What supplements do you take?

I am just curious. Sometimes I feel like I take too many. My doctor is huge on supplements/vitamins, even for a healthy diet. Here were his recommendations:

Rainbow Light Women's One Multivitamin (I have used Rainbow Lite since I was pregnant. It was the only vitamin I wouldn't throw up. So after I had my kids I switched to a 1 a day. They are organic and are food/plant based vitamins)

Rainbow Light B-Complex (he suggested this for many reasons but his main was that I am cutting out a lot of meat and need the B12)

Nature Made Vitamin D3 (my husband just grabbed this at Walmart for me. I may switch brands, but it seems to be good for now. My doctor suggest this because before I started all this they did a blood panel and my vitamin d was "dangerously low")

Solaray OptiZinc (doctor suggested zinc because of my generalized anxiety disorder)

Spring Valley Omega 3/6/9 (this is another one my husband got for me at Walmart. When I run out -it is a HUGE bottle- I am going to switch to hemp oil which has the same things in it, I just think it is safer. My doctor suggested this since I have heart palpitations all of the time and my bad cholesterol was high and my good was low)

Rainbow Light Calcium (food based. It also includes magnesium. This was suggested for the magnesium for my anxiety and depression)

So far I have been taking them. I had to add it on to my food diary though because otherwise I seem to forget.

How do you feel about supplements? Do you take any?



  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    I take a multi vitamin, garlic, omega 3,6,9. I don't get how hemp oil is safer? omega 3, 6, 9 is safe to take
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    also hemp oil does not have omega 9 in it but 3 and 6 it does
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    amway positrim

    nutrilite concentrated fruits and vegetables
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    I don't like taking them, but I do the following and have grown to love them:

    Biotin (for hair and nails)
    Iron (once every 3 days, for my low ferritin)

    Taking them gives me more energy, believe it or not, primarily because of the iron (although it used to make me sick!).

    That's it!!
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    I don't, mostly because I eat a decent, varied diet and I'm healthy overall (well, outside of a 35% BF... but I'm working on that).

    I've read a lot of articles like this, that seem to support NOT taking vitamins unless there's a medical reason

    The reasons for taking supplements varies. In the case of multivitamins, it seems to be based around the belief that their consumption will offer meaningful benefits. Yet on balance, there is little evidence to support general supplementation, and in the absence of a deficiency, no evidence multivitamins will boost mood or energy levels. For the most common reasons cited for supplements, expectations are generalized and fairly non-specific. Many may be taking multivitamins as an insurance policy — not a strategy that I’d routinely endorse, given the evidence, but one that is not uncommon. And certainly there is some vitamin and supplement use that is appropriate and evidence-based.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    GNC VitaPak Active (7 pills, can't remember what they all are)
    Emerge (pre workout only)

    Plus all my thyroid and allergy meds
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    whey protein (when i dont get a ton of protein that day)
    fish oil
    b complex
    vitamin d
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    Nature's Way Alive Whole Enegizer Max Potency (doctor picked out)
    Nature Made 1200mg fish oil
    CoQ10 Enzyme.
  • skateboardsquats
    Whey Protein
    Fish Oil
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    Cheap Costco multi - I don't eat a lot of veggies.
    Vitamin D - I never see the sun.
    B Complex - One of my medicines is supposed to make you absorb B poorly - also extra energy
    CoQ10 - I take a statin - this is supposed to be a good idea to take to avoid muscle cramps, not that I get muscle cramps - maybe it's working ;).
    Whey protein - to help hit my macro here
    Fish oil - I don't eat fish
    (ETA) Psyllium fiber - also about the veggies
  • jgcurry3
    jgcurry3 Posts: 172 Member
    I don't, mostly because I eat a decent, varied diet and I'm healthy overall (well, outside of a 35% BF... but I'm working on that).

    I've read a lot of articles like this, that seem to support NOT taking vitamins unless there's a medical reason

    The reasons for taking supplements varies. In the case of multivitamins, it seems to be based around the belief that their consumption will offer meaningful benefits. Yet on balance, there is little evidence to support general supplementation, and in the absence of a deficiency, no evidence multivitamins will boost mood or energy levels. For the most common reasons cited for supplements, expectations are generalized and fairly non-specific. Many may be taking multivitamins as an insurance policy — not a strategy that I’d routinely endorse, given the evidence, but one that is not uncommon. And certainly there is some vitamin and supplement use that is appropriate and evidence-based.

    This is true that supplementation of vitamins and minerals will not increase performance unless there is already a deficiency in the body. That deficiency could be created by a number of things, lack of proper nutrition, in the case of many atheletes deficiencies are common because of the rigors of training on the body. Now if someone doesn't do any kind of training cardio or resistance and consumes a varied healthy diet then sure there would not be much need. For the rest of us trying to get the most out of every workout and living active lifestyles supplementation is not a question of if.
  • beyondjupiter
    beyondjupiter Posts: 247 Member
    also hemp oil does not have omega 9 in it but 3 and 6 it does

    Actually it does have all 3 (3,6,9). From research I have done (nothing concrete, I am not an advocate on the subject or anything) the fish used to make fish oil are not the ones higher in the fats such as Salmon or Tuna but the lower ones on the food chain such as anchovies. There is also the concerns for toxins and mercury. Supposedly, people have popped open soft gels and it smells almost like gasoline. It is worrisome to me even if there is little to no chance of me being affected.

    Hemp oil is just more complete, IMO. Easier for your body. Safer. You can do plenty of Google Research to form an opinion. Here are some sites (but there are many more):

  • BhanGoes
    BhanGoes Posts: 75 Member
    >> One a Day womens multivitamin (I have a history of low iron levels)
    >> Fish oil (working on bringing down my blood pressure)
    >> Hyaluronic acid (I recently dislocated my shoulder, so I use this to maintain joint health

    In general, I think many supplements may have a placebo effect on one's healthy lifestyle. That is, there's a correlation but not causal relationship between taking supplements and being healthy. The practice of shopping, paying for, preparing, and taking supplements all serve to keep you focused on and invested in your overall health and wellness. They may or may not bring you any physiological improvements, but the fact that you're taking them right after brushing your teeth (correlated with heart health) and before you go to the gym (also obviously healthy) simply serves to keep you in a health-focused routine that's good for you.

    So, if you're like me and started taking multivitamins and other supplements upon initiation of a new healthy lifestyle and participation in MFP, the supplements themselves may just result in really expensive pee... but you're still getting healthier.

    Correlation, not causation.

    Your thoughts on my assessment?
  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    From research I have done (nothing concrete, I am not an advocate on the subject or anything) the fish used to make fish oil are not the ones higher in the fats such as Salmon or Tuna but the lower ones on the food chain such as anchovies. There is also the concerns for toxins and mercury.

    I don't eat fish - but I thought it worked the other way? That you should avoid the fish higher on the food chain because they ate the fish smaller in the food chain and therefore concentrated the heavy metals?
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    also hemp oil does not have omega 9 in it but 3 and 6 it does

    Actually it does have all 3 (3,6,9). From research I have done (nothing concrete, I am not an advocate on the subject or anything) the fish used to make fish oil are not the ones higher in the fats such as Salmon or Tuna but the lower ones on the food chain such as anchovies. There is also the concerns for toxins and mercury. Supposedly, people have popped open soft gels and it smells almost like gasoline. It is worrisome to me even if there is little to no chance of me being affected.

    Hemp oil is just more complete, IMO. Easier for your body. Safer. You can do plenty of Google Research to form an opinion. Here are some sites (but there are many more):


    Where can you purchase hemp oil?
  • wwest21
    wwest21 Posts: 99 Member
    I take Women's One A Day multivitamin and Biotin (for hair and nails).
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    • A men's multi
    • Co-Q 10 (100mg?)
    • Calcium with VIT D
    • low dose aspirin

    I used to take a VIT C supplement (833% RDA) until I joined MFP and realized that my standard eating without it is easily 400-800% RDA week after week. I'll take it on rare occasions like when I feel a cold coming on...

    I'll take fiber/protein supplements (powder or bar) only when I'm going to run short for the day. I always focus on natural sources first.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Wow that is a lot of suppliements.

    The only one I take daily is a B vitamin as I don't get nearly enough of them in my diet. If I have a particular bad eating day I will take a multi but I tend not to take it often.

    I personally think we suppliement far too often when we can get what we need from a proper diet.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Vitamin D

    I take a bunch of other crap, but that's the only one I'm passionate about.
    The other crap that I'm kind of embarrassed about:

    Omega-3 fish oil

    Melatonin at bedtime