I may have messed up...



  • kurairakuen
    It says my TDEE is 1953. So I should consume 1562 calories?! That seems so high to lose weight. I mean, I believe you but it seems crazy. Do you recalculate every 5lbs or anything? I selected sedentary, but I work retail where I'm on my feet 7 hours a day. Do you think sedentary is correct?
    I'm 5'2" female 187lbs. How much do you think I would lose a week eating that many calories? Is there a way to find out? Or do I find out by doing it? Haha

    That sounds more like it. You will loose on average 1lb a week. thats 52 lb in a year!!!!!!! (1lb a week sounds lame but 52 lb in a year is an awesome loss)

    It may seem too many calories. 1700 for me seems alot but I was getting by on 700 a day, which is terrible. But if you look in the sucess stories bit on here you will see that countless people have lost the weight doing it this way. You have to eat more to weigh less. Its a scary change and if I am honest a bit of a leap of faith but I have decided that I don't just want to be thin I want to be healthy and this is the most logical and healthiest way I have found.

    I will be reassessing every 7lbs to make sure I am staying on track.

    Thanks so much for all your help! You've motivated me! I'll make sure I eat healthy calories vs empty as well. Hopefully that will give me energy to work out. My goal is 130, so I'd get there in a little over a year. It certainly took me longer than that to pack it all on, so I guess I can't complain!

    If I work out, I should eat those calories then?

    Thanks a bunch!