9 week weight loss challenge



  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    can I join? I know i'm late but I need a motivating challenge to take me into summer! i'm going to visit my sister around july 4th and would love to enjoy the benefits of a consistent diet/workout

    my stats:

    name: Ang
    ht: 5'0 aka sixtyinchesoffury :-)
    current weight: 145
    9 week goal: 135
    ugw: 125

    exercise goals:
    daily: 10 minute yoga/stretch 60 min exercise mix of crossfit, walking, dvds
    weekly: 10 miles.......training for the Bolder Boulder on Memorial day it's a 10k I usually walk with my bff but this year I will be hauling my 20 pound daughter on my back so I gotta be ready
    good luck to everyone let's do this!!!
  • I will weigh myself tomorrow at work, (that's the scale I normally utilize for consistency) But for the week I've done Zumba 45min sessions everyday except for yesterday and today. (I normally take one of the weekend days off but in this case it was unscheduled to take both days)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    mistij... That's great that your husband is joining you! Double the motivation! Generally people recommend a steady loss of about 1-2 lbs / week. More than that is too fast, and you will be more likely to gain it back.

    treenuh... Your workouts sound like mine. Some 30DS, some cardio here and there, some strength thrown in... Whatever! It's all good.

    tina... I am loving my elliptical these days. This week it's been my main form of cardio.

    kiki... I bet those twins are keeping you busy! I've added you to the chart.

    6"o'fury... Love the user name. What kind of crossfit stuff do you do? I really don't even know what crossfit is, but it seems to be all the rage - or fury - these days.

    mimi... ZUMBA!!! Love it! I think I will Zumba up a storm for tomorrow's workout!

    As for me, my workouts have been EXCELLENT, but today I not only had some sugars (maple syrup on french toast, and honey - but it was in my strong herbal tea, that is literally not going to be drunk unless it has honey in it!) and then I went a little crazy on my sibling's left over Easter chocolate. Next time I need to hide it in the cupboard. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the start of a great new week, and going out of town on Thursday!
  • MissBum
    MissBum Posts: 71 Member
    Hi ladies, I'd love to join you! I've been having a heck of a time geting motivated lately, lots going on in the homelife and whatnot. I'm pretty sick of not trying and therefore not making any progress! I'm hoping if I get on board with you guys it'll light a fire under my butt to try and keep up =)! I was 180 this morning =(, would like to be 165 by the end of our challenge!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    MissBum... You can do this! I've added you to the list!

    Just another note to everyone to check in by Wednesday afternoon if you want me to update your weights this past week. I weight in tomorrow! (But my eating hasn't been totally on track these past 2 days.)
  • meghanmaeandrews
    meghanmaeandrews Posts: 53 Member
    I just weighed in today down 0.8 lbs so my new current weight is 185.4. Doing pretty good but haven't been making all the best food choices.
  • KahalaGal
    KahalaGal Posts: 112 Member
    HI. Hope you have room for one more.
    I'm around 161.5 - want to get to 140 or 145.
    Looking to get and give support and motivation.

    Starting weight: 161.5

    Please feel free to send a friend request if you choose!
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    I'll join! I don't know if i'll lose my entire weight loss goal but I can try!

    24lbs more to go. 9 weeks let's hit it!!

    Feel free to friend me :-)

    ~Erica Nichole
  • hayleygirl01
    hayleygirl01 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey gang!! :0) I'll be joining this challenge, I move to LA in July.. So i culd def, use this to get motivated to fit before moving. Insecure is never a good look, and I dont think LA would like that :0)

    todays weight 190... goal weight 140.. but in 9 weeks 165

  • channy70
    channy70 Posts: 178 Member
    Hello everyone, I weighed in on Saturday 4/13 and I weighed in at 181lbs, down 6...an awesome 1st week, looking forward to my next weigh in. Wish you guys luck on your weigh in
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    ok so we need to weigh in by Wednesday every week? I can do any day--just wanna do what's easiest for everyone.

    right now I've just started working with a cross fit trainer doing one on ones. she changes it up every time which is cool but I definitely thought I was gonna puke a couple of times. the feeling of accomplishment is amazing though so don't let that scare you.

    i'm really excited for this group. I hope everyone will stay active. the last group I was in fizzled out after a week!!!!
  • BorntoROAR
    BorntoROAR Posts: 91 Member
    Can I join this challenge please? I weighed in last Friday at 179.4. I would love to be involved in 9 week challenge.

    Can you add me as friend please " born2run1970 "


  • MyfavoriteMe
    MyfavoriteMe Posts: 14 Member
    Hey ladies I'd love to join in if I can! Everyone feel free to add me :)

    SW:187 (before mfp)

    I would love to get down to the 150s if I could! That's only 16 pounds in 9 weeks, less that 2 a week. Very doable. I would be back to weighing what I did when I was 16!

    Edit: By the way, I'm currently doing the 30DS, but doing the exercises twice (finishing the 3rd stage of level 1 and doing all 3 again before cooldown) That way when I edge up to Level two, I can start by replacing only one with level 2, before I step up to doing two run throughs of level 2 every morning.
  • Hey I would love to join too. I love eating which I never used to when I was younger always 9 stone hence the huge weight gain as I have found my love of bad foods! I would like to be around 140- 145 in 9 weeks. I am now 163. I just wondered if you guys had any exercise regimes that I can do a home?
  • MaxineYS
    MaxineYS Posts: 28 Member
    I'm on holiday in 8 weeks & have been static for weeks, I weigh 165 lbs (my goal for today was initially 150lbs) with ultimate goal is 133lbs (9½ stone) but can't see me achieving that for my holiday - being apple shape I've been looking at bikinis with BIG pants!
    Realistically I should be able to reach 150lbs HELP!!
  • MaxineYS
    MaxineYS Posts: 28 Member
    Is this just staying as a topic or will it go to a group so it's easy to find?
    I'm still finding my way round as (when I remember) I've generally only used MFP to log my food intake
  • MrsCCLL
    MrsCCLL Posts: 9 Member
    Is it too late to join? I'll weigh in again tomorrow but my current weight is 142 and my goal is 130. I'm 5'7" and 29 years old. I switched to MFP from another tracking site in January but this is my first time exploring the message boards. I'm hoping having some motivation will help me break through this plateau!
  • HappyMielle
    HappyMielle Posts: 10 Member
    I'd like to join in! I'm Camielle. I've had MFP for a while but have been using it religiously for about 3 weeks and have lost 7lbs so far.

    Height: 5' 4.5"
    SW: 268.8
    CW: 261
    GW (in 9 weeks): 240
    UGW: 140
  • JenHorsmon
    JenHorsmon Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, I'm Jen and I would like to join as well, if it isn't too late! I have been using MFP since February and I guess I need a little motivation and accountability to really lose some weight.

    Height: 5' 8"
    SW: 152
    CW: 149
    GW (in 9 weeks): 140
    UGW: 128
  • momlalie
    momlalie Posts: 4 Member
    So I weighed in yesterday, and fairly bummed to report my weight was 191. I just can't seem to get out of the 190's for good. I know my eating was (and is) off track last week, but I'm not eating enough to gain that much am I? Sigh.... Here's to another day and week!