A Dieter's Worst Nightmare.

Okay I don't like the word "diet", but I couldn't think of a better word.

Remember on The Biggest Loser, when they locked the contestants in a room with junk food as torture? Well that is my life. I work at a bakery, surrounded by cheesecake, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, lemon bars, pecan bars, pie, cinnamon rolls, coffee cake, muffins, etc.


You'd think being around it all the time would make me not want it. FALSE. Every day is a battle. It's so easy to eat a cookie here, a broken piece of a brownie there, "oops this cupcake isn't pretty enough for the display, I better just eat it", taste-test the icings, and so on and so forth. By the end of my shift I've probably just had 600 extra calories, more if I caved and had a slice of cheesecake.

I've been working on my willpower... but it's just so HARD. I lost 20 pounds between October and December, and then I found this job which I LOVE, and it all went downhill. The last 3 months have been disastrous. I want to get back on the wagon, but being at work is like being in a torture chamber.

I need tips, ideas, and motivation for how I can survive work and learn to "turn off" my desire to eat every piece of sugar in sight.


  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    take yogurt and 100 calorie cookie snack packs to work with u. drink ice water all day
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    That is rough. I work in an accounting office and there is ALWAYS junk food like nestle crunch, kit kats, reese's, frosted donuts, do nut holes, black and white cookies, etc. The table that they are on is in the pathway to the exit of the suite and I have to pass it everytime I enter or leave, or get something off of the copier.

    Like you said, everyday is a battle. (but yours is harder :)
  • Kanuenue
    Kanuenue Posts: 253 Member
    I used to work at a pizza by the slice restaurant, so I can sympathize with the temptation aspect. We used to donate all our left over pizza at the end of the day to a homeless shelter. You could start collecting the "not pretty enough to sell but still delicious" bakery items in a designated box. Then run it by your local homeless shelter or after school program every couple of days or after your shift. The biggest thing for me is to get it out of sight, out of reach, and off your workstation where you can't eat any way.
  • acloern1985
    acloern1985 Posts: 71 Member
    If you're allowed to snack on the job or get breaks, make sure you're bringing something healthy to eat with you. I would make sure that I was full when I went into work, and had something to eat with me that would insure that I did not get hungry while I was there. That would significantly decrease any desires I had for the food. Another thing is disassociating that the food is food. It's kind of odd, but I used to work around a lot of money, and while I have never had any desire to steal, it made it a whole lot easier to not even associate that what I was working around was money. Just repeat over and over in your head that those cookies, cakes, etc, are "not for me." And finally, make sure you aren't completely depriving yourself in your diet, you should be able to have a little something here and there so that your cravings are not overwhelming. Good luck!
  • steelyjoe22
    steelyjoe22 Posts: 40 Member
    That's a pretty severe situation . . . around the holidays, I was struggling due to all the baked goods, and a generally sedentary attitude. One thing that helped me was to think of my goal weight (at the time 220), and every time I looked at something that would cause me to not reach that number, I just reminded myself of 220.

    It isn't foolproof, but it helped in some situations.

    Or maybe take one day and gorge yourself so much on some of the baked goods that you never want them again? People experience that with flavored alcohol sometimes - I won't touch raspberry flavored liquor because of one bad night 8 years ago. But I love raspberries. Not sure that this is the healthiest/safest option.
  • danamarieburton89
    danamarieburton89 Posts: 6 Member
    OMG I would not survive working there...I would probably turn into a cupcake myself after devouring all of them. I work in a complete opposite field and am on my feet ALL day...so it's hard for me to compare my lifestyle to you, but I do have some tips for you that I think really in general could help anyone out.

    First of all, eat a good breakfast or meal before you work. Try to include lots of protein, this will make you feel fuller for longer and maybe will deter you from eating all those yummy desserts! Aswell..dont start by going into work with the "I am not eating anything" attitude. I say this because, if you do eat something your going to feel guilty within and then it may set back your goals. It's okay to eat a couple of treats here and there, just try and wean yourself off.

    I found when I was inputting my things into MFP, that there are a lot of calories in things that I thought were okay to eat!! When I go over my calories, I always try to burn them off at the gym or wherever I can! I find its really important to reward yourself for your little milestones. Try going a day a week without snacking, then up it to two days a week, and so on and so forth.

    I know it's really hard in that workplace to control yourself, seeing as everything is delicious. But remembering that those calories your enjoying could be a nice healthy meal that will sustain your energy as opposed to letting it drop. Focus on the goal, and summer is a great time to start working out. You can do it girl!!!!!!!!!! Best of luck, and you can take it or leave it my advice..I am no nutritionist but from my standpoint I think these are some good tips! :)
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    I would make sure you take your lunch.

    Also every time you think about eating something you shouldn't, drink an 8oz glass of water. You might be using the restroom more, but it will most likely make you feel full and you won't want to eat as much junk!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Chew gum if you can (not sure if it's considered sanitary if you're doing the baking) so your mouth is busy.
  • I know that chewing gum really helps me whenever my roommates bring goodies home. Also, having healthier alternatives on hand is really helpful as well. That way you feel like you are still eating something, but it's not going to kill your healthy eating. I have also started to carry around a mini mouthwash and do that when I get a strong craving. No one likes ruining a clean mouth. :)

    Remember to treat yourself every once and a while! Deprivation leads to binges. Just eat a small treat once a week to keep yourself happy.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I couldn't, man. I would eat everything and just work in more exercise to counter. ._.
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    I used to work at a pizza by the slice restaurant, so I can sympathize with the temptation aspect. We used to donate all our left over pizza at the end of the day to a homeless shelter. You could start collecting the "not pretty enough to sell but still delicious" bakery items in a designated box. Then run it by your local homeless shelter or after school program every couple of days or after your shift. The biggest thing for me is to get it out of sight, out of reach, and off your workstation where you can't eat any way.

    What an excellent idea! I saw on a motivational board "Discipline is deciding between what you want most and what you want now" . . . (works for me about 90% of the time, sometimes you just have to give into that craving, log it and move on!) Hope that helps. Good luck! :smile:
  • chels0722
    chels0722 Posts: 465 Member
    Honestly..... Get a different job. I understand you love this job, but if it is detrimental to your health, it is not what is best for you in the long run.

    EDIT: for spelling
  • seths_wife
    seths_wife Posts: 76 Member
    I used to work at a pizza by the slice restaurant, so I can sympathize with the temptation aspect. We used to donate all our left over pizza at the end of the day to a homeless shelter. You could start collecting the "not pretty enough to sell but still delicious" bakery items in a designated box. Then run it by your local homeless shelter or after school program every couple of days or after your shift. The biggest thing for me is to get it out of sight, out of reach, and off your workstation where you can't eat any way.

    This. My sister had the same problem, and at the end of her shift she would bring all the leftover foods to shelters and elderly homes. It helped with the temptation and made her feel good to donate. :smile:
  • BrokenEden
    BrokenEden Posts: 1 Member
    Actually, I have the same type of cravings. I have an almost perpetual sweet tooth, so a way I've combated it? Jelly beans! If you absolutely need something sweet, pop a couple jelly beans. They're not SO high in calories and usually (at least for me) help the "Nope. Nope. I don't want it. Nope. Going to take the high road!" mentality.

    That, or think about something healthier, think about it so hard you CRAVE it. You can do this!
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    Don't go to work hungry and make sure you have foods that will keep you full (protein and fiber) for the entire day. Eat before work, pack snacks and a lunch.

    Are you allowed to wear body spray/scents? They say citrus smells (grapefruit) or peppermint reduces how many calories a person takes it by just smelling them. Maybe start wearing grapefruit oil or peppermint oil? Sounds hokey, but anything that will help right?

    If you can, chew gum. And make sure it is the kind that really makes things taste yucky if you try and eat with it. Like...Wrigley's spearmint, cinnamon, or wintergreen. I can chew a single piece of gum for hours, and I wont eat because I know the food will be gross.

    Are you allowed to have something to drink in your work area? Try drinking lemon water. It makes the water refreshing, but if you try and eat something it wont be so wonderful.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I had a serious problem with that as well! I worked in a bakery for a long time it really was hard to not give in to yummy temptations. I found staying full was key to avoiding all this give it a shot :)
  • smadacarlyle
    smadacarlyle Posts: 26 Member
    I used to work at a pizza by the slice restaurant, so I can sympathize with the temptation aspect. We used to donate all our left over pizza at the end of the day to a homeless shelter. You could start collecting the "not pretty enough to sell but still delicious" bakery items in a designated box. Then run it by your local homeless shelter or after school program every couple of days or after your shift. The biggest thing for me is to get it out of sight, out of reach, and off your workstation where you can't eat any way.

    that is a lovely idea!

    I used to work for a catering company and often faced the same problem! I would always have premade (or pre-counted for my intake) snacks ready to go, and chewed a lot of gum!
  • ladyjh578
    ladyjh578 Posts: 207
    GOD BLESS YOU! This would be IMPOSSIBLE for me. Sugar and sweets are my absolute downfall. My dream job would be baking but I know myself better than that...NOPE - CAN"T DO IT!

    My only recommendations is to ALWAYS be prepared. I mean bring all melas and snacks with you and drink LOTS of water!!! You not being prepared could cause a serious setback. Atleast it would for me. I would eat tooooo many cupcakes or something if I didn't have a meal on standby.

    Good Luck to you. This situation is a tough one.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I work for a candy manufacturer and occasionally we are asked to taste-test. The only way I can pass the opportunity to indulge in sweetness is to remind myself that I DON'T do this.

    "No" is a complete sentence. Just keep telling yourself "no" over and over. And for me, it is much easier for me to say "no" and "deny" myself to goody than to fool myself into thinking I can have "just one taste". If I say "no" to the first bite, there is no 2nd, 5th or 28th taste.
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    Honestly..... Get a different job. I understand you love this job, but if it is detrimentall to your health, it is not what is best for you in the long run.

    While I have considered this, it's not exactly an option. I'm in college. For a college student with no degree, jobs that pay well above minimum are extremely rare. If it came down to it, I'd choose being fat over finding a different job and being broke. Plus with no degree, I'd probably end up at a fast food place with the exact same problem. :smile: