3rd time's a charm?

Hello, everyone! I joined a zillion years ago when the site was getting started. Thought it was cool yet too cumbersome. Left it alone for a year and a half. A dear friend then lost 80 pounds using this site, and I started using it again. The database had grown considerably, and it was way easier to use. I lost 20 pounds in 5 months and was feeling great. I tried to maintain over the summer but noticed I was slowly gaining again as the year came to a close.

Job complications made it necessary for me to go back to school unexpectedly while working full time, and with it came lots of online classes, tons of homework, and just focusing on surviving. Tried repeatedly to restart the weight loss, but couldn't manage it with all my other stresses. After some major work adjustments and 2 months of flu (!), am currently rocking my job situation. I also joined a health club, and am trying to start this calorie counting thing again.

Some of my FitnessPal friends have reached their goal and are not on the site anymore, some have regressed and not restarted, some simply disappeared, and some dropped me during one of my disappearances. I am looking for some friends who are up for sending some encouragement, as realistically, this is going to take me over a year. Thanks! :happy:


  • SaturnMB84
    Good luck!! I am the same way. I joined last year sometime and came back. It's always good to come back to this site , shows your still determined !!