New to running...



  • jillybean_75
    jillybean_75 Posts: 70 Member
    Slowly. Don't compare to other runners and seeing how fast they're going. They all started where you did at one point in their life. You'll get there.

    I like this. Thanks!
  • jillybean_75
    jillybean_75 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I will keep my current pace and keep gradually adding distance.

    Any advice to switch to running outside?
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Slowly. Don't compare to other runners and seeing how fast they're going. They all started where you did at one point in their life. You'll get there.

    Yep, I would drive myself crazy comparing myself to a young twenty-something trotting away next to me... :noway:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. I will keep my current pace and keep gradually adding distance.

    Any advice to switch to running outside?

    Treadmill is easier for me since it keeps my pace and environmental conditions don't change.
    Outside you need to factor in all the elements: temperature, humidity, wind, uneven terrain, etc.
  • jillybean_75
    jillybean_75 Posts: 70 Member
    Treadmill is easier for me since it keeps my pace and environmental conditions don't change.
    Outside you need to factor in all the elements: temperature, humidity, wind, uneven terrain, etc.

    I feel the same way (plus at the gym they have childcare when I need it). However, my first goal is to do a 5K, so I want to be accustomed to running outside as well.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    YIKES! SLOOOOOW it down! Meaning slow down the increasing of miles. You will most likely end up with an injury if you keep doing that. Follow a C25K program. And welcome to the club!
  • bump
  • Thanks for all the advice. I will keep my current pace and keep gradually adding distance.

    Any advice to switch to running outside?

    Go to a park or along a river or creek. I find having things to look at makes the time go faster.

    *Edit: It will be harder at first as you're generally dealing with harder surfaces and wind resistance, but I find running outdoors much more enjoyable than the treadmill.
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Thanks for all the advice. I will keep my current pace and keep gradually adding distance.

    Any advice to switch to running outside?

    Go to a park or along a river or creek. I find having things to look at makes the time go faster.

    *Edit: It will be harder at first as you're generally dealing with harder surfaces and wind resistance, but I find running outdoors much more enjoyable than the treadmill.

    this. When running outside, make a lot of allowances and be very forgiving of yourself. It's almost a completely different sport. One thing to be careful of is your running surface - you're not running very far so far, but if you notice your knees complaining, make sure you run on softer, flatter surfaces an consider skipping the concrete sidewalks or rocky/rooty single track trails. Asphalt and small cinders are nice. Oh, a good place to transition from treadmill to outside is a track, like near a highschool or college. It's still flat, it's easily measured, and the surface is designed to be run on.

    Most important thing to keep in mind is that by putting on your shoes and moving - any distance, at any speed - you are accomplishing good work. In the early days and months, building the habit is more important than finishing a distance, or hitting a pace. Allow yourself to have bad days, and keep going. A bad run is always better than a skipped run, and one skipped run is always better than two skipped runs!
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
    go for speed. run one mile faster and faster
  • Jglowmu
    Jglowmu Posts: 3
    I've been a runner for about 4 years and I still don't go very fast! My pace averages about 12:30/mile, but it is getting better. Don't worry about going super fast right now. Like everyone has said, you don't want to hurt yourself! As far as treadmill vs. outside, I used to be a treadmiller and thought it was way easier. Then I got my rear end outside, and I found the light. Outside will feel harder at first, but then you realize the air is fresh (not gym or small workout room stale), the birds are singing, and your pace will get better. I feel like I naturally go faster running outside, because I am not staring at a number on the treadmill keeping me at one pace (physically and mentally). My body changes the pace when needed and walk breaks don't last nearly as long. I really dislike treadmill running now.

    Just make sure you are enjoying what you're doing and not putting yourself in injuries' way! :smile: Good luck!

    ::sigh:: Today's a rest day, and now I want to go for a run!!:tongue:
  • assblaster69
    assblaster69 Posts: 47 Member
    Just keep running. Is it internet's fault people cant think with their own brain?
  • run_way
    run_way Posts: 220

    ALSO: I find that I actually LIKE running on the treadmill more than outside, which is contradictory to most. Any tips to get to running outside?

    Sometimes you will find that you can't run as far/fast when running outside, the uneven surface and even slight variances in elevation make an impact - just something to keep in mind when choosing your route. Other than that, just go! :drinker: