Starting over



  • emcclore
    emcclore Posts: 38
    OMG girl has anyone started over?!!!!! This one right here! I started my weight loss journey in Jan. 2011 at about 310-315... I was so motivated to do something different change my life and just get healthy... over about 6 months I was hardcore 1200cal no cheating, working out BLAH BLAH BLAH... I got down to 248!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! Yeah... during that time there was alot going on in my life... my then boyfriend and I were long distance I was in grad school trying to build a career for myself all while working a very stressful job....I was depressed and just unhappy about life.... all of a sudden I decided that I had to move for love and I relocated to be with my then Boyfriend of about 7years.... that made me happy BUT when I tell you EVERYTHING else went to hell.... Girl!

    So I stopped caring, I stopped my grad program and transferred to a school I hated withdrew from school, got a job that was way worse than the one I had left... and we were living in the same city as his family and whew honey, the chaos! but I was with my love one good thing happened... we got engaged... Oh and by the way I GAINED 40 Pounds!!!!!!!!! I was NOT the size I wished to be on my wedding day (just married 7/13/12) and I didn't care... (looking back, I care now.. because I could have been at my goal weight for my wedding day) I was a bit messed up about this because this was such an important day for me.... but.....

    I started over just last week using MFP but restarted my weight loss journey about 6-8 weeks ago (can't remember exactly... feels longer!) I have lost about 8-9 pounds so far! WOW! I'm not hard on myself, If i eat crazy I try to work it off... but its a life style change that you have to get used to...

    Soooooo...... I felt like I had to let you in on my story a little so you can see you're not alone! I sooo should have been at my goal by now but guess what thats ok.... it matters more that I'm working towards it and not away! DON"T GIVE UP! We CAN do it!

    and don't get so discouraged by the numbers.... just focus on what you are doing to make today count! don't put a time on it because thats just stress.... take it one day at a time....

  • emcclore
    emcclore Posts: 38
    I forgot to add as you see I joined MFP a whole year before I even really started using it.... sooo yeah... don't feel alone girl!
  • emcclore
    emcclore Posts: 38
    I'm starting over too. About a year ago I stopped really caring that much and I was down to 229. Now I've "Started Over" and day one of starting over found my weight at 251. Even though I've lost 10 lbs, my counter says I've lost 0....because it's still looking at 229#. I cannot locate anywhere to update my new "starting" weight but it's annoying to know I've lost 10...but all I see is a big fat red ZERO on my page.

    Eh....I hope soon enough my weight loss actually begins to register. Lol!

    I probably should have just made a new account.

    this happened to me, you have to update your weight to what you gained then update it again to what your weight is now then you should see the loss....

    Good Luck Loosing!
  • Wildbran
    Wildbran Posts: 19 Member
    I started back in 2008, for a friend's wedding. after that i lost interest. I started over a month ago - my previous weight was at 217 when I quit in 2008 - started over at 237...seeing that in itself was a wake-up call. So far so good! I'm down 13 lbs, only 7 lbs to go until I hit 217! Then a long way to go until goal but well worth it!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,190 Member
    Oh yes! I originally joined in 2010 and it was not until December 2011 that I began to be really serious and stick with it. In 2010-11 I think I started over five or six times. I would get all enthused for a few days or weeks and then trail off and get nowhere.

    Finally I was really ready, determined, and I set myself simple but unbreakable rules. At first, it was exercise every day even if it is not a lot. If I had not exercised by the time I needed to start making dinner, dinner was late. Every day. The second rule I added later when my work schedule got much crazier. No shower may be taken undeserved. If I do not get sweaty and do some fairly serious exercise, I do not shower. Let me tell you, I get to the gym or outside moving around or anything just so I can get clean! My co-workers know to pester me if my hair is looking grubby...

    In any case, starting over a few times until you get it right is probably the norm rather than the exception. Keep on starting over! It is worth it.
  • Smile72
    Smile72 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm starting over myself and come hell or high water I plan on sticking to it this time. I've done it before and I know I can do it again. My problem is/was.. I've seemed to have lost my motivation and have been desperately trying to get it back. For the last few months, every week I make the same promise to myself - this week will be better and some how I manage to sabatoge myself. So this past weekend I took the time to evaluate myself, figured out what triggers me to so easily sway off my course and came up with a realistic plan along with a realistic goal. I'm no quitter in other aspects of my life; henceforth weight loss should be no different. I know this journey is not easy but it's definitely attainable. I'm going to take each day as it comes, avoid putting pressure on myself, and remember that not every day will be a stellar day. Just have to keep my eye on the prize. A healthy new me. :happy:
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    Well I guess Im not really starting over per say. I've never left, and kept logging for the most part, and logged in daily.
    I've stayed within calories but slacked on workout days or felt I wasnt into it whole heartedly
    Im hoping working with a personal trainer is going to change all this and get me out of this rut
    She is an awesome motivator!
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I restart my ticker every time I reach a new heaviest. I want it to track my full progress.
  • jana_h8
    jana_h8 Posts: 7
    I'm starting over too. About a year ago I stopped really caring that much and I was down to 229. Now I've "Started Over" and day one of starting over found my weight at 251. Even though I've lost 10 lbs, my counter says I've lost 0....because it's still looking at 229#. I cannot locate anywhere to update my new "starting" weight but it's annoying to know I've lost 10...but all I see is a big fat red ZERO on my page.

    Eh....I hope soon enough my weight loss actually begins to register. Lol!

    I probably should have just made a new account.

    this happened to me, you have to update your weight to what you gained then update it again to what your weight is now then you should see the loss....

    Good Luck Loosing!

    Hmmm...I did my first weight update when I was looking over the app to get ready to use it again. Then I actually gained another poud, so I updated it a second time with a higher weight than before and ever since I've been losing but my ticker and updates do not reflect any "total weight lost" I'm nearly two weeks into it at this point through so there may be nothing I can do at this point.

    Thank you for the reply!!
  • jana_h8
    jana_h8 Posts: 7
    I restart my ticker every time I reach a new heaviest. I want it to track my full progress.

    Thank you so much for your post - - Once I read it, I went and found where I could update my ticker....YAY! Now I can see actual results. Thank you!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jana_h8
    jana_h8 Posts: 7
    Ooooh...I figured it out! Thanks to the help of another poster. Thanks, Ladies!
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I started over in Jan b/c I kinda fell off the updating wagon. Yeah, that kinda screwed me up! ^_^; So, I reset my ticker to the proper weight, and put a reminder alarm on my phone to update MFP. That helped me get back on and stay on track.
  • skinnygrlerica
    skinnygrlerica Posts: 41 Member
    I feel like I start over every week almost. My problem is that I haven't been committed enough to stick to the plan of less calories in and more calories out. I come up with GREAT excuses too, which is silly cause no one is telling me I have to lose weight. lol

    I have a great MFP buddy on here that helps keep me in check, but honestly, I need more pals. I am in a challenge with myself right now, and I want to reach 229 by May 31. Any extra motivation would be helpful. I'll go be a stalker now and try to get you all to be my friends lol...
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    I feel like I start over every week almost. My problem is that I haven't been committed enough to stick to the plan of less calories in and more calories out. I come up with GREAT excuses too, which is silly cause no one is telling me I have to lose weight. lol

    I have a great MFP buddy on here that helps keep me in check, but honestly, I need more pals. I am in a challenge with myself right now, and I want to reach 229 by May 31. Any extra motivation would be helpful. I'll go be a stalker now and try to get you all to be my friends lol...

    Great people is key for me on here. I love MFP people!! 20lbs is a lot to lose in a month though ....