Feeling down



  • I get this way most of the winter but... now spring is here, the sun is shining and the flowers are starting to bloom. When I get depressed, I take a bath, go for a walk, walk the mall (in winter). I usually go to MFP in the morning and try to read the Motivation section and help others. Then, when feeling down or wanting to eat, I think about the things I have told others and tell them to myself!!!

    The only person stopping you is yourself, so move out of the way
  • Mswife09
    Mswife09 Posts: 81 Member
    Yes I am looking at the big goal and worry I won't get there.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Set smaller goals like 10lbs and celebrate each one when you meet it :) give yourself a reward
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Yes I am looking at the big goal and worry I won't get there.

    Ignore the big goal. Set smaller ones, like 10 lbs., and celebrate those. If you just keep aiming for the next 10 lbs, you'll get much closer to your goal without realizing it. That's what helped me, anyways. ^_^
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    Sometimes I lack motivation and energy. I've been told not to look at the big picture but to break it into manageable sized pieces and I tell you, it really works. I liken it to a picture of Rembrandt that I "copied" a few years back - it was my first artistic creation. I just stared at the A4 image in the book - a myriad of colours - and wondered where on earth to start. The night class teacher told me to do one small area, then another and build the picture from that. It was absolutely amazing how it all came together. I have permanent loaned it to a dear friend who is 85 years old - she loves it as I do.

    If anyone had told me that I'd lose approximately 90 lbs............well there is no way I would have believed them. I'm just over half way to my goal and I'm struggling. But I'll get there. The secret I found was to talk in positive tense eg instead of "I might have to buy myself a wardrobe of new clothes if I lose all this weight", I will say "I will buy myself a wardrobe of new clothes when I get to my goal weight". I still need to correct myself occasionally, but correct myself I do. I'm determined to get there.

    I wish you well. Just refocus yourself and go for it. Do it in easy steps like a Paint-By-Numbers painting and you'll be fine.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    soml :indifferent:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Ask yourself this... Is stressing and making myself down going to change this? No! Just think today km going to be proactive anddo X to get to where I want to be. one say at a tine, one step at a time.

    Got to try and not get overwhelmed with the bigger picture. Write your feelings down daily (a diary) at the end of each day you write why your proud of yourself today. In the morning you decide I'll do X to make myself proud today, because I am worth it...

    These things helped me, now I focus more on why I'm proud of myself rather than beating myself up.
