365 days to a whole new me.... (w/ pictures)

Today is my 365th day on MFP.

I have spent the last year changing my life and taking inspiration from the stories of others. This is mine.

For most of my life, I was actually quite thin. Was not an athlete, but was blessed with a fairly fast metabolism, active(ly chasing my young children), and generally happy with who I was. Somewhere in my 30's - the lack of exercise and eating whatever I wanted started to catch up with me. It happened so slowly - I didn't really recognize that it was happening...and wasn't necessarily unhappy with it. I'm 5'10 - so when my weight crept up to 160 - I was happy with that. I finally had curves! 175...ok. I can live with that. I still fit in clothes from my favorite stores. No - things weren't as firm as they used to be...but I'm in my mid to late 30's...that's to be expected....right? 185. Hm. I have to buy pants at lane bryant. Which is ok. They come in talls... I continue to gain about a pound a month for YEARS. 200lbs. Really? I crossed the 200lb mark? 220. Wow. I have to buy plus sized shirts. Nothing looks the way I think it should....but I'm still in denial. I actually hover at 220 for a couple of years.

I'm frustrated, and feel uncomfortable in my own skin - but for some reason just accept it as the reality of life. I was denied a supplemental life insurance policy due to my weight. I hate the way I look in pictures…but that isn’t what I see in the mirror….so I tell myself I just don’t photograph well.


Then – December of 2011 I took a bad fall while Christmas shopping. My low activity level became a no-activity level. It hurt to walk. Stairs made me cry. I went from 220 to 238 in a matter of months.


This photo was taken just before my 41’st birthday. I cried over this one. It was at that point that I realized if I continued on my current path I would be solidly over 250 by my 42nd. At that point, something finally clicked…I was no longer OK with whatever I saw on the scale. I was finally ready to do something about it. A few days later, I overheard some people I work with talking about MFP. A calorie counter on a phone app? This data junkie signed up the very next day.

I began in April 2012 – initially just tracking calories. Simply making better food choices had an immediate impact. I spent a lot of years completely unaware of exactly how much I was eating. I learned that the calories MFP allotted me were more than manageable, at least at home. I travel a lot for work – so on the road choices were tougher, but workable. I do like my food though…and started walking so that I could continue to indulge in the things I wanted. I managed to net calories and continued to see success month after month. (I think I lost around 20 in the first two months). I kept reading about the couch to 5k program and around June decided I would give it a go. It was so hard to breathe – I THOUGHT I WOULD DIE. But I noticed something else. All the walking and then the (very slow) jogging was making me stronger. My knee pain was getting so much better! I had my ups and downs with it and moments of self doubt. (THANKS TO LIZ AND JANA FOR THE ENCOURAGMENT AND PEP TALKS!) I finally proved to myself that I could do it. I was a runner. I completed my first 5K in September and was ON TOP OF THE WORLD…. (just over 34 min. My goal was 38….whoo hooo!)


Just after that, I dipped under the 200lb mark. I HAD LOST A KAYAK


I continued to run….and when I was tired of it….I ran some more! Then I was light enough to do this! (Several months earlier, I would have been too heavy)


In the 180’s….I could also shop FOR PANTS in the non-plus sized stores. (I cried in the fitting room the day I bought this outfit for a meeting)


In January, I joined the local masters swim group in addition to the running. I was a competitive swimmer in high school – but hadn’t done serious pool workouts in 25 years. SUCCESS. I can hold my own…and it is great for stretching out sore running muscles.

Then I did an indoor triathlon. AND WON MY AGE GROUP.


This St. Patricks day….I did a 7k. Goal was under 45 min. I came in at 44:09. Another WIN!!

In this last year, I gained more than I ever thought I would. I am stronger, have more energy and dropped my cholesterol into the healthy range. My kids tell me daily how proud they are. I’m proud of myself. Things are within reach that I never believed would be before. I am proof that amazing things are possible if you want them bad enough to put in the work.

Today I am just 6lbs away from my goal of 165. I will probably go for 163, just because it would be cool to say “I lost 75lbs”. It would be silly to get SO CLOSE and not get there. If I don’t lose another single pound, that is ok too. I have other goals that have become more important than the scale. I’d like to get my 5k time under 30 min (fastest so far is 30:45). I want to run a 10k…just to prove I can. And do a sprint triathlon….again with the proving to myself thing. I plan to stay active, hang on to how good I feel for as long as I can…and set a good example for my kids.

Happy birthday to me!



  • JustAGirl0916
    JustAGirl0916 Posts: 1,020
    Wow you look amazing...I know you have to be so proud of yourself! :smokin:
  • maggiecosmo
    maggiecosmo Posts: 47 Member
    Great Job!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Happy birthday indeed, you certainly deserve the compliments.
  • MissyBrears
    MissyBrears Posts: 41 Member
    Good for you I look on here for inspiration when things are not going so good. You look great !
  • Aem2381
    Aem2381 Posts: 89 Member
    Awesome work!! You look great!!
  • nighthawke
    nighthawke Posts: 45 Member
    Excellent story. Congratulations on the wonderful lifestyle change, and the new look!
  • RichOC
    RichOC Posts: 243 Member
    What a great story, very inspiring! I especially loved reading about your transformation into a runner :-) Congrats on your many accomplishemnts, you look great!
  • fatyoga
    fatyoga Posts: 207 Member
    Very happy birthday! You are quite an inspiration.
  • erikmsp72
    erikmsp72 Posts: 137 Member
    Congrats on the life change! Well done! Good work. (Keep it up!)
  • janetsalley
    janetsalley Posts: 122 Member
    congrats....well done!!!!! you look sooooo great!!!!!!
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Wow!!!! You look GREAT! Awesome job!!!
  • wwest21
    wwest21 Posts: 99 Member
    All of your hard work is definitely paying off! I'm so stoked to get to ONEderland... AND not shop in the plus-size section.
  • lauras777
    lauras777 Posts: 237 Member
    Great story, and what a great success!!! :happy:

    I've come a long way myself...only 8 pounds to my goal...looking for some inspiration to push me through to the end!
  • kimpossible471
    kimpossible471 Posts: 268 Member
    Great story, and what a great success!!! :happy:

    I've come a long way myself...only 8 pounds to my goal...looking for some inspiration to push me through to the end!

    Are you finding it hard to stay motivated? I am finding it harder to stay on track.
  • Great story! Great accomplishment! I would go for the 75# too! I am glad I read your story. I have been stuck in a plateau for a month. down 2#....up 2#.... I have even splurged to shock my system...didn't work. Just made me uncomfortable for the day. Your story has given me the inspiration to continue my journey. I WILL be as successful as you. Maybe I will see you at the next 5 or 10K race! Good Luck on your continued goals.
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    FUELERDUDE Posts: 150 Member
    What a remarkable and inspiring journey you have had. With moving forward with the dedication and effort you have for the last year, you'll surely meet and exceed the goals you have set for yourself. Great going!
  • that was a story i enjoyed reading well done !!!!!
  • knip1
    knip1 Posts: 31
    wow! You look amazing. What a wonderful transformation!
  • dupaboo
    dupaboo Posts: 174 Member
    I loved reading this - well done! This has been a great inspiration!
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