Sweet tooth!

I have a HORRID sweet tooth. I'm pretty sure me to sweets is to a drug addict to drugs....may I add that I find it suspcious that cocaine starts with C.....as does cheesecake, cookies, cupcakes, chocolate, etc!

Anyway, I don't think I'll be able to EVER go cold turkey on sweets but does anyone have any tips or suggestions? I'm usually able to work hard enough to get in something tasty within my daily calories but somedays I don't :( I've tried brushing my teeth and gargling listerine....no matter how much I do that my sweet tooth still wins out. I've tried drinking water. Again, no matter how much water I drink, sweet tooth still wins.

Is there any tasty and sweet but low cal, low fat, low sugar options out there? Without aspartame and other artificial sweeteners, of course. I LOVE chocolate....so much that even though I am a college student, on halloween, I'd rather go and trick or treating than go to parties! I'm not much of a "fruit for dessert" person either....not even chocolates filled with fruit. It's gross and it's blasphemy to chocolate!



  • viadelorosa03
    I have the same problem. For me I've been able to eat chocolate as much as I want and still be able to loose weight I just have to exercise my butt off. For now it's worth it. I've lost 20 lbs in 2.5 months. I still have 20 more to go, but I know that as i get closer to my goal weight I'll have to cut back on that destructive habbit :-P So far; however, I haven't been able to figure out a way around that. I would love to hear others advice as well.
  • Duganhorse
    Duganhorse Posts: 55
    I am right there with you! Sweets are my big downfall too. I chew a lot of gum and sometimes that works. If I really need a sugar fix, I will try yogurt,( or even go-gurt that comes in tubes and you can freeze them). I have a 3yr old so I often have jello cups around too, again, sometimes they work. My biggest problem is if I want something really bad for me and really sweet nothing is going to work in its place. It really is an addiction and it just takes time to ween yourself off of it. I have gotten a lot better than I used to be, but not good enough! The more I read about what eating that much sugar does to your body, the less of it I eat. Best of luck.
  • hybris
    hybris Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there!
    I'm a sweet tooth myself and for me diet jelly works pretty good. It comes in lots of nice flavors and I make them in bulk. I serve is approximately 1/4 cup (10- 15 calories) and most of the time it is enough to get rid of the craving. If not... I just eat another one.
    P.S. I'm with you with the chocolate addiction but after a few weeks of no chocolate it gets better. Really.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Ok this is right up my alley....because I love sweets. I actually think that is why I have been 45 lbs over weight. I was eating and snacking on chocolate in the afternoon and at night. I also would get a iced coffee in the morning and the afternoon. The first thing I did was quit eating snacks at night. I just stopped eating after dinner. I would include a small dessert with my dinner. My favorite is those little York Peppermint Patties. I usually have 2 right after I eat my dinner. I also like the Weight Watcher bar @ 110 calories. Then I stopped eating chocolate in the afternoon and gave up my second mocha. I actually don't even miss the chocolate or the extra mocha. I did this for 2 weeks before starting MFP. I added in exercise everyday and starting drinking more water. I lost 6 lbs the first month and I'm very happy. I make healthy snack choices. You also might check out your local frozen yogurt place. The frozen yogurt shop down the street has a 8 oz non-fat yogurt for 85 calories. I do spend a lot more on yogurt, but it is so worth it. Hope this helps!!!
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I had that same exact issue - I've been battling it for years, then finally I read the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson, I've been following that for a month and been so clean that I'm amazed. Even my cravings have gone away - and I keep losing not just weight - but FAT!

    I'm starting to figure out that for those of us with a bad sweet tooth - eating tons of carbs makes the body crave the insulin spike that they give you over and over. When you start to cut those grains out, the insulin craving stops, and thus mutes your sweet tooth. It's been many days since I've even had to beat down a sugar/candy/chocolate craving!

    check out www.MarksDailyApple.com and see what you think!
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I can totally relate. Would it be possible to work it into your daily calorie allowance? Sometimes (very very rarely) I will have ice cream instead of eating dinner so I can get it out of my system.
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I eat 100 calorie packs, fiber one bars, and weight watchers frozen desserts for my sweet tooth.
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    I have the same problem. For me, it's so bad that I can't even work it into my daily calorie allowance, because I'd just end up bingeing and having way more than I should. As long as I'm good for a week straight, I allow myself to cheat one day and just eat what I don't normally get to have otherwise. It seems to work pretty well for me because I get it out of my system and I use it as a rewards system. If I'm good, I know I'll be able to have chocolate and sweets <3 I wish I had some suggestions as far as like low calorie and low fat stuff, but there's nothing that I can suggest that doesn't have some kind of artificial sweetener in it. Do you like jelly? If so, I use Polaner brand natural spreadable fruit. It's all natural with no added sugar or sugar subs. It's only 30-35 cals. per serving, and it tastes really good. I like it better than jelly!
  • apupwr
    apupwr Posts: 1
    I built a pantry just for all my cookbooks so I know what you mean about sweets. The only thing that works for me is, every time I have a craving for some chocolate (which is my weakness also), I go to the computer and see what the results would be if I eat some. I also have a picture on our refrigerator of me with a perfect six pack and a small waist (granted many years ago). I want to take my wife's breath away again when we go to the beach. I have lost 13lbs and am half way there. Realize you are not alone.
    Good luck:smile:
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I have a really bad sweet tooth too and most days, I can't go a day without fitting some kind of candy, cakes or cookies into my day. I even look forward to the weekends because I allow myself a little more calories, so I'm thinking all through the week, what I'm going to get. What you could do is still eat something sweet in moderation, but make it a point to work off any candy/cookie calories. if you want to have a 200 calorie cookie, tell yourself that you have to work it off.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I love Jello Mousse Temptations in Chocolate Indulgence and Swiss Miss Diet hot chocolate (25 calories) but your no artificial sweeteners threw me! My brother puts the dark chocolate Hershey's kisses in the freezer and has just a few after dinner.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Just remembered the Cocoa dusted almonds that are cropping up all over. In bulk at Whole Foods and Sprout's. In packages by Emerald. I think they are also at Trader Joes. Bought some today and they are great!
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    I have some chocolate nestle melts in my cupboard that i usually use for cooking (making cakes cookies etc) BUT since ive started eating right again i find that if im having a sweet sweet craving i pop one of the buds in my mouth and suck on it and it makes the craving go away. Plus its only about 25 cals
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I had that same exact issue - I've been battling it for years, then finally I read the Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson, I've been following that for a month and been so clean that I'm amazed. Even my cravings have gone away - and I keep losing not just weight - but FAT!

    I'm starting to figure out that for those of us with a bad sweet tooth - eating tons of carbs makes the body crave the insulin spike that they give you over and over. When you start to cut those grains out, the insulin craving stops, and thus mutes your sweet tooth. It's been many days since I've even had to beat down a sugar/candy/chocolate craving!

    check out www.MarksDailyApple.com and see what you think!

    Ive definately found that since Ive cut out carbs in the evening I no longer feel that I need something sweet after dinner. When you cut out sugar you stop wanting it. I still have dessert when I go out if I want to, and have something sweet if I really want it, but generally the cravings are just not there anymore.
  • baldric1331
    baldric1331 Posts: 30 Member
    what i do is a little extream to say the least i keep a bottle of very hot chilli sauce from tescos also able to get other places too and when i feel the need for something sweet i put my finger in and lick it not nice but the burning that happens you do forget all about cakes choc ect cos all you will be wanting is several glasses of water and ofc that will fill you up and then you dont want anything sweet
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    I bought some mine strawberry meringue nests from the supermarket, they are only 16 cals for each meringue and the dried strawberry in them is so sweet! its almost too sweet for me. I crumble them into plain low fat yogurt for dessert or if i'm really craving sweets i'll eat one straight from the packet.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I do agree that the more high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and junk you eat (which lets face it...taste AMAZINGLY good hence the reason why we eat it) the more you crave it and most likely will be hungrier after you eat it! Unfortunately most of the snack ideas on here contain hfcs or artificial sweeteners. I recommend doing a few things...get some high quality 60%+ dark chocolate and have a small piece. Usually high quality dark chocolate can be savored and is harder to binge on. My other favorite chocolate fix is a bowl of chocolate cheerios with skim or light soy milk. It even turns the milk chocolate like cocoa puffs! Lastly, I know you said you aren't a big fruit person, but if you took some fruit (berries, peaches, mango, etc.) and covered it with yogurt (I prefer light and fit carb control yogurt) and stick it in the freezer for a few minutes, this usually curbs that sugar craving I have.

    Hope this helps! I've always told my family/friends that if I could make a deal with God that I'd never eat another piece of meat or a potato, but I could eat all the sweets I want and not gain a pound I totally would! lol!