Critique/help with protein please!



  • cmstirp
    cmstirp Posts: 51 Member
    You only need 0.8-1.0g of protein per *kg* body weight. I see a lot of people on here trying to get in way too much protein and I'm not sure why. From what I've seen, 1g/1lb is the amount body builders use, but that's much higher than necessary for the average person.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    You only need 0.8-1.0g of protein per *kg* body weight. I see a lot of people on here trying to get in way too much protein and I'm not sure why. From what I've seen, 1g/1lb is the amount body builders use, but that's much higher than necessary for the average person.

    You are right that this is the RDA. The recommendations for dieters are higher, though, since under caloric restriction, your body can start breaking down the easiest source of protein (your muscles) instead of using up fat. Bodybuilders use higher intake levels for the obvious reason that they want to make more muscle.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    You only need 0.8-1.0g of protein per *kg* body weight. I see a lot of people on here trying to get in way too much protein and I'm not sure why. From what I've seen, 1g/1lb is the amount body builders use, but that's much higher than necessary for the average person.

    "Need" is context dependent. The RDA for protein is quite low however, and many people would benefit by exceeding it, even non-bodybuilders.
  • ChrisLindsay9
    ChrisLindsay9 Posts: 837 Member
    When you say egg whites, do you mean an egg white omelette or raw? Does anywhere in the uk sell egg whites by the bottle? I feel awfully wasteful throwing out all the poor yolks lol :)
    I typically purchase egg whites in containers and regular eggs. I'll mix in one or two yokes with 1/2 cup of egg white out of the carton, for example. You can usually find them next to the eggs and milk in a grocery store (in the U.S.). Otherwise, you may have to to just separate the yolks from the eggs. I usually use a steep measuring tablespoon. Oh, and google "uses for egg yolks" and you'll find some ideas so that you don't have to throw them away.
    "Need" is context dependent. The RDA for protein is quite low however, and many people would benefit by exceeding it, even non-bodybuilders.

    If one wants to be leaner and not necessarily go on a long-term calorie-deficit diet because that would be bad, then a strategy is to re-allocate an additional portion of the calories from carbs sources to protein sources and thereby will go over that "recommendation" amount in order to maintain metabolism.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    cottage cheese is a high protein source with low carbs as well as chicken.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I'll make an omelette with like a serving of spinach artichoke dip or tapenade. I've made curry turkey meatball without any sort of breading as a binder. One egg has more fat than protein unless you're using a substitute or just the egg white. You can blend a banana and protein powder together add a little stevia and small bit of baking powder and bake that and make yourself like a banana bread treat.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I assume you are using high carb protein shakes, try lower ones. Mine only has 3carbs, 25g protein.
  • sarahsamuels82
    sarahsamuels82 Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks! Yeah have been on low cal diets before, and although i have lost weight this way, i was clearly losing muscle too as i didnt look much different. Def think more protein is the way to go.

    Going to have a look at uses for egg whites, getting a bit bored of omelettes lol.

    Also, what about putting flavourless protein powder into things like porridge to beef up the protein, does anyone do anything like that?
  • Pro Bake Cookies are available in the UK. I stock them at my Ladies gym in Rochdale. My ladies love them, especially post-exercise or if they tend to miss meals/snacks due to long working hours. Half a cookie feels like a treat, fills them up & gives them a good protein boost. Flavours available are: chocolate orange, chocolate mint, almond & white choc chip or chocolate chip. We've also started to stock the Oomf 'Bench Pressed Oats' which are tubs of instant porridge with whey protein. Just add hot water. Each tub provides 20g protein. Flavours: Gingerbread, Apple Sultana and Cinnamon, or Banana. They're proving popular. I've seen them available on Amazon!