Who farted?



  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member

    OMG i need one of these!!!!! :laugh:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Did someone say FART? Oh, hoorayyyyyy! My other favorite topic besides poop.

    At my old job if someone farted in (the) stall next to me, I'd start laughing uncontrollably. They wouldn't exit the stall or bathroom until everybody walked out... I would always lurk around to see who it was... then I would laugh some more.. teeheee!!!!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    It's all $hits and giggles until someone giggles and $hits.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Yes I am 36 and I still giggle when I talk about farts. Same when I hear them. So if you dont mind my belly is full and I could use a good laugh. What's you funniest fart stories? No holds barred PLZ and TY :laugh:

    I will start.............

    I love to do a silent but deadly walk by in the grocery store and walk up 2-3 rows lol Than back track and go in circles to see how long it lingers and who blames who for the dirty deed. IK IK shame on me :tongue:

    It's called crop dusting
  • Igotdisbish
    Did someone say FART? Oh, hoorayyyyyy! My other favorite topic besides poop.

    At my old job if someone farted in (the) stall next to me, I'd start laughing uncontrollably. They wouldn't exit the stall or bathroom until everybody walked out... I would always lurk around to see who it was... then I would laugh some more.. teeheee!!!!

    ABSOLUTELY and try to see their shoes.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Yes I am 36 and I still giggle when I talk about farts. Same when I hear them. So if you dont mind my belly is full and I could use a good laugh. What's you funniest fart stories? No holds barred PLZ and TY :laugh:

    I will start.............

    I love to do a silent but deadly walk by in the grocery store and walk up 2-3 rows lol Than back track and go in circles to see how long it lingers and who blames who for the dirty deed. IK IK shame on me :tongue:

    It's called crop dusting

    I do that with my kid at stores like Target and she'll look at me and want to put me on blast... She's 10 and this embarrasses the **** out of her. She'll whisper, "Keep walking! Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my GAWD!!!!" The whole time I'm laughing hysterically and other shoppers are like, "WTF?!?" I also start circling isles so's I'm not a suspect.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Not necessarily a fart story, but the topic actually reminded me of a song. There is this band called The Two Man Gentlemen Band who have a song called "Pool Party." After going to a few of their shows, my friend mentioned that his favorite song of theirs was the “Who Farted” song. Every time they sang the lyric, “Pool Party,” he thought they were saying “Who Farted.” Now every time I hear that song, I hear “who farted” instead.

    Here’s the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7hM2g7osaE
  • Brianna72994
    Best thread ever :drinker:
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    Did someone say FART? Oh, hoorayyyyyy! My other favorite topic besides poop.

    At my old job if someone farted in (the) stall next to me, I'd start laughing uncontrollably. They wouldn't exit the stall or bathroom until everybody walked out... I would always lurk around to see who it was... then I would laugh some more.. teeheee!!!!

    ABSOLUTELY and try to see their shoes.

    Oh, hells yeah! ALWAYS duck down and look at their shoes!!!! That's why if you're smart, and it's you, you put your legs up!!!! Bahahaha!!!
  • KristyTonn
    KristyTonn Posts: 46 Member
    Not necessarily a fart story, but the topic actually reminded me of a song. There is this band called The Two Man Gentlemen Band who have a song called "Pool Party." After going to a few of their shows, my friend mentioned that his favorite song of theirs was the “Who Farted” song. Every time they sang the lyric, “Pool Party,” he thought they were saying “Who Farted.” Now every time I hear that song, I hear “who farted” instead.

    Here’s the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7hM2g7osaE

    And Destiny's Child "Independent Woman".....Shoes on my feet, I FARTED......The clothes I'm wearing..I FARTED.....you may never hear "I bought it" again!
  • MommaZ64
    MommaZ64 Posts: 1 Member
    I used to work in an retirement home and some of the people who worked there were very "proper". Well I was in the office talking with one lady once and we laughed and as I did I farted...totally unintentional. It was audible. What do you say? I just apologized and went on. Thinking back, she should have been used to gas. Old people used to propel themselves to the elevator after dinner some days. When you serve them coleslaw with lunch and have lima beans at dinner with prune cake for dessert I guess it is inevitable.
  • clouxles
    clouxles Posts: 71 Member
    I used to have great farts (audible) until I lost weight... now they sound like someone pinching a balloon ... Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    Still not gonna gain it back!
  • clouxles
    clouxles Posts: 71 Member
    Best thread ever :drinker:

    I concur
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    That cat picture reminded me...

    My bf let off a really loud, really wet, really stinky fart. So stinky in fact, the dog ran away and covered her nose!!!


    I laughed til I felt like I was gonna puke.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    It's all $hits and giggles until someone giggles and $hits.

    :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :sad: :laugh:

    I am making this my profile heading hope that's O.k. :laugh:
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    That cat picture reminded me...

    My bf let off a really loud, really wet, really stinky fart. So stinky in fact, the dog ran away and covered her nose!!!


    I laughed til I felt like I was gonna puke.

    That is amazing. and adorable.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    You may need to be in the medical field to fully understand this story, but I am going to tell it anyway. Back when I was an overnight nurse working in the SICU a University of Iowa. I had some really nasty smelly gas. Fortunately, for me, I was taking care of an intubated patient who was completely non-responsive. So, when I would need to let loose, I would just go in my patient's room, pretend to assess an IV site, or wound, and let 'er rip. As the night went on, the gas pains got worse and worse. I was letting out these humongous farts. Right before morning rounds, I went in and let go. IT was the wrost fart ever. It almost made me gag. I was walking out of the room when the patient's team walked through the door. They entered the room, and the staff physician, turned to the residents, and said, "Oh! That smells terrible. Does he have C-diff? We need to have C-diff times three starting immediately."
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    That cat picture reminded me...

    My bf let off a really loud, really wet, really stinky fart. So stinky in fact, the dog ran away and covered her nose!!!


    I laughed til I felt like I was gonna puke.

    OMG so freakin CUTE! xD
  • Dangerkitty79
    Dangerkitty79 Posts: 49 Member
    my husband calls me his little star :grumble: --nuff said :blushing:
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    My cat likes to hang out when I take a bath. I do that thing where you make the water squirt from your hands and he just loves it. He was sitting on the side of the tub waiting to play with the water when I farted. He saw the bubbles rise and kept looking all around the water to see it happen again. He so wanted to pounce!

    My mom, son and I had rented a cabin in the mountains and my mom and son had gone outside for some reason. While they were out there I heard quite a loud noise and asked what had happened when they came back inside. What I thought was something falling was my mom's extremely loud fart.

    Edited because it was only 1 cat.