Need friends who are going to inspire and motivate me

HI everyone. My name is Olivia and I could use some friends on here who will inspire and motivate me to do well with my diet. If you feel you're that kind of person, I would love to be friends with you! I will absolutely motivate and inspire you back. Good people lead to good choices, and I know that by us having people like that in our corner, we will all most definitely reach the goals that we set for ourselves!! This is all about living healthy!! :smile:


  • SusanMPreston43
    SusanMPreston43 Posts: 84 Member
    I agree....I am not new to MFP but I am new to the Community. I am finding that it is definitely helping.
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm new to the community part of this also...and frankly I don't even know how to add people as friends :) I am guessing I will learn (but seriously how nice would it be to have a link on these that says "add as friend" so we could simply click???? Just sayin' :laugh:
  • Welcome to MFP it really is a great place to find motivation and support! Also to add people click on their picture and you will find the option to add freinds :)
  • sullrico18
    sullrico18 Posts: 261 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me if you'd like! I log in daily and I check in with my friends pretty regularly. :-)
  • I second this!!!
  • shelbyjane2007
    shelbyjane2007 Posts: 44 Member
    I'll send you a request. I feel the more friends the better :)
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm looking for other motivated people too! FR sent :)
  • high5girl
    high5girl Posts: 90 Member
    I am always looking for new motivational and inspiring friends. Feel free to add me anyone!
  • keely1998
    keely1998 Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome to mfp this website has helped me out so much feel free to add me GOOD LUCK:smile:
  • Inspiration from others around you is always great! I keep getting started and then stopping on here.
    Add me and we can support each other!!
  • halips
    halips Posts: 134 Member
    feel free to add me!
  • chandanders
    chandanders Posts: 51 Member

    I've been on here since early February and have lost 12 pounds of the 25 I am aiming to lose. I would love to help keep you motivated. My friends on MFP have helped keep me on track, and I want to pay it forward.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Cpt_Kirk_2013
    Cpt_Kirk_2013 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm happy to be friends with anyone who needs them! The more motivation we have around here, the better!
  • TrueBlueBruin78
    TrueBlueBruin78 Posts: 311 Member
    Im usually that guy (motivating and inspiring). Add me if you like!:smile:
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    Feel free to add me I can allways use more friends xx
  • bakemma
    bakemma Posts: 161 Member
    I'd be happy to help. I think motivation is the only way to stay successful. Add me if you like! :)
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    I could defintely motivate you. I started out at 250 pounds and a size 26W, this time last year I weighed 220 pounds. I am currently 175 pouds. when I reach my goal weight I have 40 pounds to go my weight loss will be 115 pounds. I did this on my own by changing my eating habits, and working out. its been one of up and downs but I always picked myself back up and never stopped trying. everyone can add me who needs motivation

    in case there is any confusion of the picture I am in the black dress this was a picture of me at this time last year. its my biggest motivator to keep me going.
  • ShellGetsFit
    ShellGetsFit Posts: 604 Member
    Sending FR to you! I'm on everyday and love to motivate! Anyone feel free to add me as well! :happy: This is a journey that is so much easier with like minded friends in your corner!
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    add me if you want :D
  • Also new to community section and been on MFP for not quite a month AND looking for inspired friends!