Hello from North East England

malco76 Posts: 15
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there, i'm Heather, i've come on here to try and help me lose some weight, i've been on site now for 3 days and already obsessed with what i'm putting in my mouth, i'm counting the calories before they go in. I did however go for a jacket potato today with cheese and beans and when i relised how many calories there was in it i nearly died, lol. But i aim to lose 71lb to be where i want to be, to be happy again with my body.
So anybody that can offer me any tips or just be a friend when i need a good kick, please don't hesitate to add me as a friend, then kick my *kitten*, lol.
Good luck to you all in your own tests, and may we all become skinny's together :drinker:


  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Welcome from one Brit to another. This site is absolutely fabulous and you will find all the help and support you need here. Just be sure to log EVERYTHING and I mean Everything that passes your lips (even if it's way over your calories). I'll send you a friedn request. :smile:
  • malco76
    malco76 Posts: 15
    Thank you Sunshine, and to the other girls that i have just made friends with, i'm actually looking forward to this now, my big test will be this time of night when i'm at the pc, this is when i snack the most, i'm terrible, but i have bottle of water in hand and all i've had tonight is 2 pink and whites jammies, omg they are delicious, lol, and less than 2% fat, 55 calories each, and i've still got 12 calories left, lol. Thanx again for the adds, lets lose it together x
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Welcome to MFP! I'm in the East Midlands, been on here for just over a week now. It's definitely an obsession so far.
    We have a similar weight loss goal I hope you find it helpful here, I sure have.

    Good luck!!
  • malco76
    malco76 Posts: 15
    Yes, obsessed is the right word, but my brain is also getting a workout when i'm trying to work out how many calories are in something that's not on the database, lol, yep when i'm buying something, the first thing i look at is the calories, it's a nightmare, lol, good luck with your goals MissMaz x
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Thanks hun! Every label content has been examined these days *L* I'm almost lucky with the hubby away during the week, it means I can get single package items. Almost good because quorn and that lot are still processed but low fat and lower cal than a lot of other stuff.
    Good luck, there is a lot of motivation on here! :)
  • Bremengal
    Bremengal Posts: 4
    I'm living in Bremen, Germany but originally come from East Yorkshire and my parents come from Sunderland!

    I've decided (today) that I need to get fitter as well and have just started using some podcasts to start running *cough* sorry jogging (google couch to 5k in 9 weeks if you want more info). Maybe I won't be able to walk tomorrow! I will be able to sleep tonight though as I was up at 6.30am to jog before hubby went to work and mummy duties began! lol

    Maybe we can all help to keep each other motivated?

    Good luck!
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