Wii fit

Anybody else use one?? I'm thinking of buying one, has anyone seen any difference using one etc?


  • catfan
    catfan Posts: 90 Member
    There is a group on here that uses the wii and they seem to have great results..You should check them out.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I have the Wii Fit and personally I thought it got repetitive and took to long to go from one excercise to another. If you have the wii I highly suggest the "Personal Fitness Coach". It is awesome. The workouts vary day to day and you do see results with it. Plus it is only $20!
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    I have one and I love it!! I used it a ton at the beginning of my weight loss journey, now I don't use it as often but I do still do it about 2-3x per week. I would highly recommend it, it's fun and you will seresults if you are following it with calorie counting here on MFP!!:bigsmile:
  • softlyspoken68
    i love love love my WiiFit...can't say enough good things about it...
    A few of the top Wiis for workout and i can tell you, tone ' cardio and burn...

    Golds Gym for the WII...MY Personal fav'
    My fitness coach 2....another Awesome! i try to alternate these as much as possible.
    And EA Sports active

    all are awesome!

    I found that i get NOTHING but fitness for my WII
    if anyone is going to use it, it's for fun and workout, not pleasure ;)

    you'll be hooked in no time at all
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    all i used in beginning was wii fit plus!
    i lost weight, then i bought biggest loser game plus using wii board & lost 22lb in 12wk programme using it.
    ive just recenly gone back to using wii giving exercise bike & cross trainer a break.
  • gingerra19800
    i have a wii fit..and u can costumize ur work outs so that u dont have to pause inbetween..i love it..and the games do make u sweat too..also u can get other games...i got the jillian micheals work out and its pretty damn good!! you do feel like shes yelling at you in person...lol but yea you should try it..!!
  • iamkirstie
    iamkirstie Posts: 12
    coool, so theres a few different games i could get for it then... I'll have to have a nose!
    Where is the group on here that uses them??