Arm fat question

I tend to lose weight off my midsection first (woo hoo!) when losing weight. My whole body is slimming down and I'm starting to dig my body, but my arms still kinda look... odd in comparison. They're not super huge, don't get the wrong impression. They just carry a tad more fat then I'd like to be seeing on the back of my arms. I'm starting to get decent muscle tone in the biceps, but that back of the arm is lacking in the muscle department. I know you cannot spot train an area for fat, but I know you can tone.

I just started a gym membership so now I finally have equipment and weights available to use, but I'm still a noob with weights and all that jazz since I've normally done minimal strength and more cardio (but now I'm changing that). What arm workouts would you recommend, or that helped you, to tone up that area to make it look less... flabby? Cheers. :D


  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    BUMP!. I have the same problem.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I haven't lost anything off my arms in months..I figured it will probably come off with my thighs and belly.
  • phjorg
    phjorg Posts: 252 Member
    arm workouts are pointless to this goal. and focus on them is not productive. You cannot spot reduce fat, and focusing on arms means you're putting time into workouts with very tiny muscle groups with comparatively low calorie burn.

    Want good arms? Track calories, balance macros, and do full body free weight compound movements. like bench, rows and squats.

    edit: typical resistance programs recommendation. SL5x5 or new rules of lifting for women.
  • DandelionCupcakes
    DandelionCupcakes Posts: 234 Member
    Hahaha my arms seemed like they took forever to shrink. They're still weird in comparison to the rest of my body but not as bad. It was weird before, though.
    Unfortunately I guess it just happens when it happens. :/
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    arm workouts are pointless to this goal. and focus on them is not productive. You cannot spot reduce fat, and focusing on arms means you're putting time into workouts with very tiny muscle groups with comparatively low calorie burn.

    Want good arms? Track calories, balance macros, and do full body free weight compound movements. like bench, rows and squats.

    edit: typical resistance programs recommendation. SL5x5 or new rules of lifting for women.

    I just said in my post "I know you cannot spot reduce fat".. did you even read the whole thing? I said I wanted to tone the back of my arms. :/ But, thanks for the advice, I think anyway..
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Hahaha my arms seemed like they took forever to shrink. They're still weird in comparison to the rest of my body but not as bad. It was weird before, though.
    Unfortunately I guess it just happens when it happens. :/

    Guess so, maybe it'll just be a waiting game!
  • kcworkingdiver
    I went on You Tube and found a great exercise and I can feel the burn - you take two weights (I use 10 lbs each - it is just what I had) and hold them together above your head vertically - then you go backwards - I am noticing progress. Go to You Tube - they have lots of ways to help your arms and demonstrate them.
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Arms seem to be one of the hardest places for skin to shrink into shape, so some of that is just excess skin.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Dips, Triceps kickbacks and diamond push ups.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    ahhhhh diamond pushups
  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,185 Member
    My limbs like to stay large as well and I don't carry weight in my torso. I've been lifting heavy in split sets (not 5x5 or NROWL) for the past year and it's finally tight, no loose skin or under-wobble. It had taken a good 7 months of work.
  • starfish1783
    Dips, Triceps kickbacks and diamond push ups.

    ^^^ these. Especially the dips and kickbacks. I did them when I swam competitively and it helped a LOT.
  • phjorg
    phjorg Posts: 252 Member
    arm workouts are pointless to this goal. and focus on them is not productive. You cannot spot reduce fat, and focusing on arms means you're putting time into workouts with very tiny muscle groups with comparatively low calorie burn.

    Want good arms? Track calories, balance macros, and do full body free weight compound movements. like bench, rows and squats.

    edit: typical resistance programs recommendation. SL5x5 or new rules of lifting for women.

    I just said in my post "I know you cannot spot reduce fat".. did you even read the whole thing? I said I wanted to tone the back of my arms. :/ But, thanks for the advice, I think anyway..
    then why are you asking for arm exercises when you know they dont work???
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    arm workouts are pointless to this goal. and focus on them is not productive. You cannot spot reduce fat, and focusing on arms means you're putting time into workouts with very tiny muscle groups with comparatively low calorie burn.

    Want good arms? Track calories, balance macros, and do full body free weight compound movements. like bench, rows and squats.

    edit: typical resistance programs recommendation. SL5x5 or new rules of lifting for women.

    I just said in my post "I know you cannot spot reduce fat".. did you even read the whole thing? I said I wanted to tone the back of my arms. :/ But, thanks for the advice, I think anyway..
    then why are you asking for arm exercises when you know they dont work???

    Another know-it-all that just joined a week ago and is going to tell people what to post.
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    arm workouts are pointless to this goal. and focus on them is not productive. You cannot spot reduce fat, and focusing on arms means you're putting time into workouts with very tiny muscle groups with comparatively low calorie burn.

    Want good arms? Track calories, balance macros, and do full body free weight compound movements. like bench, rows and squats.

    edit: typical resistance programs recommendation. SL5x5 or new rules of lifting for women.

    I just said in my post "I know you cannot spot reduce fat".. did you even read the whole thing? I said I wanted to tone the back of my arms. :/ But, thanks for the advice, I think anyway..
    then why are you asking for arm exercises when you know they dont work???

    Another know-it-all that just joined a week ago and is going to tell people what to post.

    Of course! -.-

    Because you know, people who know EVERYTHING about loosing weight join this site.. Right??

    I have the same problem!

    I work my arms at the gym to help give them some definition, but honestly, I think we just have to wait. I try and focus on the positive, but it can be tough!
  • phjorg
    phjorg Posts: 252 Member
    arm workouts are pointless to this goal. and focus on them is not productive. You cannot spot reduce fat, and focusing on arms means you're putting time into workouts with very tiny muscle groups with comparatively low calorie burn.

    Want good arms? Track calories, balance macros, and do full body free weight compound movements. like bench, rows and squats.

    edit: typical resistance programs recommendation. SL5x5 or new rules of lifting for women.

    I just said in my post "I know you cannot spot reduce fat".. did you even read the whole thing? I said I wanted to tone the back of my arms. :/ But, thanks for the advice, I think anyway..
    then why are you asking for arm exercises when you know they dont work???

    Another know-it-all that just joined a week ago and is going to tell people what to post.
    you going to refute anything I said? Or just commit to ad hominum attacks?
  • mrs_mab
    mrs_mab Posts: 1,024 Member
    I have found push-ups & lots of different planks, and medicine ball workouts along with fat burining cardio which really if you do it right comes along with the planking & medicine ball exercises!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Dips, Triceps kickbacks and diamond push ups.


    Many natural day to day movements work the front of the arms .... so biceps never get quite as flabby as triceps.