I pigged out today...

I felt like I needed to pig out today, so I did. I ate 10 domino hot wings and 2 slices of pizza. :( I also had taco bell for lunch(a taco and chicken quesadilla). I feel like I just needed a cheat day today, I just hope I don't hate myself for it later. Do you guys have cheat days?


  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    I have too many "cheat" days but the best part is you have to learn to enjoy them.
    Enjoy food and move on. You can't go back and undo the food,so you might as well embrace
    The fact you just ate a delicious quesadilla.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I do not have cheat meals or cheat days. I eat what I want so long as it fits within my weekly target.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Yes, I have days where I eat what I want and not so much of what I should.

    When you change your eating habits from eating what you want to eating what is best for you it can take a lot of energy. Sometimes those commercials really get to you. I don't beat myself up about because that is real life - one of the reasons why diets fail. When you deny yourself certain foods for so long you really have not learned how to manage your eating when you are no longer dieting. Enjoy the day off and don't hate yourself!
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I pigged out on Sun (Apr 14) and loved every single bite of it. My diary is open.
  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    I would only worry about it if you don't like the thought of your week's progress going down the s***ter. I might have one eventually, but try not to go too far over my maintenance.
  • missarielbaby
    missarielbaby Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks guys. I always worry about myself going over my target, but i just needed to give in today! Back to the diet tomorrow! I just figure if I dont relax that I will just wear myself out.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I only "cheat" with alcohol (beer or wine) and I never have regrets.
  • had a 'cheat meal' last night- Grilled brats and baked beans.... you know- I sat down DREADING entering those foods in my 'journal' on here. That dread made me realize how often I would have thought nothing of eating a meal like that - (Wonder why my clothes don't fit?) So I looked at it like a little test- and I stuck to my plan today- in fact - I made sure to be extra good. Dont let one day de-rail you. Just go on and get back on track. I f you think ALL of us don't cave at SOME point- believe me it happens. Stay strong!:flowerforyou:
  • KReduced
    KReduced Posts: 98 Member
    I went insane today also. But, I'm still under for my weekly total even if I'm over for today. So that must be somewhat okay? Tomorrow is a new day
  • Roll_Tide_Meg
    Roll_Tide_Meg Posts: 255 Member
    I am going to a Japanese steak house tomorrow night for my bday so I will probably have a glass of alcohol which is not on my clean eating diet hopefully I will still stay within my calorie limits though.
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I am devouring a bag of chips and onion dip as we speak.

    One day of pigging out will not sabotage any progress you've made. As long as it doesn't happen often.
  • Hello all I am new to this but wanted to post here.

    I think that if you taste the food and then put it up so you can taste it again later, then it isn't so much cheating as dieting. All dieting has to be is rationing what we used to indulge in. Instead of eating that candy bar, take a bite and set it back in the fridge, then you have a bite for another day. Isn't it that much enjoyable knowing you have more for later if you want rather than indulging in just finishing it off.

    I find that now since I started to diet again, if I think I miss something taking a taste is all I really need to get back acquainted with what was missing and really after the first bite it is more an indulgence than actually satisfying a hunger. I am learning to save my food so I can not only put time between my smaller meals but I actually enjoy it more when I can keep eating something I like over time.

    That has been my issue I believe is that I use to feel like if I didn't eat it while I had it, I would lose it. I found that I don't even mind if it is something that eventually goes bad before I get back to it and I think that is because I knew it was mine. Even up to the point of throwing it out, it was still mine. Perhaps I didn't really like to share, and that was my root for being overweight. I guess understanding that and accepting it helps me cope with my weight. Maybe? I don't know for sure, I am just trying to analyze myself and I haven't been dieting now long. Only on my second week but feel great about it so far and am losing weight.

    Ultimately I agree with everyone else, never let anything stop you. Keep with the diet, if you trip up then get back on course afterward. Don't let anything make you quit and you will eventually get to your goal...
  • Confession time! :)

    I too, was feeling bad about going way over on my calories today (Starbucks AND Burger King *gulp*). I walked on the treadmill for over an hour and then ran up and down the stairs for a while to try to negate some of that.

    Then I realized that no way I was gonna be able to burn off 700 extra calories in an hour before getting down to homework.
    Back to diet tomorrow!

    I need a treadmill desk, lol.
  • kt_kat_88
    kt_kat_88 Posts: 74 Member
    i had my first cheat day yesterday since i started 3 weeks ago. i felt so bloated and fat afterwards, it made me even more motivated to stick with my diet today. i didnt enter it in my diary because we ate at a buffett and i couldnt remember how much of what i put on my plate.
  • Yea going out to eat is the evil, most of the time. My wife and I have been eating fast food or out more than ever the last few months and we have never been as heavy as we are now. My wife has always been tiny and she is on here starting her diet too... Hopefully we can be a success story for the site and help motivate others... Working so far...

    I was really close to dumping on a bunch of calories today. My wife and I went to KFC and both had the 2pc dark meat with meal, macaroni and cheese, and the biscuit. Lots of calories but then my mother stopped by with my stepfather and asked us if we wanted to go to lunch with them and they live a ways away so I don't get to see them that often.

    Luckily my wife and I had to be home to take our autistic son off the bus from school and it was getting a little late, so I had to decline the invite at the last minute... On the way back to the house the wife and I both looked at each other and said the same thing. "I was just going because I thought you wanted to, I was still full from KFC" We both got a chuckle out of it, lol...

    Catastrophe averted...
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    I call them reward days...not cheat day...I work hard and play hard, sometimes you have to let go.
  • cincigina
    cincigina Posts: 57 Member
    I believe in the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time I aim to eat healthy so that my overall diet is healthy, quality foods. 20% of the time, not so much. I aim to make the right choices 80% of the time.
  • When I have a "Cheat" moment I try to still pick a healthy cheating food, such as going out to Applebees and my meal is going to run me over in points, so instead of fries I choose Green beans and make myself feel better about it by saying "Well this isnt a choice I would have made before" and it makes me feel a smidge better :)
  • Do not let it get you down. We all need to indulge a little. Two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward. Tomorrow is a brand new day.
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I have days like that once in awhile and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. It's when it is more often than not that it becomes a problem. Sometimes social life gets in the way and you just have to go with it for social dinners, camping, birthdays, etc. You just pick up where you left off and continue on your merry way.