retaing water, advice needed

Hey All: I belive that I am retaining water because I only weigh about one pound less in the morning than I do at night. I eat 1000-1,200 Calories a day and have about 80-100 grams of carbs a day. I try and drink atleast 12 cups a day of water anybody have any advice? PS I cannot exercise intensly the next few days due to having an ongrown toe nail removed :(. PS: I recently weighted myself at night because I had wanted to see how much water, if any I was retaining since I recently got back from Disney. Please know that I weigh myself in the AM once a week.


  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    Cut your sodium intake.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    I eat 1000-1,200 Calories a day

    Well, there's your problem...
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member

    I retain a lot of water too simply because I drink so much of it. Do you watch your sodium intake? High sodium can help you retain your water weight. Are you eating enough? 1000-1200 calories doesn't seem like a lot of food? I think the thing that has helped me the most is to remember the scale is only one form of measurement to my fitness, how I feel, look, clothes are fitting etc.. is what I try and go by. Hope this helps and good luck to you on your journey!
  • I eat 1000-1,200 Calories a day

    Well, there's your problem...

    ^^This. I lost weight really fast at the beginning only eating about 950-1100 calories a day. Then POOF it stopped! I came on here and learned that I needed to be eating 1600-1700 calories a day and I am feeling better, looking better, and losing weight again!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Do you eat a lot of processed food? Stop it if you do. Drink plenty of water. Just good old water. Make sure you get your body moving as well. It helps.
  • As lludeking and tricksee said, 1000-1200 calories a day is not enough. Anything less than 1200 [And honestly even that few is pushing it] causes your body to go into "starvation mode" where it will retain anything and everything it can to sustain itself. Given you're drinking so much water, and not ingesting much else besides that, your body is holding onto it.

    You need to up your caloric intake some, maybe cut a couple of cups of water a day for now and see how that does you.

    Also, watch WHICH carbs you eat. Carbs are NOT bad for you; It's what KIND you eat that is. Some are high in sodium, causing water retention; Others are not.
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    don't weigh yourself at night.

    cut down on processed foods.

    and really, don't worry about water retention. The point is to lose fat, isn't it?
  • insertcoinshere
    insertcoinshere Posts: 12 Member
    You're not eating enough! Your body is going into starvation mode and holding onto the little bit of food that you're taking in.

    And IMHO, stop weighing yourself twice a day. You're going to drive yourself crazy! :smile:
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Watch your sodium, cut down as much as you can. I don't salt anything other than eggs. If you don't add sodium to your tickler and check it out. Keep an eye on it a few days and see if it helps.
  • don't weigh yourself at night.

    cut down on processed foods.

    and really, don't worry about water retention. The point is to lose fat, isn't it?

    Not really. Water retention isn't something you should just ignore. It's uncomfortable, painful at times, and over long period of time may cause soft tissue damage.

    And, night-time weighing doesn't affect water retention.
  • it is so important to take your measurements! I never believed in this before until I started Circuit training. i am so glad I did before I got started! i was not loosing much weight but after a month and a half I checked my meausrements again and I was AMAZED at how many inched instead of pounds I have lost! I'm sure you already know but 5 pounds of muscle is MUCH smaller than 5 pounds of fat. still the same weight, but smaller in size! Celebrate the small things! I retain a lot of water after I work out. my fingers swell for a couple of days. Just keep pushing through it! it has to go away eventually!!!
  • Probiotics helped me rid bloating. I.e. Digestive advantage.

    I also have had success with eliminating salt and high sodium foods and drinking cranberry water daily. This is 4 ounces of 100% unsweetened cranberry juice (not from concentrate) and 28 ounces of water. Drinking 8 (8oz) glasses of this daily has helped be tremendously.
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    out of curiosity... do you weight your self twice a day every day.. and if so.... why?

    that seems like torture
  • MensEtSalvere2013
    MensEtSalvere2013 Posts: 230 Member
    I weigh myself in the AM once a week but since I recently got back from Disney, I wanted to see if I was retaining water and how much. Thanks all for the help!
    FATJAKE5 Posts: 162
    How can anyone help if they cannot see what is going into your body? ie sodium etc.,etc.? Sodium was the key for me, which meant no more processed foods. It seems there is a consensus on sodium.
    That being said, you have lost 70% of your desired weight loss goal. It is going to be much tougher to lose that next 30% to reach your goal. You lose water while you sleep, it is not a daytime only process. You do not drink water while sleeping. So, you will be @ your lowest weight when you first awaken. You do not have a problem, in IMHO. I also try and balance my sodium intake to my calorie intake, which I am having a tough time doing. Too little sodium can be dangerous. Your body needs it to function properly. I try and keep a 1mg Sodium to 1 calorie balance. Eating less than 1200 calories/day does not seem sound either.
  • CountryStrongNicole
    CountryStrongNicole Posts: 46 Member
    Something no one has mentioned here is your potassium level... your cells hold sodium and potassium (body's natural balance). If you don't have enough potassium in your blood cells they balance it out by holding sodium. Most people get WAY more sodium than needed everyday. You need to watch that balance. Many people don't get enough potassium in a day. I have fought with this same issue and can go up 5 pounds in a day thanks to water retention. It has taken about 6 weeks of watching these intake levels and it doesn't seem to jump and hold quite as much for me now but just like any other time you make a change to your food/exercise program it takes time to adjust. I also drink a lot of water everyday to help flush my system.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I will add this, you are always going to weigh more at night because you have been eating and drinking all day. That shows up on your scale. Try this and you will see. Weigh yourself. after you have a glass of water weigh again. also try this after you eat or have a bowel movement . Note the 1-5 pound difference. It does not always mean you are retaining water.