Everything I love is bad for me...

Hey All,

I'm still in my first week of MFP, and I'm beyond excited to stick with it since I've heard so many good things about it. I'm a mid-20s state employee, and, like most of you on here I'm sure, I've struggle with my body image my entire life. At first it wasn't just the weight; from a very early age I was among the tallest girls in my school (now I am 6 feet exactly without shoes), and I just felt very awkward and out of place in a school system that was full of pretty, little, thin girls.Over the year, I grew accustomed to my height, and I don't slouch in pictures anymore, but my weight has remained a constant battle. Because I am so tall, I can "hide" the weight easily, or as my grandmother puts it, I "carry it well." That makes it easy for me avoid the scale because in general, when I do gain weight, my body doesn't change that drastically (I suppose that's a small blessing).

Anyway...I'm getting away from my main point...

My problem is I grew up on and LOVE food that is terrible for me (especially since I eat such large quantities of it). Here is a list of my favorite foods;

Pizza (the cheesier the better)
Ranch dressing (I put it on EVERYTHING)
Cheese (I don't think I go a day without eating it)
Wine (really just Alcohol in general)
Potato Chips
Fried goodies (veggies, cheese, protein, just about anything)

As you can see, there isn't much nutrition, if any, on that list, and what veggies I do have there are coated in deliciously crunchy, yet carb/fat loaded goodness. I know I can eat in moderation, but honestly, who can have just ONE mozerella stick?! I decided to join MFP for two main reasons: 1)I want to lose some weight/feel better about myself; and 2) I want to learn a new way of eating. I have already made some changes: I switched over to turkey meat for burgers and occasionally use dear meat which is much leaner, I don't keep chips in my home, and I've started roasting veggies instead of frying/sauteeing them

I'm looking for MFPers who struggle with the same issues I do: what I love to eat is what's keeping me from being who I want. Together, I'm hoping we can share our struggle, motivate each other, and find new ways of eating foods we love without sacrificing our goals.



  • Queenofthezoo
    Queenofthezoo Posts: 69 Member
    Yep, there are a lot of things that I love that aren't good for me. Some of them, I have found I can enjoy just as much in moderation. Others, I would just feel deprived if I tried to have just one.

    Here is what I would suggest:

    1. Find things you do like that are better for you than your current top favorites. You don't have to love and be obsessed with them, but things that you can eat and enjoy. I have found that I enjoy yogurt and it is high in protein. It isn't the hot fudge sundae that I really really love, but it is a better choice. It isn't a perfectly healthy food due to the sugar, etc. But it is a better choice, and it isn't all bad.

    2. Learn to portion control. I have found that I can really enjoy sharing a piece of cheese cake, I don't NEED to eat the whole thing.

    3. If there is something that you really love, and want to indulge and not limit yourself, then plan for it. I log things in my diary ahead of time, and work around it. So if I want to eat a 1/4 of a pizza on Friday night, then I choose a lower calorie and healthier lunch (often times grilled fish and steamed veggies). Do more of a workout that day and give yourself permission to eat your exercise calories. Sometimes even just giving yourself permission to eat something takes away some of the desire that is there when it is a "forbidden" food. I can't tell you how many times I have logged an unhealthy choice only to delete it later when I realize I don't want it like I thought I did, or have decided I would rather use the calories for a better choice.

    4. You can make slight adjustments to many of your favorite foods, or the side items that go with it. For example, pizza is a Friday night thing at our house, but I either make it homemade or get a very thin crust. Also, drinking water instead of Dr. Pepper, allows for even more calories to go towards pizza. When we grill, I have a side of grilled veggies instead of potato salad.

    Also, don't give up. One bad meal, isn't what made you gain weight, it was many, many meals accumulated over time. You can eat healthy most of the time, still indulge some of the time, and lose weight. Even if you just take tiny steps towards being healthy, those are still steps in the right direction, and in time those steps will still add up. Tiny steps forward are better than backwards or a stand still.
  • CupcakesAndRazorblades
    make healthier versions of your favorite foods :) There are plenty of recipes out there!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    I'm fairly certain you are my twin (minus the age difference). I love all of those foods. I am 6 feet... or right about at it with my flip flops on anyway and I know how that feels, period.

    I limit myself to the foods i love, but i dont do with out them. I love pizza - so i eat one slice and walk away. I LOVE CHIPS - so i buy the baked chips and only eat one serving.

    Its Mind over matter but you can do it!
  • mikejholmes
    mikejholmes Posts: 291 Member
    I promise, responsible sex is NOT bad for you. In fact, it burns calories.
    So hopefully there is ONE thing you love that isn't bad for you.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Me too.

    It's a good thing prostitutes don't have calories.
  • Okapi42
    Okapi42 Posts: 495 Member
    For the veggies, try this: stir-fry or steam until they're still crunchy. Then take a pan and roast a tablespoon or so of breadcrumbs in a small amount of butter or oil and sprinkle them on top. Healthier than eating your veggies plain? No. But a lot better than coating them in batter, and you still get a little of that crunch and browned fat we all love.
  • climbamnt
    climbamnt Posts: 190 Member
    I don't cut these out from lifestyle, I just make better choices. For pizza I switched out Pizza Hut, Little Ceaser’s for Frechetta Thin and Crispy. You get more pizza by serving for less calories. I also found that my taste bud had been over stimulated by all the salt and sugar in the processed food that I was eating. I worked toward lowering salt and processed sugar and found that things I thought tasted horrible before (mostly veggies) I really enjoy now. It is more about making baby steps and healthy swaps. For burgers, do half beef / half turkey, as turkey can be bland. Or my favorite way to turkey - Salsa Turkey Burgers! Mix salsa and some bread crumbs with your turkey, keeps it moist and holds it together. (Love this with a pineapple mango salsa) Good luck and feel free to add me.

    PS I don't look at it as a diet, so nothing is off limits. If I crave it, I eat it (as long as it fit in my diary). And portions - measure things out before hand so you aren't tempted later.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Two words: faux frying! Get an oil mister. Fill it up with olive oil. Take whatever you want to fry, mist it with oil. Coat it with Panko bread crumbs (for a yummy crunch), then mist again with oil. Place it on a rack (like one you would cool cookies on), place that on a cooking pan. Bake in the oven. You get all the goodness of frying with minimal oil.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Yep, there are a lot of things that I love that aren't good for me. Some of them, I have found I can enjoy just as much in moderation. Others, I would just feel deprived if I tried to have just one.

    Here is what I would suggest:

    1. Find things you do like that are better for you than your current top favorites. You don't have to love and be obsessed with them, but things that you can eat and enjoy. I have found that I enjoy yogurt and it is high in protein. It isn't the hot fudge sundae that I really really love, but it is a better choice. It isn't a perfectly healthy food due to the sugar, etc. But it is a better choice, and it isn't all bad.

    2. Learn to portion control. I have found that I can really enjoy sharing a piece of cheese cake, I don't NEED to eat the whole thing.

    3. If there is something that you really love, and want to indulge and not limit yourself, then plan for it. I log things in my diary ahead of time, and work around it. So if I want to eat a 1/4 of a pizza on Friday night, then I choose a lower calorie and healthier lunch (often times grilled fish and steamed veggies). Do more of a workout that day and give yourself permission to eat your exercise calories. Sometimes even just giving yourself permission to eat something takes away some of the desire that is there when it is a "forbidden" food. I can't tell you how many times I have logged an unhealthy choice only to delete it later when I realize I don't want it like I thought I did, or have decided I would rather use the calories for a better choice.

    4. You can make slight adjustments to many of your favorite foods, or the side items that go with it. For example, pizza is a Friday night thing at our house, but I either make it homemade or get a very thin crust. Also, drinking water instead of Dr. Pepper, allows for even more calories to go towards pizza. When we grill, I have a side of grilled veggies instead of potato salad.

    Also, don't give up. One bad meal, isn't what made you gain weight, it was many, many meals accumulated over time. You can eat healthy most of the time, still indulge some of the time, and lose weight. Even if you just take tiny steps towards being healthy, those are still steps in the right direction, and in time those steps will still add up. Tiny steps forward are better than backwards or a stand still.

    ^^^^^^ All of this, couldn't have said it better myself. Good luck to you OP. (edit for spelling error)
  • laurenmanderson1
    laurenmanderson1 Posts: 113 Member
    make healthier versions of your favorite foods :) There are plenty of recipes out there!


    I know there are ranch recipes out there made with greek yogurt instead of mayo

    I make "pizzas" with a whole wheat flat bread, spread 1TBS of olive oil on top, layer with fresh baby spinach, onions, grilled chicken, feta & low fat mozzerella cheese, & some form of seasoning (Italian, garlic & herb, etc). Stick it in the oven for 15 minutes and the whole thing is a little over 500 calories.

    Popchips are a healthy alternative to fried potato chips without feeling like you're being deprived on baked chips, or eat popcorn! I always grab a 100 calorie smartpop bag of popcorn when i want something like chips.

    The "faux frying" idea for your veggies that Pangea wrote earlier is also a great idea! I also tried to find other vegetables I liked, sweet potatoes are my new favorite thing! A tiny bit of butter and splenda brown sugar and it is almost like having desert!

    My advice is just spend time on sites like cookinglight.com or even on the MFP blogs and look for healthier recipes that don't make you feel like you're denying yourself anything!
  • TreEe5
    TreEe5 Posts: 41 Member
    I completely hear you! I'm 5'10 and in my mid-twenties. I've always been taller and "bigger" (which is the polite way of saying heavier and I hate it LOL) and have struggled with weight all my life. I love all the foods you listed in your post - especially cheese. It's been a weakness haha. Like some of the other suggestions, I've found that if I plan ahead I can usually keep a good lid on things. For example, I love pizza, we have it every Wednesday at my house. So when I get up to log in the morning, it's the first thing I enter. We get a small pie (as it's just 2 of us) and I allow myself 2 slices. But I've planned my day around it so breakfast and lunch are better, less calorie choices. As for cheese - I say eat it! But make sure you keep an eye on the fat and sodium count. Everything in moderation - I know it's a lot harder to do when you're thinking about all the things you can't have, but try to be creative and think of ways to have the items you love while showing your body love by keeping it healthy :)
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    Wow.... Those are also all of my favorite things. :heart: The good news is you dont have to give them up completely. You can find healthier versions of those things.

    The one thing I DONT do is tell myself that I cant have something I really want. If I really want pizza, I eat it. Really the point is everything in moderation. Instead of eating 4 pieces maybe only have 2 pieces and a salad. If you try to cut these things out completely you will eventually break down (believe me I learned the hard way) and go on a binge of all these yummy things.

    Also dont forget, you didnt get to this point by slipping up every once in a while. Use your mistakes as your motivation, but remember it is OK to have a bad day every once in a while. :happy:

    Good luck on your journey!! Sending you a request, and anyone can feel free to add me!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,720 Member
    This is an incorrect thread title. It should be "OVER CONSUMING everything I love is bad for me"

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Maxieboy123
    Wean yourself off the "bad stuff " don't set your goals so high they are unobtainable. Your tastes will change but it's a long haul.

    Kashi makes a decent frozen pizza for when you don't have time to make your own.

    Best baked ships I ever tried (when you gotta have 'em) are Kettle Brand Bakes, can get 100 calorie bags at Target. Sea Salt ones have sliced potatoes, 2.5 gm. oil and salt, and that's it. To me they taste very natural.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    I am such a junk food junkie....i LOVE foods that are bad for me...i struggle ALL the time to not eat them...I am totally addicted to chocolate lol...its really hard because my husband and kids are all skinny and love to eat junk...im the chunky one lol...Losing weight has been hard but no matter what i keep pushing..Feel free to add me if you would like =).
  • reslifemom
    reslifemom Posts: 3 Member
    OMG I'm 41 and STILL have the same struggle. I know what i should eat, but I don't like the taste of it. My hubby likes the taste of fruits and veggies and naturally gravitates toward them; I wish! However, I agree with the posts; one that said take baby steps because if you deny yourself all at once you'll end up binging. Also, the idea about taste changing really works. So I've avoided fast food for like two weeks and the other day went for Wendy's. Can I tell you I ate just the middle of the burger...way too salty and had like 4 fries and was done...and fries and chips (oh, and cheese btw! I'm with you there) are like my favorites! Anyway, the fries just didn't really taste as good. I swear this was from adjusting my eating and avoiding fast foods. That motivated me to keep avoiding them. Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)