HATE Working Out



  • VictoriaFitness2010
    VictoriaFitness2010 Posts: 175 Member
    In my former career I traveled a lot as well. This was also during a time when I was the most physically fit. I insisted that my administrative assistant always book me a hotel with a working fitness room. If there wasn't a gym available, I packed a workout DVD (which I love) and some traveling weights (you fill them with water). I always brought my laptop with me so I could play my DVD. If I was really pressed for time, I would walk around the hotel or the area around the hotel (if possible) for 15-20 minutes.

    I think the key to exercising is finding something you really enjoy. I cannot stand to use stationary machines (boring). So, I don't use them. But I love taking different kinds of classes (i.e. kickboxing, spinning). I also like working out at home. It's so much easier and cheaper...plus, if I look like a goober I am not embarrassed!

    Find something you love and that you are willing to do a few days out of the week. It doesn't have to be complicated. And don't be afraid to try something new. More importantly, don't do a particular exercise because you feel you have to. I have a friend who loves dancing and has lost over 75 pounds taking dance classes and doing Zumba.
  • marby534
    marby534 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm lucky in that I love running and weightlifting. However I have struggled with being consistent. I agree that you have to find something to like and I can't imagine that anyone couldn't do so, as many choices as there are. Walking is often discounted but is one of the most healthy and effective of all forms of exercise. If you can find a partner that can also be very motivating, or even a dog can help. One thing I can say for sure is that visible progress will be gradual and no exercise program can be effective unless it is coupled with a proper nutrition plan. Whether it's exercise or diet, it has to be something you can incorporate into your lifestyle.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    I loved Zumba and Hot Yoga. My only problem is that they cost money, and I'm currently on a very tight budget.
  • scottdeeby
    scottdeeby Posts: 95 Member
    You know what sucks (for me) about "exercise"? The lack of measurable progress. Especially **** like cardio workout vids.

    That's one reason that I like to lift weights: progress happens consistently, and it's measurable. If you're a goal-oriented person, this might do it for you.

    I can mark cardio progress by my ability to run faster and farther. It started from walking 4mph for half an hour to intermittent jogging 6mph with walking 4mph, to jogging 6mph for a half hour, til eventually I can run 10km in less than an hour.

    Try the http://www.c25k.com/ program and you'll have measurable cardio progress.

    Plus, you'll be ready for the alien robozombie apocalypse because you'll be a pirate ninja.

    Oh, I know...I used to run half-marathon distances. Weightlifting requires way less patience before seeing results (like, a squat rep vs a half-hour-long run rep) and less time. That's just me though....
  • MeganG12345
    MeganG12345 Posts: 66 Member
    Instead of finding a workouts that I consider fun, I just try to make workouts that are convenient for me more fun. The 30 minutes a day I spend on the elliptical is also the 30 minutes a day I spend watching South Park and Big Bang Theory reruns on my iPod.