sweet tooth emergency food?

When you get a serious sweet tooth - what do you snack on at home?


  • mikniknar
    mikniknar Posts: 19 Member
    A Del Monte Real Fruit Popsicle which is 45 calories per serving :)
  • Jecca910
    Jecca910 Posts: 25 Member
    mmm that sounds yummy! I'll write it down and try! Thanks so much for responding! PLEASE HELP!
  • Casilibre
    Casilibre Posts: 21
    One square of Lindt 70% cocoa dark chocolate. 63 calories & delish!
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    My sweet tooth cravings are often chocolate related, so I keep various Snackwells 100 calorie packs on hand. I love the chocolate drizzles chocolate chip cookies, the mint chocolate cookies, and both the chocolate and yogurt covered pretzels.

    I also keep Greek yogurt with fruit in the fridge.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    dark chocolate baked almonds 24 almonds 160 calories and tastes just like you've eaten a candy bar
  • Jecca910
    Jecca910 Posts: 25 Member
    Oh really! mm. i loooove chocolate!
  • purple_orchid
    purple_orchid Posts: 129 Member
    chocolate is my weakness. If I have a bag or container of anything chocolate or baked goods, I'll eat it all.
    Lately I've been eating Quest chocolate chip cookie dough protein bars when temptation strikes.
  • Mamajeans1973
    sometimes sugar free jello, but mostly regular fudge cycles regs have 70 cal. sugar free has 40 i try not to use too many "diet" foods cause the Aspertame in them makes my joints hurt and gives me head aches :)
  • fitnessfreddie
    fitnessfreddie Posts: 74 Member
    I l love red gala apples. They usual kick that sweet tooth.
  • Jecca910
    Jecca910 Posts: 25 Member
    You guys are awesome. I'm really gonna have to try all this stuff! Normally I don't have a real strong sweet tooth but the last few days i've been dying for wings and sweets!
  • NLWears
    NLWears Posts: 27 Member
    dark chocolate baked almonds 24 almonds 160 calories and tastes just like you've eaten a candy bar

    Those are amazing and have saved me from indulging quite a bit! I usually have 1/2 - 1 serving as an afternoon snack.
  • kimazoo
    kimazoo Posts: 33 Member
    Ghiradelli mini-chocolate chips. 130 something chips for 70 calories and they are vegan. ;) Eat them one by one and you'll be eating chocolate for a long time. ????
  • Vdbozeman
    I love Swiss Miss Diet hot chocolate ! It is only 25 calories!! One cup usually does the trick but I'll have another if I am still craving chocolate. It got me through the winter, I may have to turn up the air conditioner to drink it this summer.
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    Skinny Cow ice-cream (usually the sundaes) - no sugar, about 110 cals/serve
  • hayleysuel
    hayleysuel Posts: 46 Member
    Jello's chocolate indulgence with coolwhip!!! 60 cals for the jello, 25 for the whip! :)
  • LvlyLars
    LvlyLars Posts: 18 Member
    My favorite is Vitatops. You'll find them in the freezer section with the whole food type foods. They're muffin tops. The chocolate is my favorite; it's 90 calories. Heat it in the microwave for 30 seconds or so and it's like warm chocolate cake. The best!!!
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Frozen grapes or blueberries are often recommended to satisfy a sweet craving.
  • wendalyse
    wendalyse Posts: 58 Member
    There is a recipe on the Mad Chemist website for chocolate brownies made with black beans. It is fabulous. I did work out the calories once by adding up all the ingredients and then dividing that number by the number of servings. I forget how many calories but I do remember that it's reasonable and it's a good source of fiber as well. I have frozen them and had them cold.
    Also, frozen grapes. It takes a while to eat them and they are sweet.
    Fake apple pie- I put unsweetened applesauce with a bit of Stevia and cinnamon in a pita and heat it a bit.
    Gala apple with 2 of those Laughing Cow Light triangles of cheese.
    Dairy Queen has fudgicicles and creamsicles for under 100 cal.
    Hope this eases the sweet tooth.
  • Guitar1969
    Guitar1969 Posts: 33 Member
    Fugdcicle - No sugar added, but just one as it has sugar alchols
  • pittbullgirl
    pittbullgirl Posts: 341 Member
    Oddly enough, since I started drinking homemade smoothies with Kale, my sweet tooth has DRAMATICALLY decreased.
    About 2 weeks after consistantly having my smoothie in the am, I found a chart that said "missing this, eat this" found here:
    I was suprised and happy to learn that besides health benifits, Kale has helped me curb the sweets :)