Started insanity 2 weeks ago.

& i read numerous stories on weight loss and how much and fast they've seen changes. i've weighed myself and i'm showing its been a 5-6lb loss for me so far. but i don't notice a difference. when was it that you started seeing a difference? i've just gotten a bit discouraged from all the things i've read & even though the scale says something. naturally when i look in the mirror i don't see ANY change. just curious. i'm a very big over thinker, so it may be that. :p


  • sullby
    sullby Posts: 8 Member
  • danika2point0
    danika2point0 Posts: 197 Member
    You have lost 5-6 pounds in 2 weeks?! That is incredible weight loss. I am not sure at all why you would be discouraged. 1-2 pounds per week is healthy fat loss. In terms of noticing a difference visually, I still have huge amounts of trouble with this on some days. I use a measuring tape and clothes to obtain objective measurements since my subjective view can be a bit warped depending on the day. Keep it up. I have been doing Insanity workouts for 4 months now. HUGE change in my body shape. Good luck x
  • Toddahlie
    Toddahlie Posts: 116 Member
    I think that changes depends on the person.

    for example, this is my second week with insanity and I have been lost 2kg (almost 4lb) only with the first week and the clothes fit me better than a week ago. That's the form that I note a change in my body.
  • Keep going with it and push hard throughout. You will see more results in the next 2 weeks. Once your muscles start getting stronger your tone will take shape and you will notice more results. If you took a before photo, you will see the difference after a month. Make sure you are eating well also :)
  • SwimSoccerTaxi
    SwimSoccerTaxi Posts: 98 Member
    I lost a bit of weight at the beginning but my focus was on strength and shape not weight-loss. I REALLY noticed a difference in my body near the end of the 2nd the point I went out to buy new jeans because the ones I had were falling off!!!

    It's a 2 month program....give it the two months. You won't be disappointed. I stared the program again today and am excited to get in even better shape. Focus on how you feel and the knowledge you are completing a challenging program. Give yourself the positive messages!!!!
  • flynnegan
    flynnegan Posts: 32 Member
    I saw this ages ago and i always think about it!! Might be inspriational to keep in mind :)
  • sullby
    sullby Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks so much everyone who replied.
  • i defintely agree with the fact that it doesnt matter what the scale says. yes, im not going to lie, it is nice when you see those numbers going down buuutttt its how i physically feel that keeps me motivated to keep up with it. i feel sooo much more healthier and active. that means more to me then the numbers on the scale right now, i know that with a good diet that will come in time! keep up the good work!
  • chels1605
    chels1605 Posts: 206 Member
    I've lost 20lbs and i dont feel much different... I still wear the same clothes which still fit....

    The last 10/11lbs from 10st 10lbs to 9st 13... all ive noticed is i now have no boobs!! (i didnt have any before)
  • Keep it up, take weekly pics of yourself and compare them. you'll definitely start to see a difference. Don't be discouraged if you don't shed massive amounts of weight. Remember, you're building muscle. GL
  • girlfromOklahoma
    girlfromOklahoma Posts: 129 Member
    A lot of it also depends on how much weight you have to lose. I read somewhere that people with a lot to lose will notice big losses on the scale at first but little change in inches or in the mirror. People with little to lose will notice very little losses on the scale but will notice changes in the appearance sooner.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I just started 3rd week..only lost 2lbs on it and 2.5 inches in my where else.. I am stronger and my fit test showed improvement. I hoping in the next week or I will see something..I heard others say nothing showed until the 2nd month... Oh and I take pictures every week cause you always can't see the changes in the mirror.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm not following the program exactly but have been doing the workout for two months. I started seeing muscle tone first and the scale wasn't moving. Then I dropped two pounds and kept waiting for the rest. I'm down 5 pounds now but none of my old clothes fit anymore. Well bottoms anyway. I wish I had taken measurements but I guess muscle really does weigh more than fat. Keep at it, don't give up!
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    I did Insanity for one month and only lost three pounds the entire time. Someone told me I wasn't getting enough calories, so I bought a heart rate monitor to see how many calories I was burning, so I could eat more. Still, only three pounds. I have seen the commercials with all of the wonderful testimonies. Sorry, it isn't mine. I ate right, and exercised. However, I must admit I toned up really well. People thought I had lost a lot because my body looked different. Nevertheless, I still have 35 pounds to lose, so I was frustrated with the low weight loss and quit. I have begun running, and I do Insanity twice a week or when it rains.

    I guess everybody's body is different.:ohwell:
  • writetomab
    writetomab Posts: 226
    6lbs in 2 weeks is great progress. Remember, your body will burn fat from all over your body so the weight loss initially may not be noticable but stick at it and then you will start to see some big changes and improvements in body composition. Also, you look at yourself everyday so its always harder for you to see the difference that other may well see! Good luck with the rest of the programme!
  • loragp
    loragp Posts: 19 Member
    Sounds like great results to me. Stick with it and keep pushing...the noticeable results will catch up to the effort you're putting into it. In the mean time, enjoy the endorphins from the workouts and the feeling you get from being able to say "I'm doing Insanity!!"

    Now I just need to heed my own advice. I am also on week 2 and I've gained a couple of pounds. My pants feel more snug in the hip, thigh and backside and my shirts also feel more snug around the back and upper chest area. Those better be muscles taking up all that extra space! I have noticed a bit of a difference in my middle though as it looks like my abs are starting to show through a bit more and I think my "muffin tops" are shrinking too. I haven't had the desire or the time to take a photo to compare to my "before" yet but I'll be doing that soon so I don't lose hope.

    Keep on keepin' on! We can do it!
  • For only 2 weeks that is fantastic!!! Take pictures. I lost, five, ten, even 15 lbs and to me, I looked the same. My mind couldn't see the difference. But when i compared my progress pictures side by side I could definitely see the change. Keep it up girl!
  • phil674
    phil674 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on week 3 and have lost no weight but am fitter so am trying not to worry too much. I aim to stick to my calorie goals that have been set on here. I new to all of this so if anyone knows how to add me and be an Insanity buddy please do! :-)
  • I'm also on week three *claps*. I'm trying not to weigh myself till the very end. I saw that a lot of people don't lose much weight. But hopefully I will have lost so many inches by the end that I won't care about the scale.
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    Awesome!! First month done and .... 0 pounds haha!! but i see changes on my body so im good about it!!
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 801 Member
    Are you following the food plan or just counting cals?