The wonderful plateau :( 100+lb loss and stuck :(

Hi everyone, this is my first post on MFP message boards so if I've done something in error, please forgive me!

I am on a BIG weight loss journey. It began September 2011 - I've lost and been able to maintain (within 7 lbs) a 125lb weight loss since November 2012. Now, I didn't mind the plateau first, after all I do realize this is a shock to my body but I'm getting pretty frustrated now after a 5 month stay.

I am very active, ran a 10k in October 2012 and continue to run 3 times a week with running club, swimming, fitness class (P90X, Insanity style), Zumba, Piloxing, yoga, walking, biking....basically I went from a couch potato to a (gradually) workout nut and I DO love it. My Dr has been monitoring me, quite proud, doing the weight loss all by food journal (MFP) and exercise, according to him everything is falling into place getting my health back. Off my high blood pressure pills since Feb 2013 (YAY!)

BUT, as I said above, getting super frustrated now with this plateau. I've swiched up eating, bumped up and switched up my exercise routine....can't get past this bump in the road. I'm terribly afraid my emotions will get the better of me and I'll turn to food for comfort again and I can't allow that to happen.

ANY suggestions from anyone who has 100+ lbs to lose or have lost and have suffered a plateau??? Dr says to be patient, but honestly my patience is wearing quite thin.


  • Hikaru001
    Hikaru001 Posts: 52
    Let me be the first to say that you have already done a wonderful job! It's hard going from a life of inactivity to a fit and healthier lifestyle.

    Over the past 15 months of my weightloss journey I have hit a few plateaus. I just recently got out of one. I was stuck around the 100 pouns loss mark for about 2 or 3 months- it was so frustrating! I got discouraged and began to est a little bad and kept fluctuating between 5-7 pounds lost and gained. So, my problem has always been what I put in my mouth. I am a 22 year old college student who lives at home and I have to eat what my family cooks, which usually isn't healthy. So, I offered to do the grocery shopping and to cook a few nights a week. And just like that, in the past two weeks I have lost about 3 pounds which is a huge accomplishment for me having already lost over 100 pounds!

    My advice for getting out of a plateau is focus a lot of your exercise of cardio, it's a great fat burner. Also make sure that you eat enough. If you are being very active then you may need to increase your calorie intake.

    Take from this what you want because I'll be the first to say that I am no expert of nutrition or fitness! I only know what has worked for me and hope that it can help others. Good luck on getting out of your plateau- honestly just give it time!
  • amymina
    amymina Posts: 64 Member
    Any help on this subject is great - as I have noticed a slow down in my weight and started to go between the same four lbs the last few weeks and don't want to be stuck her for months either. Thanks guys!
  • KathleenKP
    KathleenKP Posts: 580 Member
    You are amazing! That's a HUGE change. Wow!!!!!

    I'm currently on a plateau also, but this is my second one.

    I lost about 50-55 pounds and then got stuck. I knew it wasn't my ultimate goal, but I decided to be happy staying there for a while until I "knew" I was ready to start losing again. I wanted to use the time to practice maintaining. I hovered around the same three pounds for 10 months, but I wasn't "dieting". I did watch things closely for a day or two when my weight was on the upside, but mostly I wanted to know if I could eat kind of like a healthy person without white-knuckling it. I didn't go back to my previous eating. I also got to wear all the new clothing I bought until I was sick of it.

    Then I was ready to lose more. This time I've only lost 15-20 (my total is 70-75 pounds, depending on the day), and I've plateaued again. It's frustrating, because I'm not ready for it again so soon. I am fighting it. But I do have the internal strength to keep at it, and not to give up. I might have to acknowledge I am on a plateau and do like I did before, but I won't go back to my previous eating habits.

    I think it's good to take time to lose the weight. There is so much in our head that needs to catch up with our body changes. I did NOT expect to have this much mental's good and happy...but change nonetheless. It seems that perhaps this is the biggest reason for regaining the weight...not getting the mental change. A slower weight loss can help you solidify your new habits.
  • DocMomKim
    DocMomKim Posts: 7 Member
    I am also on a plateau and very frustrated hence why I searched this topic. I've lost 76 but for 4 months have been going up and down the same 3-5 pounds but not going below my low. There is a consistent pattern for me where I hit my low on Friday or Saturday then Monday or Tuesday the scale shows an increase of ounces up to 5 pounds which I spend the next few days losing again. I even had 1 time where overnight the scale showed a 10 pound weight gain yet I did not binge on 35,000 calories. Obviously water weight but why? I exercise from 3 to 6 days a week but even the days I'm not at the gym I'm not a couch potatoe. I have trouble changing up my exercise too much because the elliptical is the only thing that does not hurt my knee however I did add circuit weights. Some suggest increased net calories, I thought my portions may be getting slack, could it be hormones (I'm peri menopausal)?????? I don't find any solid answers. I just know I'm determined not to go back where I was so ill keep on keeping on and just wait out the scale. I will win this battle. I'm a Taurus and very stubborn. I'll keep looking at others post to see if any light bulbs come on so please keep posting.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    For those of you struggling... What are your macros. After lots of weight loss and a long plateau I was mentored and had to drop carbs. Been losing well ever since. I do 30% carbs (max) 35% protein, 35% fat. All the friends on my list who've lost a lot also successfully do these macros. If you'd like further info PM me

  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I am also on a plateau and very frustrated hence why I searched this topic. I've lost 76 but for 4 months have been going up and down the same 3-5 pounds but not going below my low. There is a consistent pattern for me where I hit my low on Friday or Saturday then Monday or Tuesday the scale shows an increase of ounces up to 5 pounds which I spend the next few days losing again. I even had 1 time where overnight the scale showed a 10 pound weight gain yet I did not binge on 35,000 calories. Obviously water weight but why? I exercise from 3 to 6 days a week but even the days I'm not at the gym I'm not a couch potatoe. I have trouble changing up my exercise too much because the elliptical is the only thing that does not hurt my knee however I did add circuit weights. Some suggest increased net calories, I thought my portions may be getting slack, could it be hormones (I'm peri menopausal)?????? I don't find any solid answers. I just know I'm determined not to go back where I was so ill keep on keeping on and just wait out the scale. I will win this battle. I'm a Taurus and very stubborn. I'll keep looking at others post to see if any light bulbs come on so please keep posting.

    +10 could you have possibly had a high sodium and carbs day, the day before?
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Eat like a mentalist for a weekend. Then go back to your deficit. I do it whenever I plateau. I gain a few lbs in the immediacy, but I then lose that plus am able to get under my previous sticking point.
  • snowyday73
    thanks everyone! It's very encouraging to have this support - Jumped on the scales yesterday and lo and behold, same again!! arghhhh, felt like kicking the scales, lol

    The suggestion of bumping up calories since I am so active makes sense and also the suggestion of watching the percentages of carbs, sodium, etc.....have been trying to "eat clean" since the new year. That is a challenge especially where I live (Northern Eastern Canada, remote location) so fresh veggies/fruit/organic are not always available to purchase.

    I will NOT give up and continue on this journey - thanks again everyone!!!