Fat, then thin, now fat again?

Hi all, I lost 176 lbs from Gastric Bypass Surgery and even though at my thinnest I was still technically overweight, I looked and felt absolutely beautiful and amazing. Fast forward 7.5 years after surgery, I have gained about 1/2 of it back and I'm horrified and scared. I'm wondering if there's anyone on here who was once morbidly obese, got thin, and now morbidly obese again? How are you coping? What are you doing to get back on track?


  • gillybeanz74
    gillybeanz74 Posts: 34 Member
    I lost 90lbs to gain about half back as well. I know how you feel!! I have spent many of days in tears wondering how I let myself slip. I am trying to log everyday and get out and do activity. Some days are harder then others. Feel free to add me and we can get back on track together!
  • ThinMeInMind
    Hi Gillybean :) I vowed when I was at my thinnest that my fat days were behind me... and well, here I am. I think about it and obsess about it nearly every hour of every day. Being overweight is awful - but knowing what it feels like to be thin (or at least close to it) makes it so much worse. While I'm sad you know what it feels like... i'm glad I'm not alone. At least we're in the right place!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I lost over 90 lbs about 7 years ago, only to have gained it all back and then some. I hit an all time high at the beginning of this year and decided no more. When I had lost all the weight before I was so much happier, but I will be there again. You are definitely not alone!
  • ThinMeInMind
    jwhited, I know what you mean... my confidence level was SO great 7 years ago... not only because I looked and felt *great*, but also because I was told for the 1st time in my life how beautiful I was - and I also felt successful. Now not only do I feel terrible, I look terrible, and I feel like a failure. I'm glad we're in this together!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    We will both get our confidence back and you'll be told how beautiful you are again!! Which you are gorgeous you smile is incredible! We aren't failures, because failure is not getting back up. So we waited 7 years to fix the issue we are doing it now and we will be thin again and happy.
  • RosalindaRamos26
    Don't give up! I'm a nurse and I am always puzzled to see all these people have Gastric Bypass Surgery (patients or staff) just to gain 1/2 or all their weight back. I don't know what type of education they give patients who undergo the surgery, but I often find people not change their diet habits much. If they do change their diet.........it's usually all wrong. I don't know what eating habits you acquired post surgery, but we need to all make critical decisions when eating. Do small changes at a time. People often think that eating lettuce salads are healthy, and don't pay attention to their nutritional value. It takes time, but small changes work better. The things that have worked for me are: drinking a glass of water as soon as I wake up (with or without lemon), having a high protein low carb meal for breakfast, having a regular lunch (light on carbs but still have enough), and a balanced dinner with more veggies than anything. I have lots of healthy snacks in between my meals. I always carry a 32oz jug of water at all times, and lemon sometimes. I always carry Crystal Light with me for those occassional sugary drinks I crave. If I must have soda, I'll only have a 12oz Coke Zero and no other soda. I eat lots of egg whites and have come up with so many different ways to make them. I can eat them anytime during the day. I add Louisiana Hot Sauce, Picante Sauce, Jalapenos, or Tabasco Sauce to almost everything I eat.....helps with metabolism.....so I hear:) No more salad dressings for me. I only have EVOO with salads, or lemon juice.

    A few people I knew that had the surgery would ask why they gained half their weight back. I'd have lunch with them, and to my surprise, they'd be eating a HUGE salad for the "few" calories, but pack it on with soooooo much ranch. I would tell them, "you might as well gotten a Big Mac to get you full and probably would have had fewer calories."

    Aside from my stories, don't give up. Read, read, read on nutrition. Read on how muscles develops. Read about how our body automatically stores calories as fat when we put ourselves in a starvation mode. Our body mechanism is amazing. It does things at the cellular level which we can't change, but eat right to help our cells do what we want them to do. Read about metabolism. Though, I would have to say that one of the greatest errors we make is putting our bodies in a starvation mode.

    Good luck on your journey! You got this!!
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    weight is just a number, it doesn't change who you are as a person - but we have all been there

    you can do it, and this time around you will be in total control - wishing you all the best!
  • Cdonovan73
    Cdonovan73 Posts: 1
    Wow, just when I thought I was alone here I find others that are going through the same as I am, I was a big girl all my life, when I turned 37 I was in the best shape of my life, at a great healthy weight, jogging in 10K run because I could! And here I am today just trying to get back on track, I gained back 69 of the 95 I had lost, I am so disappointed in myself. Looking into my closet I wonder when I started buying bigger cloths and packing the smaller stuff. I have not ran in 2 years and have no energy, reminds me of why I lost weight in the first place, I just cannot seem to get back on track. I lost all my weight by eating balanced healthy meals, drinking water and a variety of exercise.. I know it can be done, please help me become more dicipline as my only hold back is me. Thanks for starting this topic!
  • K8T80
    K8T80 Posts: 15 Member
    How is everyone doing? I'm in the same boat, and am trying hard to make these changes from the inside out so I don't do this again. I am working on making life changes, and figuring out how I got here and how I can keep from coming back.
  • karylee46
    karylee46 Posts: 55 Member
    i lost 50 pounds two years ago.. now im up 25. :( very very frustrated. i had two knee surgeries that sidelined me a bit. but now im just embarrased that i gained it back.. some days i dont even like to leave the house. :( im finding it very hard to get back on the wagon..
  • triblogcarol
    triblogcarol Posts: 7 Member
    Same here. lost 100 8 years ago, gained 10 soon after bc I think I just lost too much, then settled in for quite a while at good 145. Kept it off for years by exercising at least 1 hour a day. Now I am 20-25 up from that after an injury. :( So here I am again. We Lose some battles. But we must keep fighting to win the war. Good luck all!
  • kimlynn919
    kimlynn919 Posts: 316 Member
    I haven't had tht dramatic of a weight loss, but the summer between 6th and 7th grade my step mother put me on a no-low carb diet and i lost like 60lbs that summer. i started 7th wearing a 7/8, though i was still chubby, i'm only 4'11" but i felt amazing. but after a falling out with my stepmother i moved back in with my unhealthy overweight mother and went back up to the 180's. in 11th i lost about 20 lbs and felt great then too, but again gained it back. by the time i was 23 and found out i was pregnant i was 212. by the time my mom had a heart attack in feb 2009 i was 231. i put us both on a diet and we both lost weight, i got back down to about 200, then gained 60lbs...what i lost plus double that...

    anywho, ive started a month ago at 263. the heaviest ive ever been! i am determined this time and im trying very hard not to get discouraged when i don't lose a lb or when the scale shows i gained a couple instead. I know i've got a long journey ahead of me and this site aside, im pretty much doing it all on my own. i don't have a husband, none of my friends live in the same town, and i work full time at a stressful job while raising a beautiful 8yr old mostly by myself...
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I ended up gaining all that I lost 2 1/2 years ago I was 250lbs, dropping down from 300lbs. Then was in serious car accident and when being able to walk again 2 years later I was 330lbs. Been close to almost a year ( baby steps in losing) and have gotten back down to 286. Still pushing to get to 130lbs as I am only 5'3. Things happen in life were we get happy and our health suffers as we don't pay attention..but don't think of yourself as anything less than AMAZING!! Weight is a number, not a definition of who you are. I hate when people can judge a person (period) on weight or anything about them that they don't agree with. Its like WOW. You got this girl!! just eat healthier and take small steps into exercising more and you will do amazing!! Think of this as a second change journey, you did it once and so have confidence that you can do it again!!
  • KMH1125
    Well, I was never "thin" in the strict sense, but before being married I was a 10-12. After kid one, I jumped up to a size 20. Lost some (got back to a size 14), and then after kiddo #3 I was a size 22-24. I am back down to a 16-18. SOMEDAY, I will see those jeans again. ;)

    Something my endocrinologist pointed out: Once fat cells are formed, they don't go away, unless you physically remove them (liposuction). They only get smaller. Because of this, your body will constantly fight you to keep the fat cells large. This is why it is a struggle to keep your weight down, and it will always be that way--unless you have some awesome genetics.

    Don't get discouraged though. It is possible to lose the weight again. It is possible to keep it off.
  • libbyviolet
    oh my god i know how you feel. I went from 260 lbs. to 148 lbs. using mfp. i stopped, now im back to 215 lbs. im starting mfp all over again! stay confident and motivated! we can do this :-)
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I lost 68 pounds from 2011 to 2012. I gained almost half of it back over the next year. Looked at the number on the scale one day, got pissed/disappointed in myself, and now I'm at a 74 pound loss.

    If I could get back on the band wagon again, so can you!
  • Just1wish
    Just1wish Posts: 1 Member
    2 years ago, my husband and I changed our eating habits, eating strictly steak, chicken, fish and veggies for 6 weeks. Through the torture, I lost 25 pounds. Then slowly but surely, I put 15 pounds back on. So disappointed in myself. I'm an emotional eater, to simply say I eat my emotions. While eating junk food, I'm very aware of the consequences but still, I eat . Ugggg....:sad:
  • ErikaRaterink
    I completely can relate to all of you. I lost 100lbs in 2009. I kept it off for well over a year. I did it through diet and exercise.....well I am now back into a size 14/16 when I was in a 12 ALL the time and a few 10 depending on the pants. I saw pictures of myself recently and I am very disappointed at all the hard work I let go to the way side. The truth is I really enjoy eating healthy and my exercise routine. I just have allowed myself to get off track. It is constant work and there is no "get thin quick" remedy. I am happy and healthy and back on track. I want to get back into my size 12 jeans no matter what the actual scale says and I know I can do it!! We all can, we have the drive and motivation. We have all done it before and we can do it again!