First timer from the UK looking for some pals

rmblazey Posts: 10 Member
Like the topic says, I am looking to not only lose this mass of extra me that has attached its self to me, but get fit at the same time.

I'm new to this place so I don't really know how it works, but if you friend me then I will friend back! I love that this has a community attached to it and I need all the help I can get! I have been using the app on my iPad for about a week now and I feel that having some friends in there will really push me some more!

Although I am new here, I am no stranger to weight loss. In 2009 I lost two stone in about a year. How ever I didn't do this in a healthy way. This time I have promised myself that it'll be different. I know this time around, it is a lifestyle change rather than just a quick fix!

Thanks for reading and like I said, please add and help me on this journey to a new way of life!



  • pont2013
    pont2013 Posts: 3
    Hi there

    I am back after a few months off. Last year I lost 10kg but ended up gaining around 5 back. I am determined to lose it for god this time as I am getting married in 2014 and need to get the body in order. If anyone wants to add me that would be great! :smile:
  • luziferl
    luziferl Posts: 82
    guys don't hesitate and send me a friend request - im living in aberdee, where r u from?

    together we can do it!!
  • beccahel
    beccahel Posts: 12 Member
    Friend request on the way :-)
  • rmblazey
    rmblazey Posts: 10 Member
    :D cheers for the adds guys!!

    I'm from Wales!
  • pangy1958
    pangy1958 Posts: 151 Member
    Add me if you like. and good luck on your journey
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member

    Add me if you would like to :) Where abouts in Wales are you from ?
  • rmblazey
    rmblazey Posts: 10 Member
    Pembrokeshire :)
    I love it.
    It is so beautiful!
  • I'm from the UK too. Always welcome new friends, so feel free to add me. :smile:
  • rockford91
    rockford91 Posts: 13 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I Love new friends to support!!! Good luck everyone!!!!!
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    I think the last time I was that way I was about 10 haha. My brother lives in mid to north wales. I love it up there but don't get to go very often anymore.
  • kliermann
    kliermann Posts: 514
    hey I know how ya feel and you can add me if you want anyone can I look forward to motivating and getting motivated :)
  • Feel free to add me, im starting to lose steam currently so would love some more motivation and to give some motivation back :)
  • rmblazey
    rmblazey Posts: 10 Member
    I think the last time I was that way I was about 10 haha. My brother lives in mid to north wales. I love it up there but don't get to go very often anymore.

    A lot of families come here for easter and summer holidays! in the winter and term times it is like a ghost town!
    A lot of people who live here complain but i actually rather like it! sometimes! lol.