Women With PCOS & Gluten Issues. Whats your diet?

I have pcos severly and it was undiagnosed for years before I knew what it actually was. I have sucessfully lost 60 pounds since November but my body has stalled and I have gotten off course because of being discouraged by this..I started doing more research on this and it seems 8 out of 10 women have a gluten intolerance who have PCOS. If you are doing the gluten free diet, what do you eat? I would love links to recipes and insight from my PCOS'ers. My doctor said to me, losing weight is hard, its twice as hard with pcos, but if you want to have a child in the future then youve got to get the weight off. So...here I am..at a wall and I would LOVE your feedback on what works for you!


  • hmjohnson25
    hmjohnson25 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi! I've had PCOS for years, but I just recently went gluten-free. It's finally getting the scale to move down!
    I was never a big bread fan, so that part wasn't too tough. I traded couscous for quinoa and soy sauce for tamari. Those were the two biggest changes for me. I try not to eat too many processed foods, so that makes it easier to stick to GF foods. I've also noticed that some GF breads and other foods in the stores are SUPER HIGH in calories. It's just not worth it to me, so I rarely buy anything like that.
    I do miss pizza though!
  • perne6
    perne6 Posts: 1 Member
    breakfast--eggs, egg whites, sauteed spinach, sweet potatoes
    lunch-salad w/ a protein (egg, fish, chicken)
    protein shakes (you can find a lot of gf protein bars if you like them for a snack: kind bars, lara bars)
    whole fruit-apples, oranges, bananas
    flavored rice cakes (layer them with anything you would use bread for--pb &j, smoked salmon and cc, etc)
    nuts & nut butters
    quinoa, cous cous, sushi, a little brown rice

    i can't really eat dairy, but sometimes a low fat cheese or yogurt

    what do you eat now?
  • Flipflops2004
    Flipflops2004 Posts: 11 Member
    I have did wonderful with weight loss so far but its bc I did such a drastic lifestyle change. I am a bread addict and altho im eating it in moderation, ive halted in my weight loss. I switched to whole grain breads and pasta and wraps etc but I struggle with liking most vegetables. I am good with fruit, sweet or bitter, pretty much fruit im good with. I just really struggle with vegetables that are green!
  • Flipflops2004
    Flipflops2004 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks. Im hoping mine will MOVE again!
  • Are there any vegetarians with PCOS who have a low carb diet? It feels impossible to me because veggies have carbs as well! I'm not a big starch person so I stay away from pastas, breads, potatoes and baked goods, but I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around how i can decrease carbs while being a vegetarian. Help!
  • ColleenDeBeasi
    ColleenDeBeasi Posts: 27 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about the carbohydrates in veggies. IMHO, no one gets fat from vegetables.

    Beans are high in carbs, and usually a fixture of a vegetarian diet, so you might want to swap them for tofu.

    I have PCOS and try to eat only whole grains, no HFCS, and mostly clean. I find that it's really challenging for me to lose on a vegetarian diet. I gave up meat for lent and only lost 5 pounds over the 40 days.