
Finally!!! I have been on a plateau for 3 Months and it finally budged!!! A whole whopping 1 pound! I know it is just a little bit but I have been stuck for so long and it nice to finally see the scale go down! About time!

I guess logging the food is really helping. (i posted the other day to see if anyone actually did it and was suprised by the responses that I got)

Oh yeah! Another thing I was proud of was that I went to do my grocery shopping and did not buy anything from the frozen section!!! That is a huge step for me. I even wanted pizza and made a homemade one! I have only been a member to MFP for about 2 weeks and it is amazing how this site really is giving me the drive to get to where I need to be.

Thank you everyone!!! Also, if you want to "friend me" the more the merrier! I hope everyone is having a great day!


  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    yeah!!! happy for ya chicky!! im stuck too!! :sad: gotta log my food this week since i havent in days! congrats again tho!! :drinker: