Finding time

I'm up at 5:30 and headed to work not long after. Get off work at 4, head home and cook dinner for the family. School from 6-10 and then I'm beat by the time I get home. The nights I don't have school I am constantly running my son around to practice and games or doing homework for my crazy teachers. I joined a gym thinking that I would force myself to go becaue I'm paying for it but I can never find the time. Yes, I know I sound like I'm just making excuses but I'm really not. I'm tying to figure out something that I can fit into my normal day to day schedule.

I know I can't be the only person here with such a hectic schedule so how is everyone fitting exercise into their days?


  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    Can you ask your husband/SO to pick up some of the household stuff and running your son around?

    Meal prep on the weekends so that not much time is needed for prepping meals when you get home.

    What do you do for work? Is it possible to workout on your lunch break? You can make time, it can be hard but other people have been in your shoes and have made it work. Hopefully they'll jump in with some helpful tips.

    I know they aren't optimal, but workout DVDs can be a good start until life slows down a bit.
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    I know people that work two jobs and a degree, and would exercise before going to bed. If you're serious about losing weight, you'll make time.
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    Can you ask your husband/SO to pick up some of the household stuff and running your son around?

    Meal prep on the weekends so that not much time is needed for prepping meals when you get home.

    What do you do for work? Is it possible to workout on your lunch break? You can make time, it can be hard but other people have been in your shoes and have made it work. Hopefully they'll jump in with some helpful tips.

    I know they aren't optimal, but workout DVDs can be a good start until life slows down a bit.

    All of these are really good ideas! When you do cook--make a double batch of it and freeze it for weekday meals--saves a ton of time. We have a gym in our building but I haven;t been in forever--I end up working right through lunch. At some point (I predict soon!) I'll get back to the gym--I need to if I don't want my weight loss to stall! Do what you can, when you can!
  • m4ttcheek
    m4ttcheek Posts: 229 Member
    Exercise isn't required for weight loss. It helps and it good for you but it can easily be done without.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Crock pot for cooking meals. Good recipes here: Pot Recipes

    Is the gym near your work? Can you workout on your lunch and then eat at your desk?

    Try to work out both on Saturday and Sunday and then pick one or two other days during the week to squeeze it in.

    It's tough, but you can do it. Once you get started, you get into a routine. After a few weeks, you'll actually start looking forward to working out.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm a single working mom with an hour or longer commute everyday. I fit my workouts into my lunch at the office. Yesterday I was too busy during the day so I did a 30 minute kettlebell workout at 10:30 pm after my daughter was a sleep and chores were done.

    Along the way I also figured out that I was spending an hour plus to travel 5 miles on the subway everyday to work. I can run 5 miles in under an hour, so when it's nice I put my daughter in the jogger and multitask.

    If you take some time and look at your schedule creatively you'll probably be able to work it out.
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    You'll never "find" time. You have to make time.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    You cannot and will not find the time if you have a busy day. You have to MAKE the time to do what you want and need to do.

    That might mean making yourself workout when you get home from school. That might mean making yourself get up a bit earlier in the morning. It could mean getting your husband to take care of some of the tasks at home so you can go get a workout in. Can he make dinner while you workout? Or can he do the kid stuff while you workout? You have to find a way to MAKE the time to fit it in.

    Most of the time when people say there is just no time to make healthy meals or exercise, they are making excuses. No one can find the time... we all have to make the time to do what needs to be done.
  • wrussell001
    wrussell001 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m a widower now raising a young teenage grandson alone & working fulltime. I felt overwhelmed until a few months ago someone made me realize that I HAVE ALL THE TIME THERE IS. It’s was up to me to decide what to do with it. I made choices & I’m now biking 110 miles per week. You have all the time there is do with it what you choose.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    The time is there you need to use it!

    I catch a 6am train to work and get back to my town around 5:30. At least 3 nights a week I am coaching one of my kids' sports teams.

    I take advantage of the weekends. Saturday and Sunday I am working out first thing in the morning... and I plan my workout week according to other things I can't change. Sometimes that has me at the gym at 5am or out running near my home at 4:30am, or my one night off of sports a week I go right to the gym after work.

    During the kids sports can you workout? This winter my boys wrestled and i did not coach, so I would get them to practice and then spend an hour running.

    Just sit down, make a plan and stick with it... It will not be easy, but you can do it!
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Options're the only one on this site with a busy schedule.....

    Stop making excuses and start making time to exercise.
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I often work out at 10pm after my jobs are done. 'I'm beat' is an excuse, exercise will wake you up.

    ETA: I'm a single parent of 3 girls aged 10, 7 and 2, two with 'higher needs'. so I am doing Insanity at home as the gym isn't an option as I have no childcare.

    If you want to do it you will make time.
  • strickland8052
    strickland8052 Posts: 105 Member
    Sorry for all the people saying you are making excuses. I work full time and go to school and I know how it can be.... In times like this, you need encouragement.. not negativity! However, do remember it is not hopeless.

    Use the weekend to plan meals that are quick. Cook a big batch of stew, soup, or spaghetti and freeze. Find dishes that can be cooked in the crockpot or dishes that you just throw in the oven and they are done. Avoid foods that you have to "baby sit" by the stove. Those can be cooked when you have more time. Also try foods that your kids could fix themselves with a little prep on your part. For example, you could make some tahini sauce on the weekend, then they could make themselves gyros with deli meat. Or you could make some good homemade pizza sauce and they could fix themselves mini pizzas on whole wheat pitas (I LOVED doing this as a kid, because I got to pick out my own toppings.)

    Put your exercise clothes on AS SOON as you get home from work. Do whatever little prep in the kitchen you need to do and then work out while the food is in the oven. Set goals that are realistic. Just 30 minutes of exercise is a great start. Jillian Michael's DVDs are excellent because they are a serious workout in a short amount of time, and no need for a babysitter. Some are even available for free on youtube. Start out just doing a 30 minute video 2 times on weekdays then go for a long hike or bike ride on the weekends. If homework is a concern, you could also try to run on the treadmill or do the bike machine while reading (Some can do this; I get motion sickness...) Or try to get the majority of your homework done on weekends or while you are at work when you have downtime.

    If not already doing chores, ask your older kids to help out more. They could wash the dishes and possibly help with cooking.

    Also, I highly recommend taking just 1 class a semester. Not sure if that is possible with your program, but it has really helped my life a lot. Who cares if you graduate later? At least you'll have time to maintain a healthy lifestyle. :)
  • itsmaymee
    itsmaymee Posts: 45
    Options're the only one on this site with a busy schedule.....

    Stop making excuses and start making time to exercise.

    When did I say I was the only person with a busy schedule? If you read my post you will see that I said I know I'm not the only person....Pay attention if you're going to respond to my posts.
  • itsmaymee
    itsmaymee Posts: 45
    Thank you...well most of you. :)

    I'm really trying to do this. I was simply looking for ideas and suggestions not someone to yell at me and tell me I'm just making excuses. I have a really hard time putting myself first and I always worry about everyone else instead. The DVDs sound like they might be a good start. I'm going to look into some that have been suggested (I've even gotten a few emails with great suggestions) and see what I can do.

    I know there has to be 30 minutes in my day that I can steal for myself, I just have to find it. I think that's going to be more difficult that any exercise routine I decide to do.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You just have to make yourself a priority. That is not selfish, it is responsible. You will be happier and healthier and better able to help the people around you.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I know there has to be 30 minutes in my day that I can steal for myself, I just have to find it. I think that's going to be more difficult that any exercise routine I decide to do.

    Don't "find" the time. Finding the time never happens as there will always be something you would either rather be doing or have to do. You have to MAKE the time if you want it bad enough. There is a block of time you can take in a day to make for yourself if you really want to and make the effort to do so. Could be getting up early for example or cutting out watching a show on TV to workout.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Options're the only one on this site with a busy schedule.....

    Stop making excuses and start making time to exercise.

    When did I say I was the only person with a busy schedule? If you read my post you will see that I said I know I'm not the only person....Pay attention if you're going to respond to my posts.

    Okay. Well, in that case:

    Stop making excuses and start making time to exercise.
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    You'll never "find" time. You have to make time.


    This is something I'm learning and think is so important!

    I fully support meal planning to fee up some time in the evening (freezing ahead, crock pot recipes, salad/fresh veggies as meals which are easy if you prep produce ahead).

    Can you walk/workout on your lunch break(s)? Every little bit counts!

    Can you walk/do basic exercises on campus between classes?

    If you have a spouse/partner can they take on some of the things you do in the evenings to free up some time (kids activities/extracuriculars)?

    I was a prime example of using the line that I couldn't find time...but over the month I reassessed my life/time management and realized I CAN and SHOULD make time. There are 24 hours in the are you best going to use them for your own wellness and happiness?:) My kids and husband are SO important to me but if "mama ain't happy...nobody's happy!" You can do it!