
kvcash Posts: 30 Member
Want to know something that has me super pumped right now? I am a little over 300lbs. I tried the plank today and I was able to do it for a full minute!!! I know its not that long but for me it is!!! Let me tell you, if I can do it then so can you. Ahh I'm so so excited about this. :)


  • islandgirl76_
    islandgirl76_ Posts: 86 Member
    That is awesome! Good for you!!
  • medeamama
    medeamama Posts: 47 Member
    Yea! I <3 planks! Keep it up, and work on that form!

    I remember the first time I did one... TEARS were coming down! (no exaggeration!)

    And then last night I did almost ten minutes of planks in a row!

    You can DO it!
  • kvcash
    kvcash Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks!! I just had to yell out loud "I CAN do it!!!" Literally I was yelling it out loud. Thankfully no one was home haha. My body kept trying to tell me to stop at 30-35 seconds but I WAS able to do it. It is such an exhilarating feeling.
  • jc1961AA
    jc1961AA Posts: 283 Member
    Yea! I <3 planks! Keep it up, and work on that form!

    I remember the first time I did one... TEARS were coming down! (no exaggeration!)

    And then last night I did almost ten minutes of planks in a row!

    You can DO it!
    That's impressive!
    OP well done to do the full minute, now try to add 5 seconds everytime
  • ohenry78
    ohenry78 Posts: 228
    As a fellow 300+ lb start-weight person, a full minute is amazing. I'm lucky to get 30 seconds in most times despite being down to 286 now. Great job!
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    That is so great! Congrats.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Oh yeah! Planks are a great way to strengthen your core and your spirit!

    Good for you ... and keep adding to your time .. keep us updated on your progress! :smile:
  • IzzyBooNZ1
    IzzyBooNZ1 Posts: 1,289 Member
    oh wow that is awesome, well done ! I struggled during a 70sec plank in a fitnessblender video yesterday, had to come down at 30 secs then back up quickly for the remainder.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    A minute is a LONG time to hold plank! Great job! :D