a nutritionist who said 1 (8oz) glass of water for every 25lbs of body weight is fine. So I generally don't stress about intake. (Makes more sense to me than the 8 x 8oz rule. I would think some who is 100lbs wouldn't need as much water as someone who is 300 lbs)

    Read a recent study, (by cornell I think) saying that it was okay to count coffee as water. And that the difference in hydration is only slightly less that water, not enough to stress over. Coffee does not dehydrate you.
  • Pipenny
    Pipenny Posts: 27 Member
    I am not a big water drinker myself. What I started to do to make it easier is I make fruit water. I use a big jug with cut up fruit, (or if you buy frozen fruit, that works too), and I leave it in the fridge over night. I fill up a bog thermos in the morning to bring to work with me. I think the fruit flavor makes it easier to drink cause it taste good. ... I also make goals for myself using my thermos. Like, I need to drink half of it by a certain time and then the rest by a certain time, etc.
  • ladyshands
    I like "True Lemon", "True Lime" or "True Orange"

    All natural dehydrated juice one packet equals one slice...

    you know I tried true lemon before and liked it... it was in a restaurant though in the small packets... where is it sold?
  • ladyshands
    Whats the obsession with pure water about ????

    i drink tea, coffee green tea, zero cal soft drinks and they all count as fluid and its easy to hit above 10 cups a day !!!

    Are people suggesting a cup of green tea is useless as "water" and it must be water ???

    Because pure water is going to make it easier to lose the weight... all the other things you listed have sugar and being that I am pre diabetic, none of that is going to be a good look for me... ESPECIALLY not the soft drinks. For me its not an obsession, but making good decisions.

    The key word is liquid !

    There s no sugar in my tea, nor coffee nor soft drinks and if i fancy something sweet it will be zero cal sweetner !!!! I cant believe you think pure water is essential and differs from a tea because when both hit your stomach they ll just be part of a unpure liquid mess in there ready to digest ...!!!!

    regardless of what you say... I DON'T LIKE TEA and have stated that before in this thread... and I do not drink coffee. So I am good on this! Thanks but no thanks
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I love a cucumber in my water. It takes away any icky flavors that might in there and gives it a nice crisp refreshing taste. I too struggle with drinking enough water, but not because I hate the taste, but because there are just other things I like to drink. Mostly tea and coffee. I now make myself drink a glass between each cup of team/coffee to ensure I get enough water.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    a slice of lemon :)

    or soak a cucumber in a pitcher of water overnight!
    I find cold water the easiest to drink!

    I can only drink it cold lol... I thought I was the only one

    Same here. Hate room temp water. I too, have a hard time drinking enough water. I do find that lemon slices help, as does drinking tea (hot or cold) with no added sugar...usually light fruity blends.

    yea I started adding lemon here lately... its pretty good. I was looking for some extra ideas to shake it up a bit.

    Yay!!! I love water so I didn't need the lemon, I down water like mad hot or cold!!! But the lemon wakes me up in the morning, and gives me a vitamin C boost ;) I control myself from drinking too much because constantly having peeing urges is annoying lol!!
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    My advice is to always have a litre bottle with you, whether it's in your bag or on your desk at work! If I didn't have mine with me I wouldn't drink half as much as I do! And if you really struggle with the taste try adding a slice of lemon or lime to it, or even a tiny amount of no added sugar squash, just to give it a hint of flavouring!
  • ladyshands
    The only times I drink water voluntarily is if I am at the gym or if it is ICE COLD. I need my water (besides when I working out, I will drink it any way then) to be filled with ice cubes. I also use just a HALF packet of crystal light, I don't like it too sweet. I will also try putting a couple of lemons in it. One of my gym instructors puts a leaf of fresh mint, sliced cucumber and lemon in her water, she said it is delicious and acts as a detox....I hate that word lol

    Mint leaf... hmmm... thats a pretty good idea :)
  • JennyJo23
    JennyJo23 Posts: 33
    When I work out I drink a bottle of water, to me as long as it's wet while working out you will drink it. I then carry a bottle with me at work all day long with a spare one in the fridge. For lunch and dinner I drink some homemade brewed tea with a little sugar in it just to get a different flavor other than water. Then I play alot of ball so 4 nights a week it's easy to drink water as I need it to moisten my throat. I do agree though cold water is the best!!
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    There are a few fruits that are low on the glycemic index that might taste nice too.
  • Isaanne
    Isaanne Posts: 41 Member
    I have been working on this and I find when I am conscious about it I do better. What other posters have said about telling yourself to drink water before you do XX or drink something else etc.

    At work have a camelback water bottle that has a straw. 32 oz and I try and drink at least 1 sometimes 2 during the day. Then I don't worry about it the rest of the time.

    I prefer stevia as a sweetener for everything now and there is a kind of crystal light that is hard to find called "pure" that is sweetened with stevia, and that is good to add sometimes.

    At restaurants I think to myself that I want to get at least one refill!

    If I don't think about it I reflect and find I did not drink hardly at all. So it is something I have to work at.

    I like herbal teas like mint, "weightliess", and yogi teas but I have those before bed in the evening
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    I notice I drink more water when its really cold. I bought a refillable glass with a straw from Walmart that holds 36 oz. I fill it to the top with ice and then put in water. I also bring ice with me to work. When I really need flavor I add lemon or limes and sometimes Mio (Orange tangerine is my favorite)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    What works the best for me is to make a bargain with myself. I don't get to eat meals until I drink 1 pint of water. I have 4 meals per day, so that equals 64 ounces.
  • trinna5
    trinna5 Posts: 2
    I put a splash of 100% cranberry juice or other juice you like and it flavors it just enough with no added sugar (except from fruit) and no artificial sweeteners
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    I try to use bigger glasses that hold 3 or 4 cups of water that way it seems like I am not drinking as much. It tricks my brain to drink more.
  • saralayne42
    saralayne42 Posts: 27 Member
    I like to add a little bit of apple juice (an ounce or so) to my water. I don't do it often, just when my brain says "something different please!" I also agree with previous posters - my water simply must be ice cold. It must also have a straw. I drink so much faster through a straw :D
    I found several recipes on Pinterest for flavoring water without the artificial stuff. My very favorite sushi place serves water with cucumber slices in it - I am always shocked at the difference it makes. Very refreshing.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Eight glasses of water a day an urban myth'?

    Water and a well-balanced diet 'do far more than water alone,' Australian researcher says

    CBC News

    Posted: Jun 10, 2012 12:51 AM ET

    Last Updated: Jun 10, 2012 12:48 AM ET

    The common advice to drink eight glasses of water a day doesn't hold water, say nutrition and kidney specialists who want to dispel the myth.

    "What drove us to drink two litres of water a day?" asks an editorial in this week's issue of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.

    The recommendation was driven by vested interests rather than health, suggests author Speros Tsindos of the department of dietetics and human nutrition at La Trobe University in Victoria, Australia.
    Other beverages also help us meet the body's fluid needs, say nutrition specialists. (Aaron Harris/Canadian Press)
    "Humans need to maintain fluid balance and need to drink water when required, but should also consider fluid in unprocessed fruits and vegetables and juices. There is further evidence that water and a well-balanced diet does far more than water alone," Tsindos wrote.

    "Water is important for health; however, the recommendation of eight glasses of pure water per day appears an overestimation of requirements."

    Even a baked potato is 75 per cent water, said nutrition Prof. Susan Barr of the University of British Columbia, who sat on a Canadian-U.S. committee that looked at fluid intake.

    "There's nothing magical about water from a glass of water as opposed to water from a food or any other beverage," Barr said.

    Drinking caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee do not lead to dehydration, said Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a nephrologist at the University of Pennsylvania who reviewed research claims on drinking eight glasses of water and studied how the kidneys handle it.

    Let thirst guide you

    "Drinking the coffee will count towards your total water intake for the day," Goldfarb said.

    Goldfarb said despite the common idea that it's important to "drink eight glasses of eight ounces of water" a day, "There’s no evidence that benefits health in any real way and it really represents an urban myth."

    There's no evidence you need to drink more water than what thirst dictates, Goldfarb added.

    Studies on desert nomads showed people can consume minimal amounts of water in harsh environments. The military has also looked at how much water soldiers need to take with them when patrolling in hot climates without harming their performance.

    "If one is just playing a game of tennis in an indoor facility, for example, or having a short run on a treadmill in an air-conditioned gym, the need to maintain hydration during that is just non-existent," Goldfarb advised.

    People have died of dehydration and from drinking too much water too quickly.

    A good guide to tell if the body’s finely tuned fluid balance is to check the colour of your urine. If it's very dark, you're on the dry side; if it's very light or translucent, then you need to drink a bit less water, said Dr. David Price, head of family medicine at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ont.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I like "True Lemon", "True Lime" or "True Orange"

    All natural dehydrated juice one packet equals one slice...

    you know I tried true lemon before and liked it... it was in a restaurant though in the small packets... where is it sold?

    Don't know what stores are around you.
    I've seen it in Shop-Rite (my local supermarket) and oddly enough in Christmas Tree Shoppes as well.
    It does come in a box of small packets, which I find convenient to keep in my desk at work.