I'm pretty sure I was just mocked in public for being fat

Damn hooligans lurking outside the library, where I just dropped off a book and grabbed a cup of coffee yelled out at me on my return to my car , jeering at my "wiggle" , or "wubbah wubbah'. Horrible sounds signifying a large person. I did find it frustrating for a plethora of reasons, least of which was the actual heart break of being poked fun at for weight. I mean, I'm 36 years old... one would have thought that would not be a worry. Really tho' - while I do recognize that I am overweight, I also know I'm not morbidly obese (not that a morbidly obese person should ever be heckeled either) so I found it quite confounding to feel like I was back in high school... which ironically was the last place I was heckled for weight, and in high school I was not by any means fat. Tho' I believed I was... because of the hooligans that said I was. Now I AM in fact overweight, but not so overweight that I would ever think that someone would feel compelled to make noises implying that I was. One overwhelming thought resonated as I climbed back into my car, my heartbreak is that 4 years ago I was fit, thin, healthy, and not to toot my own horn (but I will) those same hooligans would have been hooting alright, but to try to get my number, not to make me feel like "Ten Ton Tess". It does make me so much more sad that I gained in the first place. I guess I also was just surprised that people still are calling "fat" people names, or making sounds or whatever..... if something like 60% of the people are overweight then that's the majority, how is it still happening to mock an overweight person. I'm in a pretty bad mood.


  • AnnetteNJ
    AnnetteNJ Posts: 29
    I guess it really doesn't matter how old anyone is because it hurts regardless. Take that experience as an inspiration to continue on your journey to get back in shape. You will have the last laugh.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    I guess it really doesn't matter how old anyone is because it hurts regardless. Take that experience as an inspiration to continue on your journey to get back in shape. You will have the last laugh.

    Yep, what she said. ^

    Let it be a motivation. I have a similar story (amongst 700 million of them :bigsmile: )...

    In the past two years or so I’ve had rotator cuff and lumbar surgeries, which precluded me from doing what I like doing... weight training. The shoulder surgery was last September (2012). When my p.t. was done in February this year I slowly got back to weight training, but the new regimen is more athletic and fitness oriented, rather than my previous powerlifting style. I'm determined to reach my goals and do the Alpha Male Strut at the beach; right now I'm ready to do the Omega Male Slink.

    So, I'm talking to a co-worker one morning who saw me in the company gym (I don’t usually use that gym) doing a light workout. He's about the same age as me, he has put on a lot of weight, is insulin-dependent diabetic and is doing cardio, which of course is good.

    These comments from him: "You're 55 years old; you'll never have a 6 pack, except the one out of the refrigerator [I don't drink]; just do cardio or your arteries will wind up like this [tiny circle with thumb and forefinger to show them narrowing]; you're too old to be into this 'muscle building' thing; you wanna wind up ripping more muscles and tendons? (my injuries were not from weight lifting); you're no Jack LaLanne;" and so on. Whatever words I could get in edgewise to respond, because he kept cutting me off, were "muscle burns calories, weight training strengthens bones, cardio on machines is not the be-all and end-all; if I get a 6-pack that's great, if not, who cares as long as I reach my goal.

    Now, what possesses a person to be so negative and discouraging towards another person's regimen, goals, ideals, except envy? Do you know what the irony is... ? That conversation has lit a bonfire under my butt to reach my goal of doing the Alpha Male Strut here at the office too, in front of him and everyone.

    Living well is the best revenge, and revenge is a dish best served cold.
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    I'm sorry. I know it hurts. *hugs* Anybody who makes fun of someone because of how they look is a moron, and very insecure.

    I know it's hard, but don't let them ruin your day. Don't value the opinion of someone who judges you based on what you look like on the outside. *hugs* They don't know the wonderful person that you are.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Now, what possesses a person to be so negative and discouraging towards another person's regimen, goals, ideals, except envy? Do you know what the irony is... ? That conversation has lit a bonfire under my butt to reach my goal of doing the Alpha Male Strut here at the office too, in front of him and everyone.

    Living well is the best revenge, and revenge is a dish best served cold.

    @Jainarayan, Spectacular share... thanks. We all will have the last laugh!!
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I'm sorry. I know it hurts. *hugs* Anybody who makes fun of someone because of how they look is a moron, and very insecure.

    I know it's hard, but don't let them ruin your day. Don't value the opinion of someone who judges you based on what you look like on the outside. *hugs* They don't know the wonderful person that you are.

    Thanks @AlisonR12.... life does go on, and I can easily consider the source. I'll use it as motivation instead of defeat.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    @Jainarayan, Spectacular share... thanks. We all will have the last laugh!!

    Yes, we will. :smile:
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Maybe I'm just weird, but I don't think I'd want to use that as a motivation. If I can get away with it (which isn't often) I prefer to not let people have any power over me. That means if I don't want the crap other people tell me to upset me, it also means I'm not going to let it spur me on.

    The changes I make are for me. The people who try to get under your skin are just piles of dust waiting to happen; they simply don't matter. At all.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Punks will be punks. I don't pay them any mind.
  • sixpackdream
    sixpackdream Posts: 55 Member
    They made a fleeting comment because they intuitively believe it will make them feel better about themselves. If they need to do that at someone else's expense then feel pity for them that their lives are that empty and sad.

    As already posted, use their comment as a gift. The next time you want to skip a workout or eat that extra cookie, remember the comment, but only because you want to use it as motivation.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    yeah I'm not keen on being motivated by meanness, but I don't want it to bring me down either... so I"m just going to keep mugging on and know that I'll be better for it. It's not been 'inspiring' or anything, but it's not going to be my downfall either.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Punks will be punks. I don't pay them any mind.

    this, they were probably young and would heckle a woman for looking like a bookworm, or heckle a woman for dressing in a way they find slutty. Their opinion of you should not matter.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I hate it when stuff like that happens!

    Years ago when I weighed only 155 (185 now), I saw that the emergency room doctor had written in my chart "this mildly obese woman ...". What? I was on the cusp between average and overweight then.

    I would hate to see what that doctor would write now. "This morbidly obese woman ..." maybe.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Meh, haters gonna hate. If it's not one thing it's another.

    I have been whistled at, "Hey baby! Hey Sweetheart!" "Mamacita" (from men in trucks out their window driving down the road), and "Hey mosquito bites" or "flat chest" etc. etc.

    I mean, seriously... people make fun of people for anything. It's just what they do. And it's not just you. Let it slide ;)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I hate it when stuff like that happens!

    Years ago when I weighed only 155 (185 now), I saw that the emergency room doctor had written in my chart "this mildly obese woman ...". What? I was on the cusp between average and overweight then.

    I would hate to see what that doctor would write now. "This morbidly obese woman ..." maybe.

    I read records all day, and YES they will mention obese, mildly obese, morbidly obese, etc. depending on your BMI. :P
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I mean, I'm 36 years old... one would have thought that would not be a worry.

    The biggest thing younger people have NO concept of is that as you get older you really DO NOT have everything figured out. I'm 43 and started last year trying to figure out who I wanted to be when I grow up.

    Go figure.

    The only thing we are better at is hidding issues than really dealing with them.

    Chin up!
  • SDHudgins1976
    Punks will be punks. I don't pay them any mind.

  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    :explode: Next time, I will go with you. Let's see if they talk crap then. :angry:
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Maybe I'm just weird, but I don't think I'd want to use that as a motivation. If I can get away with it (which isn't often) I prefer to not let people have any power over me. That means if I don't want the crap other people tell me to upset me, it also means I'm not going to let it spur me on.

    The changes I make are for me. The people who try to get under your skin are just piles of dust waiting to happen; they simply don't matter. At all.
    Agreed. Which also means delving into the motivations and/or character of others who have disparaged me (or you) is fruitless at best, and hardly supportive.

    OP, I'm sorry you were hurt.
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    That sucks. I know Ive had that happen a few times. I am larger but that is not an excuse for anyone. One time was in the midst of a huge weight loss 50 lbs or more, while exercising mind you. Yeah those kind of people are a treasure. (Sarcasm here.) Two other times I'll tell you about. One time, when I was like 19, a homeless man approached my friends and I for money. We were all broke but we had a sandwich we had bought from the gas station earlier, so I offered it to him, and he called me a fat b**ch for offering it. NICE! I am a good hearted person and often shocked by what people do and say, though, I probably should not be shocked. One other time, I pulled up at Walmart with my daughter and my 10 yo girl snickered at two men (while we were in our car) because their pants were so low, inappropriately showing their behinds, mind you, and I told my daughter, "its not nice to laugh at how someone looks or dresses" and I smiled at the guys becuz I think they heard her snicker..my 10 year old child. We got out of the car and walked almost to the door of Walmart when the two men drove by and shouted "You fat *****!" As loud as they could in front of everyone walking in and out. Yeah nice, this was just a few months ago. I was just taken aback as Im trying to teach my daughter to love everyone, and that is how I get treated. Its sickening. Sad thing is my daughter was feeling badly because she giggled. Good going, grown adult men.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    I find nowadays these young people will mock anyone for anything. I don't think it matters whether you are larger or smaller or if you look a certain way. They are just a bunch of twats!