ONE food for the rest of your life.

You have to eat it everyday,for every meal FOREVER!
What would it be? It can be more than one ingredient.

I'm going lindor truffles dipped in white chocolate
Wonderful peanut butter,all day,ery'day.


  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member

    I'm bad...I can't eat the same thing twice in a row much less my whole life. lol!
  • Fajitas.... don't know what it is about them, but I love them.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    Butter and sugar corn on the cob
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Wow, this is hard. Probably pasta, though. Just plain pasta in a decent amount of olive oil and salt. YUM. Actually, as a kid, this was the only thing my mom ever cooked for my brother and me, so it really was almost like I had this every meal. And I didn't mind one bit. In fact on the rare occasions when we had something other than pasta I was upset.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Steak wrapped in bacon
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member
    Steak wrapped in bacon

    My long lost brother has been found!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    One food for the rest of my life? After maybe a month or two of whatever I choose (cherries in dark chocolate and chili maybe), I think I'll just lay down and die.
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Pizza!! And being that it's the only food I can have for the rest of life, I could change whatever toppings come on it, and it won't be a problem, lol.
  • Bonny619
    Bonny619 Posts: 311 Member
    Pizza. Hands down.
  • wizwitch
    wizwitch Posts: 82
    Mozz. Cheese
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    Ditto tacos. They have everything!
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Cheese. (I pretty much do this now.)
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Will it affect my weight?

    If the answer is no, white pizza but with a strawberry frosted french cruller donut instead of a crust.

    If the answer is yes, oatmeal with protein powder, almond milk, milled flax, and PB2.
  • Tanja_CHH
    Tanja_CHH Posts: 216 Member
    Ultimate chicken salad. we are talking grilled chicken in spices, spiced nuts, carrots, peppers, lettuces, grapes, the whole lot in there!
  • SabrinaLily
    SabrinaLily Posts: 121
    Booze. Lol
  • ericnealdavis
    ericnealdavis Posts: 66 Member
    Chicken curry over basmati rice. A little strange maybe but its my all-time favorite thing.
  • kayaksara
    kayaksara Posts: 157 Member
    peanut butter sandwiches....mmmmmmmmmm :love:
  • mama314
    mama314 Posts: 5
  • mama314
    mama314 Posts: 5