Looking for Friends on Ideal Protein diet



  • Hi Everyone, I just started the program literally 3 days ago (Apr. 3). This is my very first time on the Ideal Protein Diet and I'm super excited to get a jump start on the weight loss journey. Yes I do experience the "hunger" feelings, but that's part of being on a diet. You don't stop going to the gym because your body feels tired and sore during and after the workout.

    I truly belive this Diet is not a solution to being healthy but a jump start to feeling and looking great. So that I'm encouraged to continue losing the rest of the weight.

    Just by completely changing my eating habits last year I lost a cool 40lbs.:smile: This year I started feeling discouraged :cry: as the weight was not coming off fast enough. I believe this program will do just that for me get rid of the last 73lbs.

    I think it's all about just changing your mindset and being conscious that you can never eat the same you used. If we could there wouldn't be needs for diets. :tongue:

    P.S. Feel free to add me!

  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I just started day 1 on Ideal Protein. I have a friend who has been on since Dec. 1st and has lost almost 70 lbs!! Each week you can literally see her get thinner and thinner. She even took a week off to go on a cruise and is still losing! I'm hoping for the same results.

    So far, with my breakfast and lunch shakes/packets, I have been very pleased with the taste. I'm sure eating 2 cups of veggies TWICE a day will be tough -- esp. for variety, but my coach has already given me some great ideas on using the soups a bit thicker and pouring over veggies - which is what I did for lunch and it was quite tasty.
  • Calibrate
    Calibrate Posts: 52 Member
    I've been on for a little less than a month and down 20 lbs. There is a large IP community at www.3fatchicks.com and you can find tons of recipes and lots of support there.
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Great, thanks!
  • dxwatki
    dxwatki Posts: 1
    I just started last week and went for my second appointment today. Down 7 pounds! Very pleased!
  • Racing2Finish
    Racing2Finish Posts: 3 Member
    Starting IP tomorrow please add me...I'm a newbie.
  • CrazyWhiskers
    CrazyWhiskers Posts: 63 Member
    I am starting this diet on May 6 and could use some active IP friends. Feel free anybody on this diet you can add me :)
  • fluffytuf
    fluffytuf Posts: 12
    Is there an official Ideal Protein Diet group I can add to my profile to easy reach all of you? This was an accidental find, but considering "signing on" (signing my life away, more like it) on this diet and enjoy reading all of your input, but I may not be able to find you again. Glad to see some good results.
  • I am also on ideal protien in my second week...could I add you guys as well?
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    That must cost heaps haha! Just get your protein from lean meats and protein shakes, would cost so much less with the exact same effect!
  • I am on week 7 and have plateaued frusturated any ideas??
  • My girlfriend and co-worker kept on bugging me about this program, over and over. I finally started it with a goal of 50lbs to lose! My first week was soooo hard! I was hungry and cranky and went through headaches. She kept saying, it will pass, it will pass. It DID, it passed and i was on to a good start. I was drinking about 32-50 ounces of water and was strict on it. I lost 5 lbs in 4 days. By the 5th day, I felt fine! I wasn't hungry or feeling headaches, i felt energetic and then i went out for DINNER....boom, that was it, i was off the diet, upset and discouraged, i just couldn't get back on the regime. I was eating all kinds of "cheaters". I've started back on as of TODAY and i am feeling fine. I noticed that you stop feeling hungry when you are really following this diet, once you cheat, you go back to the same old. Its a mind thing, once you build your mind, it will lead you to successful weight loss. Keep at it! It works!
  • liquey107
    liquey107 Posts: 7
    hello! i have been back on track two weeks now. I have been doing IP since October and even got through the holidays without any problems. Up until March when i hit my lowest weight ever and for some reason stopped running and started cheating which is my mode of operation! I sabatoge....but boy i loved wearing the size 14 that I didn't remember wearing in high school and seeing the scale say 229! as scary of a number that might be to most that was the lowest I could remember being in 20 years! So I am in the middle of week three and staying on track! Trying my best to stay focused, i even went and cleaned my sisters closet out of all her size 12s in hopes that would keep me on track! Good luck on your journey!

    baton rouge, la
    geaux tigers
  • apesg
    apesg Posts: 1
    I would love info on alternatives you use.
    I want to start, but not have all the cost of IP

  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    I'm on week 5 and have lost 21 lbs. This is the most successful I have been at weight loss. I feel great. Some of us need a more regimented diet to get to where we need to be healthy. I have 41 more lbs to go and for the first time in my adult life I know I will achieve my goal.

    I've been doing small cheats lately and need to back off of that. A slippery slope! Today was a good on plan day.

    Directdiet.com has products called wonder slim that are IP safe. The shakes, puddings and bars. But not the snacks. I would caution someone trying to do it on your own to make sure you're taking enough supplements. I go through a center and still buy some products there (the premade drinks and supplement) and then buy some from direct diets to save some money.
  • Sorry quick question for all.
    I started 1 week ago and lost 6 pounds. I want to switch meals , dinner for lunch, is it ok? Does it matter the calories 25gr or the number of packs? in other words, instead of 3 can i take 2? I feel the snacks and shakes are tastier.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    Sounds like a way to not be on a sustainable diet.

    People that do these diets fail in the long run because they do not know how to function off of normal food
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Sounds like another fad. Why not just eat real food that you like?
  • momto2lovelykids
    momto2lovelykids Posts: 110 Member
    Any chosen diet has to what one can maintain for life,
    there has to be a lifestyle change for sustainable weight loss,
    i am loving having to cut out all processed carbs from my diet,
    It easy for weight maintenance even after occasional slip ups ,i have better control of
    my calorie intake and the scale is moving downwards,i have chosen to eat this way for life
    either than the occasional parties and vacations. One can actually do this on their own to
    reach their goal weight.there are thousands of tasty recipes on pinterest and other sites which are tasty,
    high in protein and healthy fat with minimal carbs that can be made which are better than
    prepacked foods and snacks. i am almost at my goal weight two weeks in to eating this way. Before eating
    this way my weight couldn't budge even after all the many cardio session and eating within my allowed calories.
    cutting out the carbs made a great difference for me since the scale started moving plus i have almost no binge sessions.
    You can gain all the weight back after you stop buying the products and supplement
    since you didn't have the opportunity make the needed lifestyle changes needed to
    succeed in the real world,
    just my 2cent.
  • I could use input to stay OP. I started 3 weeks ago & am down 8 lbs., thought it would be faster however really only doing bout one perfect weeks, hense the lesser loss I guess.