How to lose the thigh FAT! any lower body tips?!

Hey, i know we can't spot reduce and all that. I go to the gym twice a week for weight training ,and i do some cardio alone on 2 other days in the week. How can i really tone my legs and lose the fat? i want to drop 2 pant sizes. HELP. if you have any experience or tips, please share.


  • I absolutely HATE my thighs so much. definetly the biggest problem on my body as they make me feel very insecure, im looking forward to reading further responses on this topic, would like some answers to that question myself! x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    squats, lunges, more squats, more lunges, and HIIT for cardio!
  • I absolutely HATE my thighs so much. definetly the biggest problem on my body as they make me feel very insecure, im looking forward to reading further responses on this topic, would like some answers to that question myself! x

    Ugh "paigelouise" I feel your PAIN! i hate how i can't pull of nice jeans!!! the most basic thing to wear!
  • squats, lunges, more squats, more lunges, and HIIT for cardio!

    do squats build muscle in your thighs.? trying hard to avoid building more muscle, I used to be a bike rider years back its all I did and I think that maybe the reason I have too much muscle in my thighs xx
  • I absolutely HATE my thighs so much. definetly the biggest problem on my body as they make me feel very insecure, im looking forward to reading further responses on this topic, would like some answers to that question myself! x

    Ugh "paigelouise" I feel your PAIN! i hate how i can't pull of nice jeans!!! the most basic thing to wear!

    I know its awful isn't it :( I see pictures of celebs like Kate Moss and Cheryl Cole then look at my own legs & think 'oh why is go punishing me' I wanna be able to pull off skinny jeans.! but with the help of friends we can all work together and help each other shed the pounds :) stay strong <3 xox
  • squats, lunges, more squats, more lunges, and HIIT for cardio!

    do squats build muscle in your thighs.? trying hard to avoid building more muscle, I used to be a bike rider years back its all I did and I think that maybe the reason I have too much muscle in my thighs xx

    As much as i want to believe in that, i feel such exercises make the legs look bulky! my muscle mass is abit above average i need tips on losing the fat to SHOW the muscle beneath. Thanks for your response anyway!!
  • I know its awful isn't it :( I see pictures of celebs like Kate Moss and Cheryl Cole then look at my own legs & think 'oh why is go punishing me' I wanna be able to pull off skinny jeans.! but with the help of friends we can all work together and help each other shed the pounds :) stay strong <3 xox

    I knowww!! i don't want to be skinny or anything i just want the fat to go to look like i have toned legs that can move fast! and not look clumsy! goodluck hun! <3
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If you want to lose the fat, it has to come through eating at a deficit. no amount of leg work is going to make the fat come off the thighs. Squats and lunges and deadlifts, etc. can build the muscles in your legs, but what will happen, is it will make them look better once the fat is gone. You won't build up a ton of muscle if you're eating at a deficit, so you don't have to worry about having huge thighs or anything. If you squat and deadlift now, once you get the fat off your thighs, your legs will look amazing. I should also add that my butt has never looked as good as it does now, after I've been squatting heavy for awhile.
  • Boeungboeingbaby
    Boeungboeingbaby Posts: 2 Member
    Yup, you have to lose the fat to show off what you've worked so hard to achieve!! I'm not happy with my thighs either, are us ladies ever completely happy?!!

    I can't afford to lose any more weight, but what I want to do is change my body composition, and I'm lucky to have a personal trainer to help me with that. I'm pretty active, but I can't go at too much of a deficit or I feel pretty weak and it affects my performance (I lift/squat quite heavy for a gal my size, and I distance run, half marathons etc.)

    My PT is telling me to not to be afraid of fat, and to actually eat more good fats to help with that: nice healthy oils, and I eat a teaspoon of pure virgin coconut oil every day. He also told me that instead of cutting out carbs, to "backload" instead.... My "Homework" is to have a good serving of carbohydrate with my evening meal instead of at brekkie time.

    I've been doing it a week or so, and am seeing a difference, so I'll post an update and let you know how I go!

    Best wishes and hope it helps!! :)

    PS. Kate Moss and Cheryl Cole have tiny legs because they don't eat or exercise much... stick insects have more leg and butt than them!!!
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    As far as squats and lunges go, they will not make you look bulky unless you are eating at a caloric surplus. It's impossible to gain muscle unless you are eating at higher calories than your body requires.

    Do Lorina's legs look too bulky?

    How about Jamie Eason- bodybuilder


    If you don't want any muscle in your legs and would rather have sticks, then you need to eat way less calories than you need. No other alternative. No exercise either, because that will give you muscle.

    It irks me when women are afraid to have muscles in their legs. I don't like the size of my legs either but I'm shaping them to be the muscular legs that the will look good as, not hoping that they shrivel away to sticks.
  • HippieMomma86
    HippieMomma86 Posts: 18 Member
    I saw my thigh fat reduce significantly with HIIT with lots of lunges (forward, side and back) and squats.