Looking for some Mommy Friends

Hey Ladies!!

My name is Tracie and I am the proud mommy of a 20 month old Daughter named Emerie!! I'm just looking for some other mommie's to be friends with and to help support each other!! I get along pretty well with others but ever since I have had my daughter I feel
like I can connect more with other moms!! So tell me about yourself and your child/children!! And let's help each other out!! :smile:

:heart: Tracie


  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    My name is Carrie, I have 4 children. a 6 yr old daughter (Ally), a 5yr old son (Zachary), a 3 yr old son (Tyler) and a 10 month old baby girl (Emma). I had gained at least 65 lbs with my first (I stopped looking after a while) then lost 30 got pregnant again, gained 30, lost 35, got pregnant again gain 35, lost 60lbs and found out I was pregnant and some how no matter how hard I tried gained all 60 plus some back. I worked so hard I truly did but the weight just kept piling on.

    I now am done having babies and ready to have my body back. it is hard and I am always looking for friends to motivate each other!
  • Heavensblessings
    Heavensblessings Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I'm Gloria, mother of two, a son Ashton 3, and a daughter Alayna 2(on the 19th). I would love to have mommy friends:happy:
  • southernmom3
    southernmom3 Posts: 181 Member
    Hey there! I am a single mom of two kiddos and live a busy life but wouldn't change being a mom for anything. I have been here on the site for a month and a half and am very happy with my progress. This site helps you to stick to it and having supportive friends is the key to it. They help keep you motivated and you feel guilty if you don't log in and do your best. I am here at least twice a day to log in my daily stats. Feel free to add me - anyone can add me that needs more friends and wants support.
  • kfelux
    kfelux Posts: 34
    Howdy! I'm 28 and a mom to two boys ages 4 and 1 and they are my main motivation for getting in shape! I'm happy to support and motivate any other mamas out there so feel free to add me!
  • RalphthePutz
    RalphthePutz Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there! I have two dds - 7 yrs and 4 yrs and am still working on taking off the baby weight lol. I gain an amazing amount w/ each pregnancy - and am working on those last 10 to 15 pounds. Would love to be mommy friends!
  • aleee2000
    aleee2000 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Tracy, I'm Amber. I have 2 kiddos. Roni just turned 5 and Buzz is barely 3. They are definitely my motivation to get in shape!!! I've been doing this just over two weeks and would love more mommy friends.
  • michema5
    michema5 Posts: 2
    hi, I'm Melissa. 3 little girls here, ages 8, 5, 11 months. Anyone else just feeling overwhelmed, exhausted all the time, and not so attractive?
  • bookworm221
    bookworm221 Posts: 35 Member

    I have one son aged 5. I want to be able to run around with him and improve my current medical problems. I have about 84lb to lose & would be happy to be mummy friends!

  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    There's an old group I found a few weeks ago called "SuperMoms" if you guys want to come visit:


    Be a good way to find other moms as we go along if there were fresh posts/comments there occasionally.

    Oh, and my kiddos are 11, 14, 16. I'm 39. : )
  • supermommy03
    supermommy03 Posts: 1 Member

    My name is Donna and i am a mother of 4 children. 7 year old son, 5 year old daughter, 3 year old son and a 5 month old son. I am hoping to get back to my size that i usually am after i have my children but with my last i gained alot, Also im hoping with losing some weight and changing to healthier foods that i can help my stomach problems so i can enjoy more time with my children. Would love to have some mommy friends on here.
  • Collazoclan
    hello, my name is Amanda and I have two boys ages: 8 and 4...glad the weather is warming up so I can go outside activities that are fun and get excercise without the boring gym/workout scene.

    It is hard to get in excercise time though with baseball practices and games....so always looking for ideas on how to get in some workouts even if its only for 15 minutes to get to my goal. Losing weight is a goal but I am concentrating more on toning-which reeally requires working out that I cannot get in all the time.

    IF anyone wants to try to get together with/without their kids to do some activities to work towards our goals..please let me know.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi! My name is Starr and my daughter Tessa is a few days shy of 21 months :) I'm trying to get in shape before we try for baby #2 so it's not so hard afterwards lol!! And just to feel better about myself and be a better role model for my girl. Our daughter's are so close in age!
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I also have a 20 month old! However it is a boy.. :) I also have a 6 year old son. I love getting ideas from other mommies who might be crunched on time and do serve and eat kid foods :)
  • marilynolivares1
    marilynolivares1 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi my name is Marilyn mother of two girls 8and 4. I have a busy life since I home school my oldest that suffers from ASD.
  • jelk8881
    jelk8881 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi my name is Laura. I have two daughters. The oldest Emily will be 3 in 19 days. The youngest is Kaylee and she just turned 9 months yesterday. I stay at home with them.
  • jbuchwalter28
    Hi - I am Jen, mother of 2 (my son - 8 and my daughter - almost 1). I am trying to lose all my baby weight from my first and my second. Feel free to add me - would love more mommy friends and support.
  • Elinasambora
    Elinasambora Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Elina all the way from sunny Malaysia! Am a mother of 2 lovely boys aged 4 and 1. I'd love to make new mommy friends so please add me!!
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi, I'm Rachael and I'm a 29 y/o mom to 9 1/2 year old fraternal twins. Feel free to add me, open journal :) Celebrating 120 consecutive days of logging today
  • MzzzPalma
    MzzzPalma Posts: 11 Member
    Hi There! I'm Francesca and I have an adorable 17 month old!! Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • krisam06
    krisam06 Posts: 27
    Hi ....I'm Kristina. I have a 6 year old son. I joined MFP a few weeks ago, feel free to add me