priorities for no mo' fat

Hello, I went looking for support online to see if I had the discipline to count calories before I joined weight watchers and found "My Fitness Pal". I want to lose 10 pounds by 8/31 and from there, make a new goal.

This site is great because I can wake up and begin each day by mindfully planning my meals, set a time to exercise and make a constructive effort to lose the weight I gained over the past five years.

Hopeful :bigsmile:


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Welcome and best of luck on your goals!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I can say that a few years ago I thought about joining weight watchers... And unfortunately, it wasn't the program for me. I just tried it out with someone else's book - and by noon I had no more points left!!!! This site is very helpful - better to count calories compared to what you burn than counting points in my opinion.

    Good luck with your goals :-)
  • nomofat
    nomofat Posts: 17
    Wow! Look at all of this support I found in just a few minutes, thank you!

    This site is way better than facebook! lol

    I feel empowered now, I can do this.