Very Frustrated!!

SERIOUSLY!!! I'm so frustrated!!!! My weekly caloric intake was 7828 ish calories, this thing says my burned calories for the week just for living would be 19,110 thats a deficit of 11,282 so I SHOULD have lost 3.22 lbs. INSTEAD I GAINED .2???? I know it takes time but I really feel like I am stuck bouncing around this mark. I am drinking all the water I can stomach, I started walking . I would just like for the scale to show it.


  • adriennewx
    adriennewx Posts: 38 Member
    i think the saying eat less and burn more is a myth. if you exercise, you have to up your calorie intake, otherwise your body is just holding on to it all and you go into starvation mode. the figures on here are just a guide and i think they are a lot higher than they should be.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Your deficit is far too large. Consuming less than 8000 calories for the week is not nearly enough. Why are you eating so little and burning so much?

    I regularly consume 1700 min calories NET and lose most weeks. Having too large of a deficit can harm your progress and increase your muscle loss. Less muscle lowers your metabolism and makes it not only harder to lose weight but harder to keep it off. Less muscle also increases your body fat % as your lean body mass decreases.

    Eat more. You need to properly fuel your body.

    Even under the best circumstances you most likely will not lose each and every week. It all depends on water rentention, hormones etc.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Your deficit is far too large. Consuming less than 8000 calories for the week is not nearly enough and will increase your muscle loss.

    This. Less muscle means slower metabolism.
  • Eshades
    Eshades Posts: 30 Member
    So I still need to eat more to burn more.......Im not quitting I WILL find my happy balence!
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    So I still need to eat more to burn more.......Im not quitting I WILL find my happy balence!

    Either burn less or eat much more. It looks like you only have about 20lbs left to your goal (according to your ticker). Lower your weekly loss goal to no more than 1lb per week. When you hit about 15lbs left to lose lower it again to half a lb.

    Don't try to lose it too quickly. Eat more, much more.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So I still need to eat more to burn more.......Im not quitting I WILL find my happy balence!

    you need to NET 1200 cals.... so you start with 1200, burn 400 doing exercise, so you eat 1600.

    edit to add, if you only have 20lbs to lose, you should net more than 1200 cals
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    Gotta agree with everyone else on this. You're body put the brakes on.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Your deficit is far too large. Consuming less than 8000 calories for the week is not nearly enough and will increase your muscle loss.

    This. Less muscle means slower metabolism.

    Yes! Eat more. You could up your caloric intake by a couple hundred a week if you are afraid of gaining with such a big change. I was doing the same thing as you and needed to eat more so I just jumped up 500 calories a day and didn't weight for two weeks - I did not notice a weight gain and after three weeks was back losing.
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    So I still need to eat more to burn more.......Im not quitting I WILL find my happy balence!

    you need to NET 1200 cals.... so you start with 1200, burn 400 doing exercise, so you eat 1600.

    That's exactly it! Nobody seems to eat back their exercise calories! You might even add another 200-300 onto that just to shock your metabolism back in to gear.
  • nmb0717
    nmb0717 Posts: 130 Member
    This helps too... Find what your BMR is and eat at least that... plus your exercise cals back. OR eat at TDEE -15% and don't eat your exercise cals back. Re-do the calculations every 5lbs lost.
  • Eshades
    Eshades Posts: 30 Member
    Well the twenty pound mark was just GOAL #1 I actually have more like 120 plus to lose I was just trying to take this in small sections so I didnt feel overwhlemed. So that being said I figured having over 100 pounds to lose I would lose quicker! I will definately try and increase my calories!
  • fluffymcfluzzin
    fluffymcfluzzin Posts: 12 Member
    Try to also eat more meals a day. Eating every few hours will help keep your metabolism going!! Smaller meals more often is the key!!
  • pandabear7486
    pandabear7486 Posts: 92 Member
    I would agree with the others as well. I would adjust your settings to see if you get different results. I am following 1250 cals/day and adding exercise. I generally eat back some of the burned calories, but not always all of them, and sometimes more. I might find an outside site to help guide recommended calories if MFP is still too low. These sitea may be more realistic
  • Eshades
    Eshades Posts: 30 Member
    THanks so much! , according to that site my BMR is 2165, but surely im not supposed to eat that! I do know MFP was much higher than what i have it at now. I will go back and refigure.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Try to also eat more meals a day. Eating every few hours will help keep your metabolism going!! Smaller meals more often is the key!!

    Provided you are consuming the same amount of calories overall in a day, one meal or 6 won't make a difference.

    OP, if your BMR is slightly over 2000 calories... I would net 2000 cals a day. My BMR is slightly under 1600 calories. I net at least 1600 cals a day and lose.
  • Eshades
    Eshades Posts: 30 Member
    SO here is MFP "GOALS" as calculated by MFP It seems Protein and carbs may be reversed?

    Nutritional goals
    Target Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,740.0 Calories / Day
    Carbs / Day 239 g
    Fat / Day 58 g
    Protein / Day 65 g
  • pandabear7486
    pandabear7486 Posts: 92 Member
    I felt that my protein and sugars were way too low and after looking around on MFP many others agreed. I changed my percents for carbs/prot/sugar to 40/30/30 and it's been more realistic.
  • Eshades
    Eshades Posts: 30 Member
    I have change my weight loss goal to reflect the actual amount I want to lose in total . I have also changed my Calorie goal to the MFP suggested for 2lbs a week which is 1740 and changed protein/carb/fat to 40/30/30. THanks Everyone for you help, support and suggestions. I wasnt hitting my 1500 calorie goal, but I will try harder to hit my 1740 goal.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Try to also eat more meals a day. Eating every few hours will help keep your metabolism going!! Smaller meals more often is the key!!

    Provided you are consuming the same amount of calories overall in a day, one meal or 6 won't make a difference.

    OP, if your BMR is slightly over 2000 calories... I would net 2000 cals a day. My BMR is slightly under 1600 calories. I net at least 1600 cals a day and lose.

    Agreed. Meal timing will not affect metabolism. However frequent meals may keep you in check through out the day. They don't for me. I felt like I was obsessing over food trying to make sure I ate something every 3 hours. It made me not want to even be around food let alone eat it. I do 3 meals and a protein shake on lifting days and on cardio days 3 meals and a pre workout snack. 106 lbs lost thus far and I NET 1600 cals per day meaning I eat anywhere from 1800-2200 cals gross depending on that day's workout. It really does work but you have to have patience and diligence!
  • Eshades
    Eshades Posts: 30 Member
    EXACTLY!! I feel like all I do is eat, think about eating, plan eating because I have been doing the 5 meals a day thing!