Runners? Need some help!



  • qasim91
    qasim91 Posts: 25
    I also started with cough to 5K a couple years ago, it was a perfect way for me to become a runner!

    Is this a version of the program for former smokers? :-)

  • amandaelizabeth81
    amandaelizabeth81 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks everyone, lots of good advice and helpful tips!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    how to start running: RUN
    no seriously I think we over think thihngs too much- the couch to 5K program is great but in my opinion took away from the "enjoyment" of running. Go outside and run until you feel you can't run anymore, then walk for a minute or 2 or 3, then run again- wash rinse repeat. Each time you go you'll run a bit more, and rest a bit less until you are running the whole time
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    how to start running: RUN
    no seriously I think we over think thihngs too much- the couch to 5K program is great but in my opinion took away from the "enjoyment" of running. Go outside and run until you feel you can't run anymore, then walk for a minute or 2 or 3, then run again- wash rinse repeat. Each time you go you'll run a bit more, and rest a bit less until you are running the whole time

  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    I also started with cough to 5K a couple years ago, it was a perfect way for me to become a runner!

    Is this a version of the program for former smokers? :-)

  • amandaelizabeth81
    amandaelizabeth81 Posts: 34 Member
    how to start running: RUN
    no seriously I think we over think thihngs too much- the couch to 5K program is great but in my opinion took away from the "enjoyment" of running. Go outside and run until you feel you can't run anymore, then walk for a minute or 2 or 3, then run again- wash rinse repeat. Each time you go you'll run a bit more, and rest a bit less until you are running the whole time

    LOL! True enough! :laugh:
    I'm just worried about my lungs hurting and then getting discouraged!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    how to start running: RUN
    no seriously I think we over think thihngs too much- the couch to 5K program is great but in my opinion took away from the "enjoyment" of running. Go outside and run until you feel you can't run anymore, then walk for a minute or 2 or 3, then run again- wash rinse repeat. Each time you go you'll run a bit more, and rest a bit less until you are running the whole time


    I get what you're saying.....but sometimes, people need a program for accountability.

    I mean, that is why they hire PTs after all - right??
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    how to start running: RUN
    no seriously I think we over think thihngs too much- the couch to 5K program is great but in my opinion took away from the "enjoyment" of running. Go outside and run until you feel you can't run anymore, then walk for a minute or 2 or 3, then run again- wash rinse repeat. Each time you go you'll run a bit more, and rest a bit less until you are running the whole time


    I get what you're saying.....but sometimes, people need a program for accountability.

    I mean, that is why they hire PTs after all - right??

    Absolutely. But that's not what this thread is about (accountability).
  • Definitely Couch 25k !!! It's amazing how quickly it builds your stamina :wink:
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    how to start running: RUN
    no seriously I think we over think thihngs too much- the couch to 5K program is great but in my opinion took away from the "enjoyment" of running. Go outside and run until you feel you can't run anymore, then walk for a minute or 2 or 3, then run again- wash rinse repeat. Each time you go you'll run a bit more, and rest a bit less until you are running the whole time

    I too LOVE the Couch to 5K, but found that the walk time was too much in between running.....which made my legs more tired. I like to run for 10 mins and walk for 1 or 2....then keep going. I had to build up to that though....but if you are in decent shape to start with or have good stamina, I agree.... just go til you can't go any more, not til you WANT to stop, but til you HAVE to..... GOOD LUCK!!!

    PS.... MAKE SURE YOU GET GOOD RUNNING SHOES, your feet and legs will thank you.......
  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 127 Member
    how to start running: RUN
    no seriously I think we over think thihngs too much- the couch to 5K program is great but in my opinion took away from the "enjoyment" of running. Go outside and run until you feel you can't run anymore, then walk for a minute or 2 or 3, then run again- wash rinse repeat. Each time you go you'll run a bit more, and rest a bit less until you are running the whole time

    I too LOVE the Couch to 5K, but found that the walk time was too much in between running.....which made my legs more tired. I like to run for 10 mins and walk for 1 or 2....then keep going. I had to build up to that though....but if you are in decent shape to start with or have good stamina, I agree.... just go til you can't go any more, not til you WANT to stop, but til you HAVE to..... GOOD LUCK!!!

    PS.... MAKE SURE YOU GET GOOD RUNNING SHOES, your feet and legs will thank you.......

    OH... and I work on it each day, some need to take every other day off, but I want to run a half marathon in the fall, so I am following a half program that just gives you distance to run dailly....
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Oh yea dont forget the Tunes
  • pstansel74
    pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
    My very general advice... 8 months ago I couldn't run a minute, a few weeks ago I just finished my first Half and have 2 more scheduled :)

    1) Get out and do it. Seriously, as others have said, just start. And make it a habit!
    2) Don't think you have to spend a fortune on gear. You want a pair of decent shoes, some good socks to help reduce blisters, some good wicking clothing since it is getting warmer.
    3) Hydrate! Make sure you are drinking enough liquids it is important, you will feel better when you run :)
    4) C25K is a great program, so is Zombie Run
    5) Do some research on your SPM (strides per minute) and get yourself up to 180! Made such a huge difference on my knees.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    how to start running: RUN
    no seriously I think we over think thihngs too much- the couch to 5K program is great but in my opinion took away from the "enjoyment" of running. Go outside and run until you feel you can't run anymore, then walk for a minute or 2 or 3, then run again- wash rinse repeat. Each time you go you'll run a bit more, and rest a bit less until you are running the whole time

    I too LOVE the Couch to 5K, but found that the walk time was too much in between running.....which made my legs more tired. I like to run for 10 mins and walk for 1 or 2....then keep going. I had to build up to that though....but if you are in decent shape to start with or have good stamina, I agree.... just go til you can't go any more, not til you WANT to stop, but til you HAVE to..... GOOD LUCK!!!

    PS.... MAKE SURE YOU GET GOOD RUNNING SHOES, your feet and legs will thank you.......

    OH... and I work on it each day, some need to take every other day off, but I want to run a half marathon in the fall, so I am following a half program that just gives you distance to run dailly....

    But you have a rest day a week, yes? Maybe 2?
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I also started with cough to 5K a couple years ago, it was a perfect way for me to become a runner!

    Is this a version of the program for former smokers? :-)

    It works for current smokers ... I do about 3.5 miles 3-4x a week.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Yep, I suggest couch to 5k. I did not use this because I did not know about it when I started but basically I did it on my own. I just started running a block, then walk a block then when that got easy I went on to run 2 blocks and walk 1 block and on and on til one day I realized I had just run a mile and from that point on I was addicted. Last yr I ran 13 5k's and 2 mud runs and this year I am adding 2 color runs to that schedule-just make sure you continue to enjoy it!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    how to start running: RUN
    no seriously I think we over think thihngs too much- the couch to 5K program is great but in my opinion took away from the "enjoyment" of running. Go outside and run until you feel you can't run anymore, then walk for a minute or 2 or 3, then run again- wash rinse repeat. Each time you go you'll run a bit more, and rest a bit less until you are running the whole time

    Agreed. I ran track in high school and even the C25K was too much for me when I started up again!! I couldn't run 50 ft! lol.

    Last year I ran an 8k, 2 half-marathons and a full marathon. I've already run 2 half-marathons this year and have two more scheduled. I'll probably run 3-4 half-marathons every year because I love it so much.

    Two words: GO SLOW. And as others have mentioned get fitted for shoes.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Most of the basics have been covered in other responses. Here's my two cents worth: expect it to be difficult, expect your body to question your sanity, expect to be breathless and tired fairly easily at first, expect a challenge, expect to encounter this problem or that and persist in finding a workable solution for you. OH. . .and expect to get addicted! Especially to racing. Also, set goals. . .distance goals perhaps at first and then speed goals later on. Having goal to work toward is always a good motivator on those days when you feel sluggish!!
  • Txracy
    Txracy Posts: 78
    Get professionally fitted for running shoes. Have your gait analyzed. Be prepared to pay some money for these shoes. They are worth it.

    Don't push yourself too hard in the beginning. Work your way up slowly. Focus on endurance first, and speed will follow after.

    Good luck!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I see a lot of people touting professionally fitted shoes. I'm of the opinion that this is only necessary if there is a particular problem that needs to be corrected. If you have decent feet, the shoes you wear aren't really all that relevant. I'm currently wearing the first pair of actual running shoes I've ever owned - but have been running for a while. I used to run in discount rack cross trainers (I have problems paying more than about $50 for sneakers. Hell, I have problems paying 50), but I've run in everything. I've even done my run in Teva-type sandals because I couldnt find my sneaks. Right now, it's mud season (and I run in the woods), so I run in work boots.

    Just start running to the extent you can. Try to do a little more every time you go out. If you're having problems (knee, ankle, hip, back), look into the professionally fitted shoes. But run in whatever you have. Dont let "making sure you have perfect running shoes first" stop you from starting.

    Edited to quantify "Problems"