The next time you think YOU have it bad.........

GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
The next time you are whining about your problems, think about this. This is what I witnessed today. Talk about humbling.......There was an elderly lady and her granddaughter in line in front of me in the grocery store this evening. She had some cabbage, a loaf of bread, and 2 cans of off brand veggies. After the clerk scanned the cabbage and bread she made him stop and tell her what her total was so far. Then she told him to scan 1 can of veggies and tell her the total, then the same for the next. Her grand total was less than $5.00. She paid for over half of her order with change and was short. I was scowering my purse for the .25 that she needed (I rarely have cash, even change) when she found 3 dimes.

It made me think, there but for the Grace of God go I. I take so many things for granted. Admit it, we all do. So the next time you are mad because your phone lost your contacts, or because the traffic is heavy, or some guy parked too close to the line, or because you don't have the newest iphone, or you don't have a new big screen TV; stop take a breathe and think about all of the wonderful things you do have.

I am not trying to start a religious debate or war here, goodness no, that would make me a horrible awful person in the eyes of many who troll the forums (which is why I typically stay away). I just want to tell you this: my prayer today is that God will meet my NEEDS, that God will meet your NEEDS and that we will all remember it is prayer, not a wish list.


  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    amen God is good
  • well said!!!:flowerforyou: and yes it is a prayer!!
  • meglet175
    meglet175 Posts: 98
    You don't have to look far to find people far worse-off than yourself. I used to work with a wonderful lady who had lost both a husband and a son tragically. Made me thing twice before I opened my big mouth to complain about my guys... Perspective is everything!
  • MellyLikestoRun
    MellyLikestoRun Posts: 83 Member
    You have a kind heart. It's events like this that make us step back and be grateful.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    God is SOOOO Good.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I almost didn't click on this,but I'm so glad I did. I have been going through tough times but i am about to eat a wonderful meal and I am typing on my home computer and that is only the beginning of my blessings. Thank you for sharing! and Bless you and the woman who inspired you today.
  • ShelliePAwesome
    ShelliePAwesome Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you...I needed to read that today. Puts everything in perspective.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    This is so true. I only have $20 to my name til next Friday but atleast I have three meals at home waiting to be cooked and my gas tank is full. It could be worse.
  • Islandgirl_Aja
    Islandgirl_Aja Posts: 15 Member
    Well said.... I'm forever GRATEFUL no matter what! :)
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Not sure i get what god has to do with the lady being unable to easily afford her groceries.
  • Carol_Magee
    Carol_Magee Posts: 69 Member
    Been there.
  • StrongerKelly
    StrongerKelly Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for sharing. It's a good reminder to focus on the blessings we have, big and small.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    thank you for posting. God is soooooo good.
  • CaffeinatedGlitter
    CaffeinatedGlitter Posts: 201 Member
    Growing up in a very large family (oldest of 12 children) I have been in this exact same place. I have an amazing husband who supports me and our child and I don't take one day of it for granted! God has blessed me very much and He took care of my siblings and I through many many bad times and I'm glad to be His!
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    I'm betting if she hadn't found the 3 dimes you would have found the needed $ somewhere....there are always angels lurking somewhere.
  • rachel4304
    rachel4304 Posts: 115 Member
    Not sure i get what god has to do with the lady being unable to easily afford her groceries.

    This thread confuses me.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    What a sobering and important post...thank you so much for taking the time and care to share this...the greater majority of people are literally a paycheck or two or three from poverty--it's deep and humbling. Again, thank you for posting this! :love:
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Am I the only person that thinks the 'God is good' comments are insensitive? God wasn't that good to this poor woman in the grocery store. I appreciate the sentiment of the OP but not the 'whew at least it's not me'. Because that is what some of you are saying.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Loved this. I would have done the same thing as you, scrounging for what change might be floating at the bottom of my purse. In the space between the ugly "every man for himself" fight for survival and the self-idolizing faults of the human race, there's also hope and humility.

    No matter what anyone's take on God might be, I just continue to pray that people keep lending a hand, even to the bum on the corner who most would say will buy their next "fix". Because maybe he won't. And wouldn't that be a callous shame if everyone stops giving because of what they assume? A few nonprofits embezzle donations meant for aid. A percentage of those in need also struggle with addictions that got them in their situation. So many reasons to stop giving.

    It's only with hope and humility that people still give. Hope that they can make a difference. Humility that their addictions and vices are no better, and perhaps, in knowing that one day they might have to swallow their pride, hold their hand out, and watch the averted eyes and quickened steps of passersby that would rather pretend they can't see another's blighted existence. Or maybe feel the panic of not having enough money when they reach the check out counter.

    Sometimes our actions don't necessarily help the people we intend. Maybe it just benefits the people who are watching that have allowed the world to make them so callous. That's what you did today, GurleyGirl. The lady was able to help herself, but you were waiting in the wings trying to do what you could to help. That just might have benefitted someone else who saw it. :flowerforyou:
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