Unhelpful people.

I started my journey 6 weeks ago and have so far lost 16lbs. People ask if I have lost any weight and when I reply I get the raised eyebrow and the... "really where do you think you are losing it from".

I guess what I want to know is how long did it take for a noticeable difference to happen. I still need to lose at least three stone but I can see my end goal now.

My other half is fantastic and is being really supportive, it tends to be my work collegues and family members that are being the most unhelpful.

Has anyone else experienced less then useful comments like "lets see how long this lasts" and "you'll crack eventually". "I'm eating fatty foods..because I can"


  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Ignore them. The scale doesn't lie and if you can notice the difference and YOU know what your body looks like then who cares?

    I actually got comments pretty quickly which I'm grateful for. I would however much rather not talk about it. It's my 'own' thing and I don't want to bore my friends with it :laugh:
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I think it depends on how much the person has to lose in the first place. A very large lady I knew only got noticeble results after she had lost 4 stones :noway:
  • kellster111
    kellster111 Posts: 113 Member
    It took about a stone before people started to notice with me and then nothing until I got closer to 3 stone lost, I still can't see a big difference but the scales, clothes and tape measure show there is a big difference.

    I would take measurements as well if I were you as sometimes you don't see a huge weight loss but have lost inches it can be a great motivator.
  • JustMQ
    JustMQ Posts: 63 Member
    Yuck. Stop talking to those people about your weight loss. Soon those "lets see how long it lasts" comments will turn into "wow, how did you do it??".
  • col443
    col443 Posts: 17
    Just keep doing what you are doing. I understand your frustration. My mother is actually my worst enemy when it comes to losing weight. The last time I attempted I was doing great. I was starting to see a change in the mirror and so was everyone else. Except her. She would give me that look you are talking about and then try to feed me lol.

    This time around I am not even talking to her about it. I keeps me sane. Just ignore them. If the topic comes up just brush it off and change the subject.
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    People who see you most days really won't notice much of a difference, often even over a very long period of time, just because its gradual and their expectations of how you look change without them noticing as you lose weight.

    It will also be affected by how your weight is distributed- I confess I had a friend who lost a lot of weight, but he kept all his weight on his stomach and even after 2 or 3 stones in weight loss, I still just couldn't see it!

    A lot of people seem to see slimmers/dieters etc. as self-righteous. I think this is because it puts emphasis on their own failings that they would like to change. Feel sorry for these people that they can't do what you're doing and forget about their negativity.
  • kerryanneg88
    Thanks guys

    50lbs to go - they can eat their words then. :)
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    A stone is what, 10lbs? I just recently started getting the "you look like you're losing weight" comments and I'm close to 40lbs (4 stones?) down.

    ETA: The point is, while the comments are nice my determination doesn't waver when they aren't there. Thank the people who compliment you, and walk away from those who berate you. I have no desire to keep people around me that are going to be negative, so I just tell those types to shove off.
  • ctinawilson
    ctinawilson Posts: 127 Member
    Prove them wrong! You'll absolutely get there. That's a brilliant weight loss already, you should be hugely proud, and you're clearly committed.

    I see raised eyebrows all the time, and I think it may be down to stereotypes and mass media. Everyone these days is 'dieting', every magazine has a new craze diet on the front cover. It's almost a given that a woman will try a diet during her life, and so many will fail, because they don't commit and really invest in the change of lifestyle.

    I guess a lot of people are now dubious when a person says, "I'm dieting" - but what people who are really committed and doing this for life can say is, "I'm changing my life, i'm losing weight, I'm feeling better about myself and I'm succeeding".

    They'll realise soon enough and possibly even ask for some help to do the same!
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    A stone is what, 10lbs? I just recently started getting the "you look like you're losing weight" comments and I'm close to 40lbs (4 stones?) down.

    A stone is 14lbs.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Has anyone else experienced less then useful comments like "lets see how long this lasts" and "you'll crack eventually". "I'm eating fatty foods..because I can"

    Maybe I am weird but comments like these are very useful and helpful to me. It just motivates me even harder to prove the naysayers wrong.
  • smoootka
    smoootka Posts: 67 Member
    Had a friend being totaly unsupportive today. Decided not to talk to him about this topic anymore. Don't need that in my life right now. Just ignore them and keep your eyes on the prize! Later you'll be able to tell them to stick it somewhere :)))
  • kerryanneg88
    No your not wrong because part of me stops and thinks - enjoy your fatty foods now because you may be slim now but your organs are crying out for healthy food.
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    A stone is what, 10lbs? I just recently started getting the "you look like you're losing weight" comments and I'm close to 40lbs (4 stones?) down.

    A stone is 14lbs.
    Ah, ok. So somewhere around 2.5 stones. Thanks.
  • kerryanneg88
    Which is amazing!
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Has anyone else experienced less then useful comments like "lets see how long this lasts" and "you'll crack eventually". "I'm eating fatty foods..because I can"

    There is no better motivation than that of proving idiots like that wrong.
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    people annoy me ive lost what i think is a large amount ive still about 56lb to go i can notice it now in my face but im sick of people going when did you stop dieting ect im like grrr!

    or my fav when i do have something bad people react as if ive sinned. eating a bag of maltesers the other day i had someone say omg they will make you fat... what happened to your diet did you give up ...

    omg 6 stone later i think im entitled to a bag of maltesers!! now i ignore them i dont even tell people when ive lost weight now
  • barrattandrew
    first off - don't worry about those people. I know easier said than done. But it gets easier. For me I couldn't say exactly in terms of how much weight, but it was when the weight from my face seemed to come off. Once my jawline was more visible that is when people really started to comment. Then it was like an avalanche of "skinny minny" or "when are you going to stop", follow by "looking good" or "looking well" etc etc. Just stay focused on your goals - don't let what other people say de-rail you.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Just don't engage with them on the weight loss subject. And if they ask, keep it vague, say something like, noooo not dieting just trying to eat a little healthier. And change subject.
  • kerryanneg88
    people annoy me ive lost what i think is a large amount ive still about 56lb to go i can notice it now in my face but im sick of people going when did you stop dieting ect im like grrr!

    or my fav when i do have something bad people react as if ive sinned. eating a bag of maltesers the other day i had someone say omg they will make you fat... what happened to your diet did you give up ...

    omg 6 stone later i think im entitled to a bag of maltesers!! now i ignore them i dont even tell people when ive lost weight now

    Well done on your weight loss - I know the feeling on the malteasters!