I may have messed up...

Hi everyone.
Last week I was 1,016 calories under my weekly goal ( mfp is set to 1200 a day, but I wasn't quite eating that) and I lost 5lbs. This week I've been pretty under in my calories too, but my week isn't over yet. I realize now that this isn't healthy, so I'm going to start eating the 1200 calories. Will I gain that weight back once I start eating 1200?
I had a question about BMR as well. This website said My estimated BMR is: 1,536 calories/day, however another said it was 1672, and ANOTHER was 1800!!! This was all with the same options selected. :/

I know it was wrong to eat so few calories, but I am so tired of being judged for being fat. I think I'm ready to do this right, with proper diet and exercise. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Also, I have a torn ligament in my ankle that prevents me from doing high impact cardio. Does anyone know some good workouts or workout videos that is easy on the ankles and feet?

Thanks in advance.


  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    The in place of a road map thread is good but can be a little daunting.

    Someone on here pointed me to this and it really simplifies it.


    1200 is not enough calories, even at the lowest BMR of 1536 you are way under on 1200. 1536 would be what you would need in a coma.

    I am just coming off a stupidly low cal diet and yep I may see an increase in the scales in the short term but in the long term I will be able to loose the weight a healthy way.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    ohhh I like that link!

  • Thanks for that. I found it informative, but I'm not sure i understand everything. Am I supposed to eat my BMR, or 500 under? Also, I think the numbers that are posted is my TDEE (?) because it includes "lifestyle"?
  • The in place of a road map thread is good but can be a little daunting.

    Someone on here pointed me to this and it really simplifies it.


    1200 is not enough calories, even at the lowest BMR of 1536 you are way under on 1200. 1536 would be what you would need in a coma.

    I am just coming off a stupidly low cal diet and yep I may see an increase in the scales in the short term but in the long term I will be able to loose the weight a healthy way.

    "So what is the right deficit? A good calorie deficit is around 20% less than your TDEE depending on how much fat you have to lose. If you've got over 75 pounds to lose, go as high as 30% deficit. If you've got less than 15lbs to lose, go down around 10%. "

    I think the numbers I posted are my TDEE, not BMR. I didn't know the difference. So 1228 calories is 20% less than 1536. So is that what I should be eating?
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    Follow the link I posted, it makes it very simple. I was really confused with it but this made it easier.

    My amounts BMR 1586 (near enough, cant remember the exact) my TDEE is 2136 so eating a TDEE -20% is 1700 (it was a few cals over that but I like round numbers.

    The BMR is what your body needs to just live, without moving, ever. So by getting out of bed, having a shower, brushing your teeth all the other normal stuff you do during the day is your TDEE, so eating at a % below that (depending on what you have to loose) you will loose weight at a healthy rate.
  • Pigbear
    Pigbear Posts: 24 Member
    I was doing the same thing for a while but I upped my calories on 13/02/13 and for first few days a slight increase in weight but as of today I have lost 15 pounds since upping my calories to what MFP suggested for losing 1.5 pound a week and it worked.

    My BMR is 1678 using the Katch-McArdle method at 24.3% BF.
    My TDEE is 2014.
    MFP recommends for 1.5 pound a week loss is 1430 so thats what I am eating (or slighty more) I always try and leave 100 to 150 calories net wise to allow for exercise and food estimates being slighty off.

    My advise is get a tape measure and take some measurements to determine BF % and then work out BMR using http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/

    Not sure about exercises that much as all I do is walking for 40 minutes a day and that seems work ok for me.

    I will be upping calories again in 3 weeks time to achieve a 1 pound a loss so I will be closer to 1650 then.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member

    I think the numbers I posted are my TDEE, not BMR. I didn't know the difference. So 1228 calories is 20% less than 1536. So is that what I should be eating?

    use http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html to work out your TDEE
  • Follow the link I posted, it makes it very simple. I was really confused with it but this made it easier.

    My amounts BMR 1586 (near enough, cant remember the exact) my TDEE is 2136 so eating a TDEE -20% is 1700 (it was a few cals over that but I like round numbers.

    The BMR is what your body needs to just live, without moving, ever. So by getting out of bed, having a shower, brushing your teeth all the other normal stuff you do during the day is your TDEE, so eating at a % below that (depending on what you have to loose) you will loose weight at a healthy rate.

    Every website gives me a different BMR! How do I know which one is right?
    Once I find out my BMR, I can I can figure out my TDEE and then eat 20% less calories from my TDEE? Am I getting this right?
  • I was doing the same thing for a while but I upped my calories on 13/02/13 and for first few days a slight increase in weight but as of today I have lost 15 pounds since upping my calories to what MFP suggested for losing 1.5 pound a week and it worked.

    My BMR is 1678 using the Katch-McArdle method at 24.3% BF.
    My TDEE is 2014.
    MFP recommends for 1.5 pound a week loss is 1430 so thats what I am eating (or slighty more) I always try and leave 100 to 150 calories net wise to allow for exercise and food estimates being slighty off.

    My advise is get a tape measure and take some measurements to determine BF % and then work out BMR using http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/

    Not sure about exercises that much as all I do is walking for 40 minutes a day and that seems work ok for me.

    Thanks! body fat % should be pretty accurate.
    Thanks for the tips!
  • "

    I think the numbers I posted are my TDEE, not BMR. I didn't know the difference. So 1228 calories is 20% less than 1536. So is that what I should be eating?

    use http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html to work out your TDEE

    Thanks for the link! :)
  • jjski88
    jjski88 Posts: 24
    Follow the link I posted, it makes it very simple. I was really confused with it but this made it easier.

    My amounts BMR 1586 (near enough, cant remember the exact) my TDEE is 2136 so eating a TDEE -20% is 1700 (it was a few cals over that but I like round numbers.

    The BMR is what your body needs to just live, without moving, ever. So by getting out of bed, having a shower, brushing your teeth all the other normal stuff you do during the day is your TDEE, so eating at a % below that (depending on what you have to loose) you will loose weight at a healthy rate.

    Every website gives me a different BMR! How do I know which one is right?
    Once I find out my BMR, I can I can figure out my TDEE and then eat 20% less calories from my TDEE? Am I getting this right?

    There is no exact way to calculate your BMR unless you have extensive tests done. Take the average of several different methods and go from there. Work on eating a well balanced diet that fuels your body and gives you energy.
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member

    Every website gives me a different BMR! How do I know which one is right?
    Once I find out my BMR, I can I can figure out my TDEE and then eat 20% less calories from my TDEE? Am I getting this right?

    There are different formula for working it out which is why you get different figures.



    The first link will help you calculate your body fat % and the second your BMR and it will give you 3 differnt BMRs and explanations of each as well.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You would be needing to eat 1800 or more. Trust me. I'm not a doctor but trust me and do follow that link! You'll be fine.. just eat more or you'll be sorry later.
  • "

    I think the numbers I posted are my TDEE, not BMR. I didn't know the difference. So 1228 calories is 20% less than 1536. So is that what I should be eating?

    use http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html to work out your TDEE

    It says my TDEE is 1953. So I should consume 1562 calories?! That seems so high to lose weight. I mean, I believe you but it seems crazy. Do you recalculate every 5lbs or anything? I selected sedentary, but I work retail where I'm on my feet 7 hours a day. Do you think sedentary is correct?
    I'm 5'2" female 187lbs. How much do you think I would lose a week eating that many calories? Is there a way to find out? Or do I find out by doing it? Haha
  • Thanks for all the replies. I know I'm being a little dense and I appreciate all the help and explanations! :)
  • 156almost
    156almost Posts: 12 Member
    ALWAYS eat your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate). This is the amount of calories that is takes for your body to operate if you were laying completely still for the entire day, i.e., your heart to beat and lungs to breath. When you eat less than your BMR your body will see negative effects. You can create a safe calories deficet of 500 calories by your movement throughout the day.
  • MinnieLou92
    MinnieLou92 Posts: 36 Member
    It may not be a popular opinion, but I have to say the key (I think) is listening to your body. Appreciate that 1200 calories is the lowest recommended calorie intake, but also see how you actually feel. The body is an amazing thing. Personally, my BMR might be higher than the amount I eat, but I am never hungry and I feel great so I go by that. I eat probably between 1200-1300 calories a day but I do a lot of exercise. If I ate what this site said I should (1600-1800 calories some days) I genuinely believe it would be too much for me, having a small frame.

    Take BMR and all the other stats as a guideline but also take into consideration your feelings. For example, you know you were eating too little so now you are upping it. That's a good enough basis! You might gain a pound or two back just because that's the bodys way of readjusting but you'll soon lose it once you stabilize.

    As for your ankle, maybe swimming? That still could be too intense although it is low impact if you don't flap ya legs about like a mad person. Perhaps just strength training, upper half of body and core? Sit ups and bicep curls, some weight training that avoids your ankle?
  • siany01
    siany01 Posts: 319 Member
    It says my TDEE is 1953. So I should consume 1562 calories?! That seems so high to lose weight. I mean, I believe you but it seems crazy. Do you recalculate every 5lbs or anything? I selected sedentary, but I work retail where I'm on my feet 7 hours a day. Do you think sedentary is correct?
    I'm 5'2" female 187lbs. How much do you think I would lose a week eating that many calories? Is there a way to find out? Or do I find out by doing it? Haha

    That sounds more like it. You will loose on average 1lb a week. thats 52 lb in a year!!!!!!! (1lb a week sounds lame but 52 lb in a year is an awesome loss)

    It may seem too many calories. 1700 for me seems alot but I was getting by on 700 a day, which is terrible. But if you look in the sucess stories bit on here you will see that countless people have lost the weight doing it this way. You have to eat more to weigh less. Its a scary change and if I am honest a bit of a leap of faith but I have decided that I don't just want to be thin I want to be healthy and this is the most logical and healthiest way I have found.

    I will be reassessing every 7lbs to make sure I am staying on track.
  • minihaak
    minihaak Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I'm 5'2 and currently eating around 1600 on a non exercise day and up to 2000 calories on a exercise days. I do try and get 10000 steps a day, which you would do if you are on your feet all day.
    I did the 1200 calories thing and sure I lost... but I got stuck for a long time. I had no energy and even my menstrual cycle went all wacky. With the increase in calories I have loads more energy and feel like I could do this permanently. I'm now steadily losing inches and weight.
    Please add me as a friend if you want!