Cardio instead of weight training for weight loss?

I'm currently at 175, down 12 pounds since I began eating clean and working out. I've tried doing the 30 DS a few times before (but never got beyond 20 or so days of it because of my busy schedule), and I just started it up again about a week ago, but now I'm reading on the boards that what I really might want to be focusing on is cardio? I'm looking to lose weight, not gain muscle. I'm actually fairly muscular already.

Note: I'm living in a little studio in Belgium, in a tiny town, we don't even have a local gym, so treadmills and such aren't available for me, and I can't really run on the streets because most of them are cobblestones :/ So what I'm looking for is a video program like the 30DS but more focused on cardio I guess.


  • BorntoROAR
    BorntoROAR Posts: 91 Member
    Both cardio and weight training are important elements of a weight loss program! I'm ignoring strength training right now, and I hate that, but I will start it here in about 4 weeks after I graduate from grad school.

    I think you are proving that you are successful with what you are doing so I would stick with it. I have bought 30 day shred, but it's still in the packaging. From what I can read on the back of the package, it seems like a combo on strength training and cardio.

    Anything that gets your heart rate up and causes you to break a sweat is cardio. If you can't run on cobblestone, I'm sure you can walk, and walking uphill is GREAT!!!

    Be consistent in what you are doing, and be patient. You will get to where you are going as long as you follow those two rules.

    Good luck!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    General rule of thumb is you can't gain muscle while eating at a deficit.

    Strength training helps to keep from losing LBM. It also helps you lose inches. Meaning you'll be able to fit into even smaller clothes.

    Cardio alone will burn both LBM and fat.

    You will also be stronger if you continue with the strength training. Stronger doesn't mean that you will have more muscle. To actually gain muscle you have to eat a surplus of calories.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    30 day shred pretty much is cardio.

    But weight lifting preserves muscle as you lose fat. Muscle is good and it's sad to lose it.
  • Juniper617
    I just did my first 30 day shred yesterday. it was tough!! My arms are killing me today. I'm looking to tone up and only loose about 20lbs. I am hoping this work our series will work for me. What do you guys think?
  • MarioLozano16
    MarioLozano16 Posts: 319 Member
    You should do both. Your results will be a whole lot better
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    General rule of thumb is you can't gain muscle while eating at a deficit.

    Strength training helps to keep from losing LBM. It also helps you lose inches. Meaning you'll be able to fit into even smaller clothes.

    Cardio alone will burn both LBM and muscle.

    You will also be stronger if you continue with the strength training. Stronger doesn't mean that you will have more muscle. To actually gain muscle you have to eat a surplus of calories.

    Good post! I would like to add, lifting weights will boost fat burning hormones while most cardio has the opposite effect. Walking is a great exercise to burn calories, increase blood flow to the fat, increase fat burning enzyme activity, and not have a negative effect on fat burning hormones.
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    Do both but my mindset is;

    Cardio for Fitness/ stamina

    Weight training/ resistance for weight loss

    I enjoy cardio so I do circuit training which incorporates HIIT and weighted resistance training using barbells and dumbells.

    End of the day you can't have one without the other
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    For weight loss all you really need is a calorie deficit whether it comes from diet or cardio is up to you. Weight training is important when you are in a deficit in order to not lose a lot of muscle mass while you are losing weight. So basically do whatever makes you feel the best but i personally LOVE weight training.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn Posts: 361 Member
    I vote for both as well.
  • Cookibw
    Cookibw Posts: 1
    I started a new gym 1/8/13 and; I did both weights and cardio for two months but there was no weight loss. So now I only do cardio workouts, for me its working so far I've loss 14lbs just doing cardio and counting calories. Good luck!!:happy:
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    I started a new gym 1/8/13 and; I did both weights and cardio for two months but there was no weight loss. So now I only do cardio workouts, for me its working so far I've loss 14lbs just doing cardio and counting calories. Good luck!!:happy:

    Have you tried working out your body fat % and measurements- you could have been gaining muscle and losing fat during that time but now are losing that extra built up muscle and the water retention that goes along with repairing trained muscles
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    1. 30Ds is cardio...pretty much circuit training with some light weights thrown in

    2. If you are dieting (i.e. eating at a deficit) you can't build any appreciable fact, when you diet you lose muscle as well as fat.

    3. Weight training/resistance training helps to preserve muscle while in a deficit, resulting in a better physique when you get to your goal weight.

    4. Cardio is basically weight lifting for the heart...yes, you burn calories, but your cardio work should be focused on specific fitness goals, not just calorie burn...if you're using the MFP method, you're supposed to eat back exercise calories anyway.

    5. Cardio and diet only will result in weight loss, but a lot of it will be muscle as well as fat in the absence of resistance training; your fitness program should incorporate all aspects of fitness, which includes cardiovascular health as well as strength training.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    I started a new gym 1/8/13 and; I did both weights and cardio for two months but there was no weight loss. So now I only do cardio workouts, for me its working so far I've loss 14lbs just doing cardio and counting calories. Good luck!!:happy:

    You've lost weight, but some of that weight is muscle mass. That means your metabolism is lower, because muscle burns calories just sitting there, and you've got less of it doing that now. You'll also be less firm than if you'd shed fat while maintaining the same amount of muscle because the muscle is no longer there to support the fat.

    Tape measure >> scales
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    If you just do cardio you'll be skinny-fat. I'd rather look thinner and weight a bit more than be flabby and weight less but to each their own.
  • samanthajade124
    samanthajade124 Posts: 217 Member
    30 day shred pretty much is cardio.

    But weight lifting preserves muscle as you lose fat. Muscle is good and it's sad to lose it.

    30 Day Shred is a combination of cardio, strength, and abs. There are 3 levels, 10 days on each level. Each level has 3 circuits to the workout..which is 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, and 1 minute of abs. (repeat for circuit 2 and 3) but with slightly different exercises.
  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    Is your food diary accurate? If so you are not eating enough to fuel any sort of workout!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I really recommend doing both. Muscle strength is just as important for a healthy lifestyle. You can focus on more on toning muscle rather than gaining it.

    For workout videos, there is a great youtube channel called BEFIT- They have full length or short length videos including the full 30 days shred program and other great, popular routines!

    Good luck!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'm currently at 175, down 12 pounds since I began eating clean and working out. I've tried doing the 30 DS a few times before (but never got beyond 20 or so days of it because of my busy schedule), and I just started it up again about a week ago, but now I'm reading on the boards that what I really might want to be focusing on is cardio? I'm looking to lose weight, not gain muscle. I'm actually fairly muscular already.

    Note: I'm living in a little studio in Belgium, in a tiny town, we don't even have a local gym, so treadmills and such aren't available for me, and I can't really run on the streets because most of them are cobblestones :/ So what I'm looking for is a video program like the 30DS but more focused on cardio I guess.

    30 day shred is cardio (circuit training cardio). It's a good work out but not considered strength training in the true sense of the term. I believe a good fitness program contains both strength and cardio. For strength training - focus on compound moves (pushups, pullups, planks, bench presses, overhead presses, deadlifts). Use weights that challenge you (if you can do more than 12 reps it's too light). The 'new rules of lifting for women' is a good book with lot's of info on strength training and includes a workout routine. For cardio - youtube is your friend!! So many good workouts available for free. I've recently got hooked on the Jessica Smith TV channel and the BeFit channel.
  • briiiiness
    briiiiness Posts: 1 Member
    I do Insanity.

    You don't need much space and the workouts are constantly changing which makes it exciting. The first month the workouts including 2 sets of stretches are 45 minutes long, the second being close to an hour.

    The results are amazing.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    I've tossed out my scale, and quite frankly, only weigh myself once a month on the scale at the gym. I used to be a cardio bunny, doing at least 60 minutes on the elliptical 5 days a week, still feeling weak and tired and quite frankly exhausted. But my clothes didn't look any better on me, the number on the scale went down, so still feeling frustrated as hell, i threw out my scale and purchased a set of body callipers and a tape measurer, I've gone from 33% body fat to 29%, my clothes fit better, but the real kicker is I weigh about the same.

    SW = 160lbs
    CW = 158lbs

    The only cardio I do now, literally is 10 minutes of high intensity intervals on the elliptical before I start my work out. Starting resistance level 4 for 1 minute, and then level 15 for 1 minute. Then I hit the weights hard for an hour.

    Track your progress and set your fitness goals based on body fat, not the number on the scale.