am I working hard enough?

I feel like for what im eating/the amount of exercise im doing the weight should be falling off.

I eat between 1200-1400 cals a day and exercise everyday (monday and tuesday I only burn 200-250) the other days I burn at least 500 sometimes alot more. I keep my diet fairly clean and my treats are coffee twice a week, take out once per week (nothing deep fried things like lean chicken burgers etc)

I drink at least 2ltrs of water a day and eat veg everyday ( I could maybe eat more Veg)

Whats happening here? im losing about 500 - 700g per week which I know isnt bad but I would really like to be losing 1kg a week


  • roxazaloah
    I know when you first start out almost EVERYONE wants the weight to just fall right off. You're doing it the right way though, by losing it slowly. Losing weight slower ensures that as you lose weight your body is toning up so it'll definitely look better once you reach your goal. Don't give up! As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither is losing weight. It sometimes just doesn't happen very quickly.
  • saram589
    saram589 Posts: 29 Member
    thats the thing I havnt just started

    I lost 38kg, put on 10 last year due to stress eating and now im trying to get that 10kg back off