Eating under 1200 calories



  • I intend on incorporating a shake a day after I meet my goals. I do eat real food too, I use vegetables and fruits in my shakes. I eat as healthy as I can at dinner and snacks in between. I didn't use the shakes for 6 months between the challenges and I still lost 22 lbs in those 6 months eating 3 reg meals and snacking. I am still learning to make healthier choices everyday.
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    Body by Vi shakes are not nutritional. Please read this review from a Fitness & Nutrtion Coach. Please read the whole thing becasue most of the nutrition stuff is towards the middle.

    Have read it, more than once as a matter of fact. Read a lot of other things and did quite a bit research before trying the product. And to each their own and I am fine with that. I am not here to shove what is/has worked for me to balance out and change my lifestyle habits, but compared to my lifestyle before body by vi the shakes are a nutritional benefit. I am not here to argue about the quality of the program I have decided to do, it is working for me and to me that is what matters. There are quite a few nutritional advantages that using the products added to my not very healthy lifestyle before hand. I did my own research and I have seen all of the controversies from both sides of the pot and there will always be controversies no matter what the subject is, but ultimately you are the only that can make the decision on whether or not something could be beneficial to you.

    Can you continue the diet you are on now for life?
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Body by Vi shakes are not nutritional. Please read this review from a Fitness & Nutrtion Coach. Please read the whole thing becasue most of the nutrition stuff is towards the middle.

    Have read it, more than once as a matter of fact. Read a lot of other things and did quite a bit research before trying the product. And to each their own and I am fine with that. I am not here to shove what is/has worked for me to balance out and change my lifestyle habits, but compared to my lifestyle before body by vi the shakes are a nutritional benefit. I am not here to argue about the quality of the program I have decided to do, it is working for me and to me that is what matters. There are quite a few nutritional advantages that using the products added to my not very healthy lifestyle before hand. I did my own research and I have seen all of the controversies from both sides of the pot and there will always be controversies no matter what the subject is, but ultimately you are the only that can make the decision on whether or not something could be beneficial to you.

    So...I'm guessing that this is the "Yes, I plan on drinking two shakes a day for the rest of my life" answer to the question that was asked earlier as well? Because if you're not planning on drinking them for the rest of your life, you have learned a thing about how to eat, or nutrition.

    My personal overall question is why did you make this post? It wasn't to get opinions or advice, you make that very evident in the way you responded here and in the overall tone of the original post. Wouldn't have been better as a blog post, so you can just state your opinion and be done with it? Who know, maybe use this space for something more productive like, "I'm a Body by Vi user, they are awesome, look at me, if you want some yourself, PM me." Because, if this post is more than that...I just don't see it.
  • All I know is that less than 1200 is bad for you. It will cause your metabolism to slow down. At a minimum look on-line and get more information about nutrition or buy a nutrition text book so you can teach yourself how to eat a balanced diet. I know I am pushing my body eating 1500 to 1700 calories per day. I am eating six times a day to speed up my metabolism, but never less then 1200. I was eating almost 2900 a day before YIKES!

    You could also seek out a dietician or get a referral from your doctor. Print your food logs and take them with you. I print out my food logs to show my trainer. He crosses out my diet coke and sweets EVERY darn time! I try to cut them out, but I have a sweet tooth :) Probably because of the diet coke...but that is another issue!

    Exercise benefits us in so many ways. So, dance everyday with your babies if you can or add some other family activity. Exercise makes me hungry and thirsty! So, I never have trouble getting to 1500 calories...or 2000 for that matter if I do both.

    I have been reading "Master Your Metabolism" by Jillian Micheals. Its not a text book, but I like the message she is providing and the information she gives seems balanced too me.
  • Thank you for your advice :) This is the kind of support I was looking for and I appreciate your input very much!
  • Agree! Lol
  • Humblebrag about being an overweight person suddenly giddy with the novelty of being able/willing to starve themselves and wanting to be fawned over for it.....


    Well, it's not very novel. We have tons of threads of people claiming that they can't eat more than a toddler. (Because, diet, duh!) And it's not really very sound, either - those shakes aren't terribly nutritious and won't replace actual food in the long term.

    So, really, average post. Average issue. *shrug*

    I am not willing to starve myself and I didn't realize that I was until I joined here. I am a very average person so I don't mind that my issues are average, just glad they aren't tremendous! Have a lovely day and thanks for sharing your input :)
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    What eating under 1200 calories can do:

    1) slow your metabolism over your metabolism slows, so will weight loss, and eventually you'll stall out
    2) not enough fuel to workout (though you're not working out)
    3) If you ever go back to eating like normal, you will most likely gain weight back.

    It isn't recommended unless your under close supervision by a doctor. It can cause health problems the longer you go about it.

    You might want to read this thread:

    Thank you I will read that! It's not that I am intentionally eating under. I'm just not always hungry. There were a couple days, after I started tracking calories on here, that I forced my self to eat a little more just to meet at least 1200 and it made me feel miserable. I do try to snack but even then I still sometimes don't hit 1200

    I think if you aren't hungry and it works for you then go for it. If you are eating nutrient dense low calorie food you might go under 1200 calories and still be full. Don't try to fix what isn't broken.
  • Body by Vi shakes are not nutritional. Please read this review from a Fitness & Nutrtion Coach. Please read the whole thing becasue most of the nutrition stuff is towards the middle.

    Have read it, more than once as a matter of fact. Read a lot of other things and did quite a bit research before trying the product. And to each their own and I am fine with that. I am not here to shove what is/has worked for me to balance out and change my lifestyle habits, but compared to my lifestyle before body by vi the shakes are a nutritional benefit. I am not here to argue about the quality of the program I have decided to do, it is working for me and to me that is what matters. There are quite a few nutritional advantages that using the products added to my not very healthy lifestyle before hand. I did my own research and I have seen all of the controversies from both sides of the pot and there will always be controversies no matter what the subject is, but ultimately you are the only that can make the decision on whether or not something could be beneficial to you.

    Can you continue the diet you are on now for life?

    Don't want to and don't plan on it
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Are you using a food scale to weigh everything you eat? I wonder if you might be underestimating. If not, then my recommendation would be to eat more.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    What eating under 1200 calories can do:

    1) slow your metabolism over your metabolism slows, so will weight loss, and eventually you'll stall out
    2) not enough fuel to workout (though you're not working out)
    3) If you ever go back to eating like normal, you will most likely gain weight back.

    It isn't recommended unless your under close supervision by a doctor. It can cause health problems the longer you go about it.

    You might want to read this thread:

    Thank you I will read that! It's not that I am intentionally eating under. I'm just not always hungry. There were a couple days, after I started tracking calories on here, that I forced my self to eat a little more just to meet at least 1200 and it made me feel miserable. I do try to snack but even then I still sometimes don't hit 1200

    I think if you aren't hungry and it works for you then go for it. If you are eating nutrient dense low calorie food you might go under 1200 calories and still be full. Don't try to fix what isn't broken.

    Don't listen to this. This is ridiculous.

    You need to figure out your numbers and eat what suits you. Nutrient dense low calorie food is still not going to get you the calories you NEED.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I wasn't watching my calorie intake at all. However I got curious as to what I was actually consuming, so I joined MFP. I learned that most of the time I am not even hitting 1200 calories

    Just as a side note, since you just joined, you may not yet have logging down. I started logging because I was "curious as to what I was actually consuming" also, but how I log now is not the same as how I logged when I just started and was learning. You might be logging accurately right off the bat, but I know I wasn't. I logged way fewer calories than I was actually consuming when I first started. Measure everything.
  • Body by Vi shakes are not nutritional. Please read this review from a Fitness & Nutrtion Coach. Please read the whole thing becasue most of the nutrition stuff is towards the middle.

    Have read it, more than once as a matter of fact. Read a lot of other things and did quite a bit research before trying the product. And to each their own and I am fine with that. I am not here to shove what is/has worked for me to balance out and change my lifestyle habits, but compared to my lifestyle before body by vi the shakes are a nutritional benefit. I am not here to argue about the quality of the program I have decided to do, it is working for me and to me that is what matters. There are quite a few nutritional advantages that using the products added to my not very healthy lifestyle before hand. I did my own research and I have seen all of the controversies from both sides of the pot and there will always be controversies no matter what the subject is, but ultimately you are the only that can make the decision on whether or not something could be beneficial to you.

    So...I'm guessing that this is the "Yes, I plan on drinking two shakes a day for the rest of my life" answer to the question that was asked earlier as well? Because if you're not planning on drinking them for the rest of your life, you have learned a thing about how to eat, or nutrition.

    My personal overall question is why did you make this post? It wasn't to get opinions or advice, you make that very evident in the way you responded here and in the overall tone of the original post. Wouldn't have been better as a blog post, so you can just state your opinion and be done with it? Who know, maybe use this space for something more productive like, "I'm a Body by Vi user, they are awesome, look at me, if you want some yourself, PM me." Because, if this post is more than that...I just don't see it.

    I do want tips and advice, I have done my research and only stated my opinions after. How much clearer than "I am not here to argue about the quality of the program" can I get? Forget I mentioned the shakes if that helps. But thanks anyways for your input
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I intend on incorporating a shake a day after I meet my goals. I do eat real food too, I use vegetables and fruits in my shakes. I eat as healthy as I can at dinner and snacks in between. I didn't use the shakes for 6 months between the challenges and I still lost 22 lbs in those 6 months eating 3 reg meals and snacking. I am still learning to make healthier choices everyday.

    That's great! It sounds like you know how to be healthy and that's a really good thing. But what I was saying was, eat real food INSTEAD of the shakes. At least once a day. The shakes are what, 200 calories? (That's an estimate, I admit I'm not very familiar). If you replaced that with a hearty (500 calorie or so) meal of real food, you'd have no problem hitting 1200. And it would definitely be healthier, assuming you're eating the right kinds of foods.

    I'm not here to bash Body by Vi (though I'm not a big fan), but I do think it's silly to say you "can't" reach 1200 when you're drinking low-calorie shakes for two meals a day.
  • Thank you to everyone for the advice and tips. I want to check into a gym membership as well and know that burning calories means eating more calories. And was thinking about adding low calorie foods with the shakes anyways and stop using them as replacements, just was hoping to get more opinions to add into my own thoughts, so I really do appreciate those who have made useful posts! :smile:
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    Can you open your diary up so i can see what other foods you are eating ? That way i may be able to recommend some ideas to you to get more CLEAN good foods in your diet to bring your calories up in a healthy good way . I do not use meal replacement shakes in my diet as it is not for me as i do not eat foods that are not organic when ever possible or processed food .I do drink a Protein shake daily after cardio or before bed just so i can be sure i get all my calories in my diet and protein.Do you had good fats to your diet ? that will help to get your calories up in a good easy way? if i can help you in anyway add me as a friend

    Thank you to everyone for the advice and tips. I want to check into a gym membership as well and know that burning calories means eating more calories. And was thinking about adding low calorie foods with the shakes anyways and stop using them as replacements, just was hoping to get more opinions to add into my own thoughts, so I really do appreciate those who have made useful posts! :smile:
  • Of course, and to be completely honest, the past few days I have neglected to log all day long but there are quite a few full days with the guilty pleasures that I caved to. That is not normal just been a recent thing, not sure why though and its quite frustrating as I usually don't have any sort of sweet tooth.
  • bevmcarthur
    bevmcarthur Posts: 341 Member
    you may be craving the sugary snack because you are not eating enough FRESH Veggies and clean food . I find that when i dont eat enough i crave stuff like that If you are in need of some good snacks and meal look back on my food chart and get some ideas you will have to go back to the end of march and farther back to see them as i was away in Jamaica for a few weeks and didnt have internet to chart my foods.
    Try adding Coconut oil to your diet i also fond that helps me when i crave sweets i will add it to my smoothie oatmeal or even just eat in on a spoon
  • I usually cook my veggies, most of them though. Some I don't mind eating raw and others I generally just kinda steam cook in the microwave. Most of my days its hard to be exact on the calories because I try to make a lot of things homemade to avoid a lot of processed foods. Still a learning process but I am devoted. But today my calorie diary shows 1204 calories so far! But over on fat, protein, & sugar. Someone mentioned earlier my counts may not be exact and that I could be consuming more calories than I think, I believe that is a good possibility! I do measure a lot of stuff and other times I just estimate. But I really appreciate your input, it has been helpful!
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    Jillian Michaels eats somewhere around 1800-2000 a day.

    And she is hot.

    Just saying.

    (she actually doesn't advocate calorie counting, but she does advocate eating super healthy and super clean, which ultimately results in calorie reduction)
    ^^This for sure!