30 day Shred Questions about Additional Exercise

OK, so I am starting the 30 day shred tomorrow (7/13). Did anyone else do additional cardio, etc. while doing the program? Also, how much did you lose (lbs or inches)?



  • cmcavoy
    cmcavoy Posts: 3 Member
    What exactly is the 30-day shred? I know it is with Jillian, but what are the specifics?
  • ShastaAngel
    I am in the process of doing 30 day shred, except I do it an average of 5 days a week. I also do another circuit type excersize most days, as well as walk... I have 2 dogs, so I have to walk them :) I have not weighed myself for a bit... but clothes are getting looser, if that is any help. 30 day shred is hard, especially at first... if you are terribly sore, give your body a break for a day to avoid injury. Best of luck to you, and don't give up... it does get easier!
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    I has 3 levels, each with a 20 minute workout which contains a 2 min warm up, 3 min or strength, 2 min of cardio and 1 min of abs, followed by a 2 min cool down. As they put it "The DVD includes three complete 20-minute workouts which progress by level of intensity. Start with LEvel 1 and advance through Level 3"
  • ame337
    ame337 Posts: 27
    I did the 30 shred for 15 days then injured my knee at work.. I was already on level 3 so it was impossible fpr me to continue.. But I lost 8lbs and a few inches by then.
    I didn't do any extra exercises but I do work in theatre and live in nyc, so I walk ALOT and I and doing a lot of physical activities at work.

    my knee is getting better so I am about to start over again. Find the motivation to keep going and it will be worth it

    P.S. for the one who asked. 30 day shred is a 20 minute exercise that you are supposed to do everyday for 30 days, it works very well.
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks so much ShastaAngel. It's nice to have feedback from someone who has done it. I was thinking about continuing my elliptical regimen and maybe throwing in TaeBo once or twice a week as well, but I definitely don't want to overdo it.
  • nikicoleman
    nikicoleman Posts: 55 Member
    I'm no expert on the 30 Day Shred, but I'm living proof it works!! I have done all three levels, I'm just about finished with level 3. I'd say 90% of the weight I lost (45lbs) has been because of the Shred.

    I was up to 238 when I started I'm at 191. I'm excited and proud of how far I made it. I remember day 1 of Level 1 and remembering just crying b/c I couldn't even do the 30 seconds of jumping jacks without feeling like I was dying.

    Now, I must say, some days I did other exercises but on average I just did the 'Shred' 5-6 times a week. I would walk with my sons in the evenings or sometimes, especially lately, I've tried my hand at some jogging. (Not too terribly much, I don't have the time to get outside when it isn't terribly hot.

    But let your body be your guide on if you want more exercise. There were days I wanted more. Today was one for me, I did 2 segments...Level 2 and then Level 1. I felt it today. Some days my body just wants more exercise, some days that tape just fits.

    Best of luck to you, I hope you have lots and lots of success with it. I find it a lot of fun and motivating! :)
  • cmcavoy
    cmcavoy Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds awesome!
    When you girls do these things, how do you plug them into the exercise calculator? I did p90x this morning and was not sure what to put it in as!
  • tytvette
    tytvette Posts: 8
    I currently do the 30 day shred and although it is hard to get through, I need to burn additional calories. So in addition to doing 30 day shred 6 times a week. I add cardio (cycling) for 30 minutes and strength training at least 4 days a week. The days I do strength training on my arms I don't use weights the following day with the shred. Its too much for my arms. Maybe after I lose more weight I can do both. I have been doing the shred for a week and only lost a pound. :o( But I am going to keep at it and hope for the best. Best of luck to you! :happy:
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    I'm currently doing the shred day 17 and let me tell you those inches are going away. Great workout. :flowerforyou:
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks you guys. And, Niki, way to go! That's great for you. I hope I end up with the same result. Keep up the good work!
  • tkrall
    tkrall Posts: 109
    I'm currently doing the Shred as well! It is an awesome work out! But I also do cardio and strength training everyday. I do the Shred in the morning, then after dinner I use the Eliptical for 10-20 minutes depending on the day and I also do a stregth routine everyday. This has worked well for me. But let your body be the guide. I would try just the Shred for now until you feel comfortable adding additional exercise into your routine. You don't want to burn yourself out! Good Luck! Enjoy the SHRED!
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I'm 12 days in and on Level 2. I've not lost a lot of weight with it, but I know my legs and arms are getting toned (I'd rather see more loss of inches around my mid-section, though). I think Level 2 is going to be more effective for me than Level 1...kind of wish I'd switched sooner. I'm doing it 6-7 times a week and I do other workouts if I feel the need or need to earn/burn more calories. I enter it in the exercise journal as "Circuit Training...20 minutes" under the Cardio section.
  • jtotheno
    jtotheno Posts: 123 Member
    I am on Day 7 of the Shred, and have only done the occasional leisurely walk during the week that I've been doing it. I have a 7 year old and a 3 month old and my hubby is away in another city (Military), so I find it very difficult to get in any exercise. That's what I love about the Shred, it's only 20 minutes. It's been a week, I missed 2 days in a row, and I have lost 3lbs and 6 1/2 inches. I would definitely say that it works!!
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
  • tabika05
    tabika05 Posts: 34 Member
    To calculate the amount of calories burned per workout I go to http://www.prohealth.com/weightloss/tools/exercise/calculator1_2.cfm?emptyfield=weight. This site adjusts to your weight, length of exercise and type of workout. Hope this helps!
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member