Outside running vs Treadmill running

Hey everyone! So I'm great at running on the treadmill, and feel super confident doing that. I make sure I have my incline set to 1-1.5 to imitate actually running outside. I rarely try running outside, but I can barely do it. I feel like I'm going to die!! I just started running over a month and a half ago so I'm new to this, but I love running on the treadmill. I would like to be able to enjoy it outside as well. Which do you prefer??


  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I like to run outside, but only in the spring or fall. I know..I am a whimp. I don't like it when it is too cold, and really hate it in 100 degree weather! The issue might be, is that when you are on a treadmill, the pace is set. When you are outside, you set your own pace...so just try to slow it down a bit until you get used to it. You might be going a bit too fast for what you are used to.
  • BlackKat75
    BlackKat75 Posts: 210 Member
    Running outside >>>>>>> Treadmill any day. I find that I can just totally go into my head and keep going when I'm outside, whereas when I'm on the treadmill it feels like *work*. Also, since my normal route has hills, I find that running outside is harder than running on the treadmill, even if I set the incline. If you're looking to do more running outside, try and find some scenic running trails near you, that may help.
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    Girl, I feel you. Depending on where you live, the incline outside can be way more than 1.5 on a treadmill. Put it this way - I live in Boston and the pilgrims didn't call it "The City Upon the Hill" for nothing. I can run for a good 3/4 of a mile on the treadmill these days on a 1.5 incline without feeling like I'm dying, but if I tried to run from my house to the nearest bus stop at the top of a steep hill, I'm pretty sure someone might need to call 911 by the time I made it.

    I'd recommend upping your incline on your treadmill slightly and then slowly easing into outdoor walking and running, maybe doing a few minutes at a time. It is definitely different terrain outside.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Like you, I started running on the treadmill. I didn't LOVE it, but could tolerate it for C25K. When I attempted to run outside, it was much harder and I hated it at first, but once I did it a few times, I started to like it much more than the treadmill. Now, if I run, I do it outside and it is fairly enjoyable. I have a serious dislike for the treadmill and cannot seem to force any steady running out of myself at the gym. I do an easy mile to warm up, and occasionally do HIIT on the treadmill, but can't muster more than a mile or so before I'm bored and have had enough.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Which ever one you're used to, the other is always going to be harder.
  • Bentleymama86
    Bentleymama86 Posts: 89 Member
    I find that running on a treadmill is a bit monotonous but I am also a better runner on the treadmill lol. I enjoy running outside for scenery. Slow down a bit, find a pace that works for you :) good luck! I usually run the treadmill at 3.5-4 mph with a 2.0 incline.
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Which ever one you're used to, the other is always going to be harder.

    So true! I just started running outside and I think treadmills are harder and boring and harder on your joints. Just start slowly outside a few min to start and keep adding to it.
  • kelbwjax
    kelbwjax Posts: 89 Member
    Girl, I feel you. Depending on where you live, the incline outside can be way more than 1.5 on a treadmill. Put it this way - I live in Boston and the pilgrims didn't call it "The City Upon the Hill" for nothing. I can run for a good 3/4 of a mile on the treadmill these days on a 1.5 incline without feeling like I'm dying, but if I tried to run from my house to the nearest bus stop at the top of a steep hill, I'm pretty sure someone might need to call 911 by the time I made it.

    I'd recommend upping your incline on your treadmill slightly and then slowly easing into outdoor walking and running, maybe doing a few minutes at a time. It is definitely different terrain outside.

    The rolling hills of west Tn are no fun either! lol Its going to be a long process!
  • kelbwjax
    kelbwjax Posts: 89 Member
    Which ever one you're used to, the other is always going to be harder.

    So true! I just started running outside and I think treadmills are harder and boring and harder on your joints. Just start slowly outside a few min to start and keep adding to it.

    Great Idea! I did a little better today than I normally would, I guess it'll just take time.
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    Yeah, depends on the person's preference. Mine - I love jogging with my dogs. They get exercise, I get exercise, everybody wins. I find that when I'm either traveling or something and my option is a gym with a treadmill instead of running outside; I get bored really easy with the treadmill. I do intervals of jogging and walking, and I find that i'm constantly looking at either how far I've gone or how much time I have left if I'm on a treadmill. Outside, I just crank up my headphones and gooooooo :)
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    I was able to run 6 miles in an hour on Sunday outside but I cannot get past 1 measly mile on the treadmill. It's a mental thing for me. I absolutely HATE how boring the treadmill is- staring at the same thing for so long- and I LOVE being outside (when it's warm enough to be outside). I'm such a fair-weather-runner that I didn't run for 5 months straight because of how cold it was. Luckily I was able to pick up right where I dropped off this spring.

    I don't think someone could pay me to run that distance on a treadmill. It's harder outside, yes, but I would take the physical challenge over the mental one any day.
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    I am the exact opposite. I can run outside for miles, but on a treadmill, can hardly run two miles! I thnk it just depends where you started running. For me, I started running outside and over the winter when I was forced to use the treadmill, my body was not used to it. Try running on an outdoor track maybe? That's what I started on. :)
  • kelbwjax
    kelbwjax Posts: 89 Member
    Like you, I started running on the treadmill. I didn't LOVE it, but could tolerate it for C25K. When I attempted to run outside, it was much harder and I hated it at first, but once I did it a few times, I started to like it much more than the treadmill. Now, if I run, I do it outside and it is fairly enjoyable. I have a serious dislike for the treadmill and cannot seem to force any steady running out of myself at the gym. I do an easy mile to warm up, and occasionally do HIIT on the treadmill, but can't muster more than a mile or so before I'm bored and have had enough.

    It was so hard, but much better than the first time I tried a few weeks ago. I have no clue how to set a steady pace for myself so that is an issue.
  • kelbwjax
    kelbwjax Posts: 89 Member
    I am the exact opposite. I can run outside for miles, but on a treadmill, can hardly run two miles! I thnk it just depends where you started running. For me, I started running outside and over the winter when I was forced to use the treadmill, my body was not used to it. Try running on an outdoor track maybe? That's what I started on. :)

    I tried today, and the one we have at the local park is in such horrible condition :(
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I have fears about running by myself outside, so until I get a big scary-looking dog to run with I'm pretty much going to be on the treadmill.

    I have run outside a couple of times, and it is harder even though our roads are relatively flat. I think it has more to do with pacing than anything. I think with practice running outside you'll be able to adjust your pace better. Also, if you ran outside on a cold day your lungs may have protested the air temperature change. They're used to temperature controlled luxury.

    I think running outside is better for a lot of reasons and I wish I could do it without having panic attacks.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    i go much faster outside... hills are minimal and there are as many up hills as downhills... i can run almost an 11min mile outside but on the treadmill i'm luck if i crank out at 13 min mile (slow I know)... while i don't get bored on the treadmill i just don't find i have nearly enough momentum...

    but like one of the earlier posters if its over 80 degrees or under 40 i can't run outside - my lungs will act up!
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    I started outside ... hated it but did it ... winter came and moved indoors, hated the treadmill but did it
    Now the nicer weather is coming out, I just did my first outside run last week and thought OMG this is nuts lol

    I think between the 2 I like the treadmill but not just any treadmill as they are all different.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    I have a dreadmill in my house, it's what I started running on. I was phobic about running outside, worried about looking strange, about not being able to do it. Then I just did it, and, for me, there is no going back to the dreadmill. I find running inside to be monotonous, boring, uninspirational and *extremely* difficult to follow through with. My mind plays tricks on me and I rarely make it as far as my goal is.

    When I run outside, I run in one direction THAT way until I'm halfway to my goal. Then, I pretty much have no excuse but to run back THIS way. :-) Anything that works, right?
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    Yeah, depends on the person's preference. Mine - I love jogging with my dogs. They get exercise, I get exercise, everybody wins. I find that when I'm either traveling or something and my option is a gym with a treadmill instead of running outside; I get bored really easy with the treadmill. I do intervals of jogging and walking, and I find that i'm constantly looking at either how far I've gone or how much time I have left if I'm on a treadmill. Outside, I just crank up my headphones and gooooooo :)

    I am the same way, I hate the treadmill, I can't focus and ge in the zone, I find it laborious and ant stop looking to how much longer I have to do it. When running outside I honestly can go 6 miles before. Even stop to think about how far or how long
  • kelbwjax
    kelbwjax Posts: 89 Member
    hmmm.... Well maybe now that it is warm enough outside I should try to do my C25k outdoors